When polls close Tuesday, Republicans are overwhelmingly expected to win enough seats to take back the House. Just two years ago, the GOP was all but left for dead. How did Democrats squander the major electoral gains they achieved and snatch defeat out of the jaws of long-term victory?He means they over-promised on the stimulus, and over-reached on health care reform.
The answer, both Democratic and Republican pollsters agree, is two-fold: Democrats over-promised on their first major initiative, then overreached on their most defining legislative effort. That combination has doomed Democrats to a disastrous election as voters take out a mix of frustration and anger on the party in charge.
No, and no. In fact, Democrats wimped out on both, and that's why they're in trouble tomorrow.
It all comes down to backbone and messaging. The President told the public the truth about how much a good stimulus bill could lower unemployment, he didn't over-promise at all. The only problem, the President didn't ask for a good stimulus bill. He asked for half of what we needed, then gave another 35% of what remained to the Republicans in the form of stimulus-useless tax cuts. So it's not surprise the bill didn't sufficiently lower unemployment. Few outside of the White House thought it would.
And if the President didn't think he could get a costlier bill, he should have gone to the public and embarrassed those members of Congress who opposed him, and opposed the nation's recovery. Speaking of recovery, whose brilliant idea was it to rename the stimulus bill the national recovery act, blah blah blah. I don't even know the law's new name. There was a sign recently in my neighborhood, near some construction work, touting some national recovery act blah blah. I think it was the stimulus. I had to take a picture and send it to a friend to be sure. That's seriously bad messaging.
And that brings us to the second part of the problem: messaging. The Republicans, from the beginning, claimed that we had no economic crisis, that the stimulus was unnecessary, and that it wouldn't produce results. The administration (and Congress) didn't fight back nearly hard enough on any of that messaging, and the GOP lies stuck. It's as simple as that. Even when CBO concluded that the stimulus saved or created millions of jobs, the public didn't believe it because, by that point, the GOP controlled the message. And in fact, who could blame the public? Unemployment is at 9.2% and expected to stay high for years. That sure makes it sound like the "cure" didn't work.
Then there's health care reform. Same problems. The President refused to get engaged, and fight for what he promised, and the Democratic messaging was abominable. How else could Sarah Palin get away with her "death panel" garbage? Had a Democrat tried that kind of a lie on the Bush administration, he'd have been strung up alive. But Palin, and her Teabagger minions, were given a pass.
And tomorrow it all comes back to bite the Democrats in the ass.
No one over-promised, and no one over-reached. The President and the Democrats in Congress lacked spine and an ability to message. They ticked off the base, left the economy in more shambles than it needed to be, and permitted the GOP to lie with impunity. And that's the stuff of losing elections. Read More......