Rep. Alan Grayson was also on CNN. Watch it. Really watch it. It's 10 minutes long. But, well worth it.
Grayson was excellent. But, wow, the traditional media types are pathetic and painfully annoying. They're so could Grayson actually say anything mean about Republicans? Grayson rebuts and destroyed everything that Wolf, Alex Castellanos, Gloria Borger and Joe Johns. Everything. And, Wolf looked particularly clueless. The GOPers want health care reform to fail. They want Obama to fail. It's like Wolf and his colleagues have no clue as to just how extreme the modern GOP really is.
One of Grayson's best line was: "Democrats have to have guts." AMEN. He also did call GOPers "knuckle-dragging neanderthals." (And, they are.)
This is the kind of behavior that should be rewarded. We don't see enough of it from people on the Hill. You can donate to Grayson here. It's one way to show Grayson's colleagues that while "the Villagers" may be appalled, the rest of are ecstatic.
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Swedish Meatballs
1 day ago