It's always interesting when the Lieberman wing of the Democratic party starts parroting White House talking points in an effort to bash real Democrats. Seriously, Bruce Reed? The DLC? Who on the left listens to them? Or is this yet another feint to the middle - position Obama as in the middle since so many of those awful Dems are mad at them. If anything, Reed's article shows just how bad things are for President Obama among Democrats. And just how much this White House seems determined to alienate actual Democrats from this President.
Whining? We're going to hear that charge again? And repeating the old canard that everything was going fine with the election in August and September (it wasn't), and it was only the straight and steady fortitude of the Obama campaign that saved the day and won the election.
No it wasn't. We had a small economic blip that kind of handed the election to Barack Obama, in case anyone has forgotten. Then there was Sarah Palin, who was mercilessly attacked by the blogs, even though the party told us to lay off. And finally, there was the uproar in the blogs over candidate Obama's unwillingness to fight back, and how it was starting to create a meme that this was a man who didn't know how, or didn't have the backbone, to fight. Following our uproar the funders flipped out, and suddenly the Obama campaign got tougher.
So spare us the rewriting of history, Bruce, about how the Obama campaign's brilliance won the day, in spite of the naysayers.
Now on to the oft-repeated lie that the only problem Democrats have with Obama is that he hasn't saved the entire earth in 11 months. Uh no. Women are pissed because the White House didn't seem very worried about throwing them overboard in the health care reform bill. Gays are pissed for about 40 reasons, including the President's defense of anti-gay laws in court (and his lawyers' unfortunate comparison of gay marriage to incest and pedophilia - oops). Civil Libertarians are ticked that he flip-flopped on his support for domestic spying. Health care advocates are outraged that President Obama seems to have forgotten all the health care promises that Candidate Obama made. Everyone is ticked about the genuflecting to Wall Street that seems to take place on a daily basis. And so on.
There are more than enough reasons for Democrats to be disappointed, and even angry, with our president. And sending Joe Lieberman's puppet out to parrot anonymous White House attacks on core Democratic constituencies will only further the perception that this is a White House that attacks its friends, but not its enemies.
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