The NYT mildly conservative
David Brooks is as milquetoast as they come and I usually find his articles pointless and annoying -- second only to Maureen O'Dowd.
But today's piece on Kerry seems on-target. Brooks says Kerry's latest salvos are fear-mongering. His particular points -- on Social Security, on the draft, on Mary Cheney and stem cell research -- I actually disagree with issue by issue. But Kerry's approach to them seems scattered.
He won the debates because he was measured and pointed and attacked Bush's incompetence. Bush's record is a shambles, so why talk about what Bush might do in the future? Attack Bush again and again for what he's already doing and his refusal to face reality.
Kerry should have gotten DAYS of mileage out of that Iraqi scandal where Bush let insurgents spirit away massively heavy equipment and material needed to make nuclear weapons. That happened AFTER the invasion and over months if not longer. It's an absolute scandal, points up Bush's incompetence and highlights the area where Kerry is strong. Not fighting terror, which is an amorphous idea, but fixing the mess in Iraq.
Brooks writes, "But there is a deeper assumption, which has marred Democratic politics for years. Some Democrats have been unable to face the reality that people have been voting for Republicans because they agree with them. So these Democrats have invented the comforting theory that they've been losing because they are too virtuous for the country.
"According to this theory, Republicans - or usually some omniscient, omnipotent and malevolent strategists, like Lee Atwater or Karl Rove - have been tricking the American people into voting against their true interests. This year, many Democrats decided, we'll be vicious in return.
The truth, however, is that voters are not idiots. They are capable of independent thought. If you attack your opponent wildly, ruthlessly, they will come to their own conclusions."
Brooks is right. You don't beat the Republicans by fighting just as sleazily. You beat them with sober facts and calm, consistent leadership.
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