Friday, December 03, 2010

Big Finance borrowed $9 trillion during the crisis

People should remember that number as we have the discussion over tax cuts for the top 2%. That Obama and some Democrats are even considering is pathetic. Even during their darkest hours, they still managed to find the cash to lobby against reform. The bankers have no shame and will never be happy until they have everything. Heck, they're almost there already since they own the US and other governments.

Everyone likes to think that the only number in the discussion is the TARP money, but it was so much more than that. Click through to see the numbers for each bank, but you better be sitting down. Besides the big US banks, you might not even recognize some of the foreign banks that also borrowed money to stay afloat. Next time, let this group of assholes crash and burn. And I say this as a person who felt that the banking system needed to be rescued. But as always, the devil is in the details.

The eye-bulging total amount that PDCF lent to banks is $8.95 trillion.

The Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) was an overnight lending program set up by the Fed to help banks manage short term liquidity issues during the financial crisis.

The numbers cited here for that program represent the total amount banks received in aggregate—not the amounts outstanding at any point in time. (For example: If a bank tapped the PDCF for a million dollars five days in a row, it would be represented here as $5 million in total borrowing.)

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