I'm serious. This kind of stuff (detailed below) just pisses me off. Read what I've written below, then please consider doing the following two things:
1. Order a free Koran
via CAIR's Web site ONLY IF you really want to read it (otherwise don't waste their money), I did order it because I'd like to, especially now that the radical right bigots are sounding off.
Donate to the free Koran campaign, $25 helps them put a Koran in front of someone else and just THINK how much that will tick off the religious right hate groups :-) You might want to make your donation one cent over - meaning, $10.01 or $25.01, so they can get a sense of how many folks donate via the site (might be fun to know). I just gave, I think this is a great cause, hope some of you will too.
Ok, now here's the story that really pissed me off about this....
ABC News did a wonderful news report last week about one of the lead Muslim-America groups, CAIR, sending out copies of the Koran for free to anyone who wanted one, so Americans could read the book for themselves and make up their own minds. (You can also read about it
here on USA Today.) It sounds like a wonderful idea - oh, hell, it IS a wonderful idea. Well, guess who has their knickers in a knot over it? Yes, your friendly neighborhood conservative Christian hate group.
In the same way these bigots slur gays, they're now routinely going after Muslim-Americans. To wit, today's article from the
American Family Association's AgapePress, a propaganda organ that's taken swipes at Muslims many times before:
Normal Mulsim-American groups are now "radical" - gee, sound familiar?
A Christian evangelist and former Muslim says she is not concerned about the news that a radical Islamic group is offering free Korans to anyone who wants one. USA Today recently reported that the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, plans to distribute as many as 25,000 Korans this week.
Then there's the old, take a few sentences out of context and demean the entire movement and community:
Cati contends, a reading of just a few key verses would likely scare off most rational readers. "All they've got to do is read suras like 'Take not Jews and Christians as your friends,'" she suggests, or "Sura 47:4, that says, 'When you meet the unbelievers, smite at their neck and make a great slaughter of them.'"
According to the evangelical ministry leader, the Koran instructs followers of Islam that if they encounter any nonbelievers, a good Muslim may "strike their necks." And, she notes, the Islamic faithful are instructed, "If you take them as captive, you may ransom them until the war ends."
Then just more crap:
Cati says while the inspired words of the Holy Bible are meant to move hearers to repent and seek salvation, the Koran encourages Muslims to use aggressive means, even violence if necessary, to compel others to become followers. "The majority of those who converted to Islam were converted by force -- not by free will," she asserts, "not because they loved what they were doing, but because they were commanded to [convert]. It was either death, pay taxes, or whatever."
The Muslim-American community better wake up and smell the coffee. The religious hates your guts and your next in their grand conquest of the country. They've already set their targets on the homos, and now it's the A-rabs. The blacks and the Latinos and then the Jews won't be far behind, but they won't tell you guys that until it's too late. The Muslim-American community needs friends, and they ought to be looking for them in the gay community since we now have the same enemy. And it might just help get rid of some stereotypes on both sides of the fence.
We've all said it before and I'll say it. The problem isn't Jesus or Mohammed. It's some of their followers.
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