Thursday, August 02, 2007

Baptist minister arrested for indecent exposure, DUI -- and that's just the start

Man, this good Southern Baptist preacher (and Christian radio DJ)  from Johnson City, TN was getting busy!
The minister of a Baptist church has been charged with indecent exposure and driving under the influence, and police officers say he propositioned them.

Tommy Tester, 58, of Bristol, Va., was wearing a skirt when he was arrested last week after allegedly urinating in front of children at a car wash, police said. Police also said Tester offered to perform oral sex on officers who were sent to the scene.

Authorities identified Tester as the minister of Gospel Baptist Church in Bristol and an employee of Christian radio station WZAP-AM in Bristol.
Bonus! WGAL reports that police found an open bottle of vodka and empty oxycodone prescription bottle in Tester's car.

Hat tip, Blogenfreude, Wonkette. Read More......

Content Of Our Character

The quickest way to end a political conversation in DC these days is to bring up the issue of race. Most people, especially Caucasians (such as myself) are loath to discuss the issue. Your average Democrat (such as myself) would rather ride in the backseat with Lindsey Lohan at the wheel than openly discuss racial issues.

But I decided to breach these dangerous waters because of something I saw on television. It bothered me to see the head of the Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP, R. L. White, laying the credibility of his organization on the line to defend Michael Vick.

Vick is the very popular African-American quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons. He has recently been in the news because he is being investigated by the federal government for allegedly breeding pitbulls for dog fighting, as well as having such fights on his property. If that wasn't bad enough, it has also been alleged that Vick tortured and killed dogs that did not win fights.

This is not Vick's first time having a public relations problem. Vick settled a lawsuit with a woman who alleged he gave her herpes. He has been accused of stealing a watch and trying to get a water bottle with a secret compartment that smelled of marijuana through airport security (no charges were filed in either case).

Despite the troubled past and the even more troubling recent charges, the NAACP decided to wade into the situation on behalf of Vick. White said the way Vick is being treated amounted to a "crime."
R.L. White, president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said the Atlanta Falcons quarterback has been vilified by animal rights groups, talk radio and the news media and prematurely punished by his team and corporate sponsors.

"If Mr. Vick is guilty, he should pay for his crime, but to treat him as he is being treated now is also a crime," White said at a news conference. "Be restrained in your premature judgment until the legal process is completed."
The Atlanta NAACP stand in the Vick case is in marked contrast to the stand taken by the North Carolina NAACP during the Duke Lacrosse rape case. To refresh your memory, it was alleged that white members of the Duke Lacrosse team raped a black stripper at a party. The players were charged, but eventually cleared and the DA in the case, Mike Nifong, has since lost his license to practice.

The head of the Carolina NAACP, Rev. William Barber, had plenty to say about the case before it went to court, speaking at vigils for the defendant, asking the Duke President to conduct his own separate investigation of the incident, and outright indications of his desire to see arrests made. Barber, who graduated from N.C. Central University as well as Duke's divinity school, said the NAACP would keep watch over the proceedings.
"After all of these weeks of speculation, the demeaning of [the accuser] by defense lawyers and sometimes misinformation in the press, now we have the indictments," Barber said. "We hope to be satisfied as we move forward. The indictments are not the end of our monitoring."
How does the NAACP reconcile their different stand between the two cases, other than the race of the defendant?

The ultimate goal of those who sacrificed in the 50's and 60's at marches, lunch counters and sit-ins was to provide a more color blind society. Today's NAACP seems to be retreating from that, alternatively defending and prosecuting people in famous cases solely on the basis of their race. Who does that help?

Dr. Martin Luther King talked about people being judge not by their skin, but by the "content of their character." While Vick deserves the best defense his money can buy, what character has Vick shown, other than the ability to elude tacklers, that would warrant the NAACP leaping to his defense? I know Atlanta is supposedly the City too busy to hate, but isn't there something else the NAACP should be doing other than helping a multi-millionaire athlete under investigation for brutally mistreating and killing animals?

I bring up these points not to damage the NAACP, or out of malice, but out of real concern. Is this really the future for this hallowed organization, a Nancy Grace-like existence, appearing at celebrity trials? Have they given up on the ideal of blind justice?

Maybe because of my race, I just don't understand the situation. But I'd like to, even if the discussion is uncomfortable. Because the alternative, believing that the NAACP no longer cares about justice being blind, is even more uncomfortable. Read More......

YKos kraziness

I'm hanging out, watching Sam Seder begin the process of introducing Dean, Durbin, and Markos (in no particular order). The entire blogosphere "establishment" is here hanging out, and it's quite a time. It's not Vegas -- so, sadly, I'm still sober -- but Chicago has rolled out the red orange carpet.

