12:55 AM No on 1 in Maine (good guys) say will have to wait until morning to count all the votes. Mood not very optimistic in the crowd.
11:53: "It's over" for conservative Hoffman in NY-23, says a local mayor.
11:41PM Maine is painfully close. Gen JC Christian tweets that 310,665 votes won't be counted in WA state tonight. Hoffman (R) losing in NY23. A friend writes "nice to know the DNC dumpd hundreds of thousands into two losing gov races, and nothing in Maine."
Markos tweets: Dems pick up Charlotte mayor.
MSNBC now agrees, Christie projected winner.
MSNBC is saying NJ Gov race too close to call. AP is saying that Christie, the R, is the winner.
MSNBC: Bloomberg projected winner in NYC. Or maybe not.
We're covering the three main gay election issues over on AMERICAblog gay. Including the fact that the gays just won in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
56% in Virginia say Obama wasn't a factor in their vote, only 24% said he was, per MSNBC.
In NJ and VA, independents voted for the GOP governor candidates. Can a call for Democrats to move to the middle and ignore their promises during the election be far behind? As if Democrats didn't already move to the middle and ignore their electoral promises.
9pm Eastern: NBC not ready to call race for NY mayor - whether Bloomberg gets 3rd term. NJ governor, too close to call.
Jake tapper tweets that "in VA voters 'very' worried about economy went for [Republican] McDonnell 73-26 percent. In NJ, they went for [Republican] Christie 59-36 percent."
ABC exit poll data for VA and NJ.
Gen JC Christian tweets that "Creigh Deeds proves that if a white man blatantly screws up, you can still blame it on a black guy."
Markos tweets that Deeds took the rest of the Dem candidates down with him.
ABC's Jake Tapper tweets that Obama is not watching the returns.
Media Matters reports that in 2001, during the Bush presidency, the media was convinced that off-off-year elections were insignificant and certainly not a reflection on the sitting president.
Joe says the loss in VA wasn't unexpected. He says Creigh Deeds ran a crappy campaign.
Here we go. I'm sitting in a Holiday Inn room in Portland, Maine with Joe, his sister, and their friend John, waiting for election results from various parts of the city - they have their minions all over the place, calling in momentarily.
Here is a results page for Maine.
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Swedish Meatballs
4 hours ago