UPDATE: Our little troll better hope he doesn't go to Cleveland State University. Because I've contacted their computer folks to check the exact time and IP address that their server accessed AMERICAblog...
We have someone trying to interfere with the operation of the blog. He's repeatedly posting the same message in the comments, at a rate of 2 a minute, to flood the comments and make them unusable. He has been doing this for at least a week now. My computer geeks have advised me to write this public notice to let this person know that this a crime, he's being tracked, and he's being reported to the FBI and the appropriate tech folks abroad.
1. I've had computer geeks tracking this guy for a week. He's got a rather complicated, but apparently not complicated enough, system of using other servers and systems to hide who he is, etc. I've been advised that this is very likely a crime, and I will be reporting this to the FBI and filing a complaint with some technical folks abroad - see point 2.
2. I'd appreciate any tech folks and political folks who can help me put pressure on the RIPE NCC folks in Amsterdam, they pretty much control all the blocks of IPs the attacker is using. RIPE Network Coordination Centre is the administrative and technical coordinator for the ISPs and other networks in the region from which this attack is very likely originating. They need to be told what's going on through IPs in their blocks. I'm told they're going to act like it's not their problem. Feel free to let them know it will be their problem as soon as I talk to the FBI.
Office Location:
Singel 258
1016 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
abuse@ripe.net and
ops@ripe.net They will send you an automated message back saying - surprise! - we can't help you. Write them back at the new email address they give you if you still feel you have a complaint and feel free to rip them one.
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 10096
1001EB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 535 4444
Fax: +31 20 535 4445
3. I'd appreciate any and all assistance from any geeks out there in tracking this person down, finding out what other services they're piggy-backing on, etc. These are the latest IPs he's ghosted, and the time he did it.
05.13.06 - 4:04 pm Eastern time
05.13.06 - 4:06 pm Eastern time
05.13.06 - 3:44 pm Eastern time
05.13.06 - 4:39 pm Eastern4. It's really unfortunate that some people feel the need to commit crimes to interrupt others from having a civil debate. Please do NOT respond to him, talk about him, refer to him or anything else in the threads. I will delete any and all posts refering to him. Don't feed the troll, that's what he wants.
Between law enforcement and my geeks, he's in for a rude awakening. And if he thinks I'm bluffing, he really hasn't followed this blog or my activism.
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