Swedish Meatballs
1 day ago
Organizations representing thousands of legal educators say they will boycott the Association of American Law Schools annual meeting in January if it is held at a San Diego hotel owned by a foe of same-sex marriage.Read More......
The four groups made up of law professors and legal writing professionals have sent letters to the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), calling for it to move the site chosen for the conference in January.
The groups object to holding the annual meeting at the San Diego Manchester Grand Hyatt, a hotel whose owner, Douglas Manchester, has donated $125,000 to an initiative to outlaw same-sex marriage in California.
The groups say that to attend the five-day event hosted primarily at the Manchester Grand Hyatt would conflict with their policies of nondiscrimination based on sexual orientation.
On McCain, the Obama people are missing a golden opportunity with this tire pressure thing. Hit McCain back in the teeth. "Of course he wouldn't understand, Millionaire McCain hasn't driven in years. He's been in a chaffeur-driven limo, or on his wife's plane. Jet-setting among his 10 house. He wouldn't know a tire gauge from a Web page."Read More......
Hit the man in the teeth. piss him off. Start calling him Daddy Warbucks. Seriously, pull out the stops. It puts all of the critiques together. He's old. He's a war monger. And he's rich. Why the hell didn't they put out an ad saying McCain was gonna make million off the sale of Budweiser? Jesus, this is getting ridiculous. Hit McCain in his wheelhouse and piss him off. All it will take is McCain losing his cool once and he'll drop like a stone. The ads write themselves.
On Friday, a group of ten Senators, hoping to break a stalemate on the nation's energy debate, unveiled compromise legislation to open new areas in the Gulf of Mexico to drilling (in addition to allowing exploration as close to 50 miles off of Florida's Gulf coast) while also raising taxes on major oil companies.Read More......
The five Democrats and five Republicans behind the effort were quickly joined by Obama, who objects to drilling but called the compromise "a good faith effort at a new bipartisan beginning." For this he was labeled a flip-flopper by Republican critics and given a slap on the wrist by some environmental advocates.
The short-term backlash may pale in comparison to the potholes that confront McCain. The Arizona Republican's campaign has been opaque in its response to the Gang of Ten. An anonymous aide to the Senator was quoted in the Wall Street Journal applauding the efforts, but said his boss wouldn't support the proposal because "he cannot and will not support legislation that raises taxes."
The 2008 presidential campaign, which could see each side spend close to $500 million, has heightened the importance of "bundlers" such as Sargeant, who not only write checks themselves but also recruit scores of other donors to give the legal limit of $2,300. Questions about such donor networks have repeatedly emerged as points of stress for the campaigns.Huh? FYI, foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to any U.S. political campaigns. So, where did the money come from? The contributors themselves didn't want to talk to the Washington Post.
In January, Norman Hsu, a top Clinton bundler, was indicted in part on charges of circumventing legal giving limits by routing contributions though "straw donors." Earlier this week, McCain drew questions about more than $60,000 in donations that were made this year to the Republican National Committee and his campaign by an office manager with the Hess oil company and her husband, an Amtrak track foreman. In that case, the couple said they used their own money.
Some of the most prolific givers in Sargeant's network live in modest homes in Southern California's Inland Empire. Most had never given a political contribution before being contacted by Sargeant or his associates. Most said they have never voiced much interest in politics. And in several instances, they had never registered to vote. And yet, records show, some families have ponied up as much as $18,400 for various candidates between December and March.
Both Sargeant and the donors were vague when asked to explain how Sargeant persuaded them to give away so much money.
"I have a lot of Arab business partners. I do a lot of business in the Middle East. I've got a lot of friends," Sargeant said in a telephone interview yesterday. "I ask my friends to support candidates that I think are worthy of supporting. They usually come through for me."
"There has been a very intentional effort to paint him as somebody outside the mainstream, other, 'he's not one of us,'" said Gergen, who has worked with White Houses, both Republican and Democrat, from Nixon to Clinton. "I think the McCain campaign has been scrupulous about not directly saying it, but it's the subtext of this campaign. Everybody knows that. There are certain kinds of signals. As a native of the south, I can tell you, when you see this Charlton Heston ad, 'The One,' that's code for, 'he's uppity, he ought to stay in his place.' Everybody gets that who is from a southern background. We all understand that. When McCain comes out and starts talking about affirmative action, 'I'm against quotas,' we get what that's about."You can watch the video here.
In "The One" John McCain is tearing down the idea that a President has the capacity to change a culture and lead change in the world. That's what Presidents do, change the course of history, either for good or bad. If you don't want that job John, and if you don't think think that it's possible for a President to change history, why are YOU running for President?So is Gergen right? Is there uppity in here? Just look at the questions that the ads ask. Who are you to change the world? Who are you to get all the attention? Just who do you think you are telling us we have to change?
In "Celebrity" McCain is marginalizing the public appeal Obama obviously has, comparing it to the same appeal the public finds in pseduo-celebrities with night-vision sex tape specials. It specifically mocks the power of a president to use words to change the world ("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" anyone?) - dredging up the Bible and Moses to complete the message - only God changes the world.
In their web ad "Obama Love" McCain mocks huge international crowds. Yeah, because the last thing we would want is a President who is admired by the rest of the world. How does he turn this obvious positive into a negative? By pulling out a handful of extreme political views and painting all of Europe with the broad brush of socialism. McCain is tapping into the feeling in his base (and perhaps beyond) that the last thing that we want is socialism - hint hint - he's talking about Obama's health care reform plan.
Forty-six percent (46%) of voters nationwide now say that Obama views U.S. society as unfair and discriminatory. That’s up from 43% in July and 39% in June. By a three-to-one margin, American voters hold the opposite view and believe that our society is generally fair and decent.And McCain is feeding that perception with these campaigns. Just who does this guy think he is?
A grueling survey of vast tracts of forest and swamp in the northern Congo Republic has revealed the presence of more than 125,000 western lowland gorillas, a rare example of abundance in a world of rapidly vanishing primate populations.Read More......
As recently as last year, this subspecies of the world’s largest primate was listed as critically endangered by international wildlife organizations because known populations — estimated at less than 100,000 in the 1980s — had been devastated by hunting and outbreaks of Ebola virus. The three other subspecies are either critically endangered or endangered.
The survey was conducted by the Wildlife Conservation Society and local researchers in largely unstudied terrain, including a swampy region nicknamed the “green abyss” by the first biologists to cross it. Dr. Steven E. Sanderson, the president of the society, marveled at the scope of what the survey revealed. “The message from our community is so often one of despair,” he said. “While we don’t want to relax our concern, it’s just great to discover that these animals are doing well.”
The society is to release its findings on Tuesday at a meeting of the International Primatological Society in Edinburgh. Conservation society scientists said the continuing threat of Ebola precluded a change in the gorilla’s status. But the discovery was mainly stirring excitement.
“This is the light of hope you look for,” said Richard G. Ruggerio, a conservation biologist at the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. But he cautioned that the large gorilla populations in the two studied tracts, which cover 18,000 square miles, should not lead to complacency. “It’s a different kind of alarm call, an opportunity that is increasingly rare on this planet — to do something before there’s a crisis,” he said. A separate global update on primates is being issued Tuesday at the Edinburgh meeting, showing that — with a few exceptions — forest destruction and, increasingly, hunting for meat, pets and Chinese medicinal products are imperiling monkeys and other primates, from Congo Republic to Cambodia.
In Vietnam and Cambodia, 90 percent of primates — including gibbons, leaf monkeys and langurs — are considered at risk, said scientists affiliated with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which issued the update with Conservation International.
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