On a more serious note, it turns out (prepare to be shocked) having family members sent to war is . . . bad for families. According to TIME,
Rates of neglect and abuse of the children of servicemen and women rose 42% within the family when the enlisted parent was deployed on a combat mission, according to a new study led by senior health analyst Deborah Gibbs of RTI International, a research institute in North Carolina.
Sometimes wars have to be fought, at which time such a story would be a tragedy of necessity. But when children are abused and neglected due to wars of choice, wars of deception and pride . . . so sad. Read More......

Sweet irony - Freepers mad at O'Reilly, he calls them "sick"

The Freepers are in a tizzy because Billo declared the swamp of Free Republic is a haven of hate speech. "You've got some pretty sick people posting," sayeth O'Reilly about FreeRepublic. Gee, ya think?! From the leader of the Freepi, Jim Robinson:
I'm not going to call Bill O'Reilly a liar... yet, but... on his TV show today, he read off a laundry list of ridiculous "hate" statements like "I hate blacks," "Hillary should be assassinated" and "homosexuals are dogs" that he said he personally found on Free Republic and claims that they were posted here today. I do not believe that. I doubt that he personally logged on to FR and I doubt he found any such thing posted here today.

Who knows what we may have missed and is buried deep in our archives of millions of posts, but our readers do a pretty good job of alerting us to anything out of bounds that is posted and we pull it.
No, not exactly, Jim. Bill might have made up those pathetic statements, but I have a ton of outlandish, offensive Actual Freeper Quotes stocked up over at my pad, complete with links to the threads. Click here and here for a sampling of the swill. The Pensito Review has rounded up some choice ones as well.
Extreme hatred of gay people:
Homosexuals have a behivior which is based on a sexual fetish. ANYTHING done via civil/marriage unions is just a manipulation to sanction the sexual behavior of a man playing with another mans genitials (and vice versa for two females).

Society has absolutly no reason whatsoever to sanction such sexual recreation. Homosexuality contributes NOTHING to society. ZERO. Society rewards the institution not the individual. Homosexual are only concerned with individual orgasm recreation, not the benefit of society.

A deviant engaging in such behavior is not an ethnic minority, but a deviant, sodomite, queer, fecal-obsessionist, faggot, etc, but certainly not an ethnic minority.

On Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of Congress:
Ellison is little more than a pimple on Mohammed’s faggy butt, waiting to be popped by the devil Allah. He is a fine representative of the Democratic Party.

GOP frontrunner Rudolph Giuliani is hated officially:
Are you still here defending that damned liberal RINO scumbag Rudy Giuliani!?! I thought we flushed all the turds that were stinking up this site with their pro-liberal, pro-abortionist, pro-radical gay agenda, pro-gun control, pro-illegal alien stench. If you support Giuliani, then you support all of the above. Don’t like the labels or being associated with them? Then stop supporting a liberal, pro-abortionist, pro-radical gay agenda, pro-gun control, pro-illegal alien, serial adulterer POS for President.
What a touch of class. Lazy O'Reilly obviously didn't surf much to find actual examples of the filth at FR. Robinson continues...
Also, one of our readers found a couple of the quotes he alleges, and if they are the ones O'Reilly is complaining about, he took them way out of context. They were simply quotes in the articles posted not statements posted by FReepers.

As soon as he provides me a list of the alleged posts and their URLs, I'll believe him. If he doesn't... then... well, guess he'll deserve to be known as what he is.
O'Reilly taking things out of context? A liar? Oh my goodness.

Bonus: Jesus' General has a letter to Fox's Roger Ailes about O'Reilly that will have you rolling. Read More......

Dianne Feinstein votes to confirm anti-gay anti-black bigot judge, saves nomination from certain death

Feinstein just voted to confirm a judge who thinks children should be removed from gay parents. And she wonders why so many Democrats hate her.
Republican supporters of Leslie Southwick had a huge victory today when a moderate Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California broke with her party to vote for the Mississippi judge’s nomination to the federal bench.

Feinstein had been heavily lobbied by the nominee and Mississippi Sens. Thad Cochran and Trent Lott, both Republicans, as well as the White House.
Oh, well the White House and Trent Lott, two of the biggest bigots in political Washington, lobbied for it. Well that's different. I mean, who can say no to George Bush and Trent Lott?

Seriously, she actually cannot fathom why so many people on the left are mean to her. Well, here's a thought. Because far too often she votes like a far-right nutjob. I remember when I was at the Children's Defense Fund ten years ago. We always, ALWAYS, had to beat up on Feinstein because she was always voting the wrong way when it came to America's children. But Jesus Christ, you'd think the former mayor of San Francisco would appreciate why she shouldn't vote for an anti-gay bigot. But you'd be wrong. (Oh, and the nominee is also kinda racist too.)

Diane Feinstein is Joe Lieberman in drag, far too often. Read More......

Does BMW think that we should "never trust a Muslim"? says that American Muslims are "freakin idiots," and that you should "never trust a Muslim!!!!!" Does BMW agree with the hate that BMW is sponsoring? Ask them. Then ask them why Lowes and Home Depot have dumped this hate, but BMW hasn't.

