Saturday, August 07, 2004

BIG STORY: Bush blows cover of Al Qaeda mole in effort to take credit for war on terror, sets war on terror back

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.

I was reading the Washington Post this morning, about how we'd found this Al Qaeda operative and were using him as a mole to send encoded emails to other Al Qaeda operatives. The thing is, the Post story mentioned the guy by name. At the time I thought, that's kind of stupid - we aren't going to be using that mole any more.

Well, Reuters just confirmed my worst fears. The Bush administration just blew the spy's cover, "setting back the war on terror," the story notes. Why did Bush blow the guy's cover? Because Bush was trying to prove that his administration really IS the one to vote for this fall? You decide.

According to the article, the "successful" British raids on suspected Al Qaeda operatives the Bushies trumpeted this past week were in fact panicked last-minute raids, attempting to corner these guys before they fled because the Bushies' disclosure had alerted the Al Qaeda operatives to the fact that we knew who they were.

A day later, Britain hastily rounded up terrorism suspects, some of whom are believed to have been in contact with Khan while he was under cover. Washington has portrayed those arrests as a major success, saying one of the suspects, named Abu Musa al-Hindi or Abu Eissa al-Hindi, was a senior al Qaeda figure.
A day later, Britain hastily rounded up terrorism suspects, some of whom are believed to have been in contact with Khan while he was under cover. Washington has portrayed those arrests as a major success, saying one of the suspects, named Abu Musa al-Hindi or Abu Eissa al-Hindi, was a senior al Qaeda figure.

But British police have acknowledged the raids were carried out in a rush. Suspects were dragged out of shops in daylight and caught in a high speed car chase, instead of the usual procedure of catching them at home in the early morning while they can offer less resistance.
Not surprisingly, security experts that Reuters contacted totally freaked out over what the Bush administration has just done.
Security experts contacted by Reuters said they were shocked by the revelations that the source whose information led to the alert was identified within days, and that U.S. officials had confirmed his name.

"The whole thing smacks of either incompetence or worse," said Tim Ripley, a security expert who writes for Jane's Defense publications. "You have to ask: what are they doing compromising a deep mole within al Qaeda, when it's so difficult to get these guys in there in the first place?

"It goes against all the rules of counter-espionage, counter-terrorism, running agents and so forth. It's not exactly cloak and dagger undercover work if it's on the front pages every time there's a development, is it?"
The article continues, noting that Bush just destroyed months and years of work in the war on terror:
"Running agents within a terrorist organization is the Holy Grail of intelligence agencies. And to have it blown is a major setback which negates months and years of work, which may be difficult to recover."

Rolf Tophoven, head of the Institute for Terrorism Research and Security Policy in Essen, Germany, said allowing Khan's name to become public was "very unclever."

"If it is correct, then I would say its another debacle of the American intelligence community. Maybe other serious sources could have been detected or guys could have been captured in the future" if Khan's identity had been protected, he said....

Home Secretary David Blunkett, responsible for Britain's anti-terrorism policy, said in a statement on Friday there was "a difference between alerting the public to a specific threat and alarming people unnecessarily by passing on information indiscriminately."
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The GOP's rent-a-senator

Wow, today's Chicago Trib editorial (a conservative editorial board, no less) totally rips Alan Keyes and the Republican paty in Illinois for picking a "rent-a-Senator" to run against Barack Obama. The editorial informs Keyes that the big body of water he might have seen flying in to O'Hare is called "Lake Michigan." Hysterical!
"Republicans were successful in state politics for the last quarter century because they put up pragmatic, moderate conservatives such as Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar and Judy Baar Topinka. State GOP leaders could have chosen a pragmatic conservative--as Topinka, the party chairwoman, would have preferred--but instead they went for someone who is from the right wing of the right wing of the Republican Party."
(Thanks to Buzzflash for finding this.) Read More......

Robert Reich takes on the Religious Reich

Excellent essay. I'll only quibble with one point. While Reich is correct that the big battle we face is between those who embrace reason and those who embrace religion, he isn't quite nuanced enough. The enemy isn't fans of religion, it's fanatics of religion - an important distinction. It's people who don't use religion to find their own moral code, but rather people who use religion to define YOUR moral code and, like all the good dictators of history, insist that you comply with THEIR code or else.

I've said it before:The religious right is the single biggest threat to religion in America today. Their bitter hearts and angry minds, and their insistence on living your life for you, only serve to convince middle-of-the-road Americans that all people of faith are kooks. And that's too bad.

Now for Reich's article:
"The great conflict of the 21st century may be between the West and terrorism. But terrorism is a tactic, not a belief. The underlying battle will be between modern civilization and anti-modernist fanatics; between those who believe in the primacy of the individual and those who believe that human beings owe blind allegiance to a higher authority; between those who give priority to life in this world and those who believe that human life is no more than preparation for an existence beyond life; between those who believe that truth is revealed solely through scripture and religious dogma, and those who rely primarily on science, reason, and logic. Terrorism will disrupt and destroy lives. But terrorism is not the only danger we face."
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Details of FOX poll are BAD NEWS for Bush, evidence of Kerry convention bump

The details of the new FOX News poll (or, as my poll-watching friends call them, the "internals") are absolutely fascinating. Rob, my poll-watching friend, who's also one of the top political minds in DC, says the internals are HORRIBLE for Bush. It's hard to know what to point out, so I've taken the BEST parts of the detailed poll and pointed them out below. Keep in mind, if these are FOX's numbers, then Bush is REALLY doing badly. (And expect the polls to get even worse for Bush once word gets around that he blew the cover of an Al Qaeda mole working for our side, simply to bolster the Bush-Cheney ticket's public image at home.)

One more thing, of particular interest to me was the first set of data, below, that shows Kerry got an 8 to 12 point positive bump from the convention in terms of how voters perceive him.:
Republicans 35%
Democrats 42%

- A strong leader
Bush 44 (was 50% two weeks ago)
Kerry 40 (was 31% two weeks ago)

- More knowledgeable on the issues
Bush 43 (was 48% two weeks ago)
Kerry 40 (was 32% two weeks ago)

- Understands the average American
Bush 36 (was 38% two weeks ago)
Kerry 47 (was 38% two weeks ago)

- More honest and trustworthy
Bush 36 (was 42% two weeks ago)
Kerry 43 (was 31% two weeks ago)

- Arrogant
Bush 48
Kerry 33

- Genuine
Bush 40
Kerry 42

- Optimistic
Bush 39
Kerry 43

- Hardworking
Bush 34
Kerry 39

- Courageous
Bush 40
Kerry 39

- Friendly
Bush 37
Kerry 37

Bush 35
Kerry 31

John Kerry 52%
John Edwards 51%
George Bush 47%
Dick Cheney 40%

Bush 43%
Kerry 47%
Nader 2%

Bush 42%
Kerry 46%
Nader 2%

Economy 25%
Terror/Homeland Security 22%
Health Care 18%
Iraq 14%
Education 10%
Taxes 3%

- Economy
Bush 36
Kerry 44

- War on terror
Bush 44
Kerry 38

- Iraq
Bush 41
Kerry 40

- Education
Bush 34
Kerry 47

- Health Care
Bush 31
Kerry 49

- Taxes
Bush 41
Kerry 42
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Putting the economic malaise into perspective

Washington Post:
"Payroll jobs remain 1.5 million short of where last winter the White House said they would be by now. To avoid being the first president since Herbert Hoover to preside over a net job loss, Bush must hope for 372,000 new jobs a month in August, September and October."
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Powell to Skip Convention

Colin Powell won't be attending the GOP convention in NYC. They're trying to put the spin on this that Cabinet secretaries NEVER get involved in conventions. And that might be true. Still, the Washington Post obviously found it a bit odd and telling that Powel isn't going, or they wouldn't have reported on it. I agree. Interesting "unrelated" quote from Powell in the story:
"Some people think that if you're a Republican you cannot have moderate views. I have moderate views in a number of issues, moderate by normal political definition, with respect to affirmative action and things of that nature, and I find that there are many, many Republicans like me who feel that way."
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Poor Jobs Figure a Sharp Blow to Bush - Analysts

Not that this is news, but it's still interesting to read Reuters' analysis of why the latest poor job figures are BAD news for Cheney-Bush. Read More......

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Aug. 11-12

I'm a big astronomy buff. Don't miss this. It's one of the two big regular meteor showers every year. One year, in West Virginia, I actually saw a fireball fall in the sky - we're talking glowing ball of fire. Absolutely amazing.
Every year during mid-August, when the Earth passes close to the orbit of Swift-Tuttle, the bits and pieces ram into our atmosphere at approximately 37 miles per second (60 kps) and create bright streaks of light.

According to the best estimates, in 2004 the Earth is predicted to cut through the densest part of the Perseid stream sometime around 7 a.m. ET on Thursday, Aug. 12. Activity could be high for a few hours on either side of that time.

The late-night hours of Wednesday, Aug. 11, on through the first light of dawn on the morning holds the promise of seeing a very fine Perseid display. The bright light of a Full Moon almost totally wrecked last years shower, but this year it will be a lovely crescent, about 3 days before New phase. Moreover, it will not rise until around 2:30 a.m. local daylight time on the morning of the12th, hovering to the east of brilliant Venus.
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Iraqi Government Shuts Al-Jazeera Station

Not to defend Al-Jazeera too hard, but the criticism the Iraqis are using to shut down Al-Jazeera could easily be made of ANY AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN TV NETWORK broadcast from Iraq, because, guess what folks, the place is now full of crime and criminals.

So much for instilling a new kind of democracy in the Middle East. Same old thugs:
Iraqi Interior Minister Falah al-Naqib said the closure was intended to give the station 'a chance to readjust their policy against Iraq.'
'They have been showing a lot of crimes and criminals on TV, and they transfer a bad picture about Iraq and about Iraqis and encourage criminals to increase their activities,' he said.
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Bush Warns Americans They Are 'Still Not Safe'

This comes the closest yet, in my eyes, to Bush wagging the dog. Everyone knows Al Qaeda wants to get us, no surprises there. But for the president to feel the need to tell Americans outright that "we're still not safe" strikes me as a bit of overkill, so to speak. It's electioneering fearmongering, and it's wrong. Read More......

FOX News Poll: Cheney's disapprove rating at ALL-TIME HIGH

FOX News' poll from Aug. 3-4 shows Cheney's favorable rating at 40% and his unfavorables at 46%. That's Cheney's lowest favorable rating since taking office, and highest unfavorable. The funny part is he just keeps going down. He was at 41% unfavorable July 20, and now 2 weeks later he's at 46%. Guess the American public doesn't like a guy who sells out his own daughter, among other sins.

We've found our new Gingrich, folks. In the future, we should always refer to Bush as Bush-Cheney to really draw the point home for voters. Read More......

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