Gabriella Molteni, Manager, Corporate Communications E-mail: Fax: (201) 307-4095

BMW of North America, Inc.
300 Chestnut Ridge Rd.
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07675

More O'Reilly advertisers here. Read More......

Our Secretary of Defense is a bit of a liar

Note his quote today:
"I am optimistic on the security side because of what I see in al-Anbar, and what we're seeing in some of the other provinces where we're getting some cooperation," he said.
What he doesn't tell you: Al-Anbar province wasn't part of the "surge." Yet that's our biggest success of the surge, something that wasn't a part of the surge, because it wasn't bad enough to require additional forces.

Second lie:
"In some ways we probably all underestimated the depth of the mistrust and how difficult it would be for these guys [the Iraqi parliament] to come together on legislation," Gates said.
We all? Try you all. Read More......

Does BMW agree that Islam is a cult? says Islam is a cult. Does BMW agree with the hate that BMW is sponsoring? Ask them. Then ask them why Lowes and Home Depot dumped this hate, but BMW hasn't.

Gabriella Molteni, Manager, Corporate Communications E-mail: Fax: (201) 307-4095

BMW of North America, Inc.
300 Chestnut Ridge Rd.
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07675

More O'Reilly advertisers here. Read More......

Rove refuses to testify, Gonzo parses in attempt to avoid perjury charges

Did anyone think he'd actually show, given the continual corruption, lies and obfuscation coming out of this White House? (Raw Story):
White House senior adviser Karl Rove has rebuked a Senate Judiciary Committee subpoena and will not appear Thursday to testify about his role in the firing of nine US Attorneys, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said late Wednesday.

...The House Judiciary Committee initiated criminal contempt of Congress charges against former White House counsel Harriet Miers and Chief of Staff Joshua Bolton last month after they refused to comply with subpoenas demanding their testimony.

It remains unclear whether Rove will face similar charges. A Judiciary Committee spokeswoman told RAW STORY Wednesday night that if Rove followed through in refusing to testify, the committee could decide to issue criminal charges later. The aide said no decisions had been made yet.
And what would be the reason NOT to bring the hammer down on Turdblossom?

Meanwhile, Gonzo is redefining the word "lie" as he realizes his posterior is in the fire:
With potential perjury accusations hanging over him, embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales sent a letter to Senate leaders Wednesday acknowledging he "may have created confusion" in his previous testimony.

..."I recognize that the use of the term 'Terrorist Surveillance Program' and my shorthand reference to the 'program' publicly 'described by the President' may have created confusion, particularly for those who are knowledgeable about the NSA activities authorized in the presidential order described by the DNI [director of national intelligence], and who may be accustomed to thinking of them or referring to them together as a single NSA 'program,' " Gonzales wrote.

...Attorney General Alberto Gonzales writes of his concern with "suggestions that my testimony was misleading." But he said he did not mean to mislead senators and was "determined to address any such impression."
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wasn't buying it.
"The attorney general's legalistic explanation of his misleading testimony under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week is not what one should expect from the top law enforcement officer of the United States," Leahy said.
Read More......

Hillary: Dick Cheney "plays politics with the lives of our troops"

Good for her. The man has been playing politics with the lives of our troops for years. It's about time someone called him on it, publicly and in his face. If Cheney or Bush gave a damn about our troops, they wouldn't keep lying to them about this disaster of a war. They wouldn't have sent them with insufficient back-up. They wouldn't have kept denying the generals the additional forces they wanted, and pleaded for. And they wouldn't keep our troops in Iraq, dying by the day, simply because Bush and Cheney are too embarrassed to admit that they screwed up, letting another man and another woman die for their mistakes. Read More......

Morning Open Thread

Joe is in the cab on the way to the YearlyKos conference from O'Hare. And I'm in the land of good croissants (it's cat-sitting time again). Any of you heading to the conference? Or to the cat-sitting capital of the world? Read More......

Does BMW agree that we should keep our guns loaded if Hillary is elected president?

No? Then what do they have to say about, and their sponsorship of Bill O'Reilly's TV show? BMW can't have it both ways - either they agree with the hateful, bigoted views on or not. Does BMW agree that we need to load our weapons to take on Hillary, that maybe its time to launch a terrorist attack against the US Capitol, that Rosie O'Donnell should be dead, and that Islam is a cult, or they don't.

So which one is it, BMW? Do you think Hillary needs to be shot or not? Lowes and Home Depot have pulled their advertising because of this hate - why haven't you?

Gabriella Molteni, Manager, Corporate Communications E-mail: Fax: (201) 307-4095

BMW of North America, Inc.
300 Chestnut Ridge Rd.
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07675

More O'Reilly advertisers here. Read More......

142 dead in Iraq

Republicans call this success. Read More......