Sunday, August 05, 2007

Busted Florida Republican state rep's "black gay panic" defense on soliciting charge

Another Republican sexual hypocrite out of control. Florida State Representative Bob Allen (R-of course) is clearly shooting for worst defense of the year after being caught trolling for a same sex encounter. Earlier this month he was arrested at Veteran's Memorial Park in Titusville for soliciting an undercover male officer inside the restroom after offering to perform oral sex for $20.

Allen, who also served as the McCain campaign's co-chairman in Florida, has decided that he would come out of this scandal looking better if he is perceived as a racist rather than a homo. Sweet!
State Rep. Bob Allen told police he was just playing along when a undercover officer suggested in a public restroom that the legislator give him oral sex and $20 because he was intimidated, according to a taped statement and other documents released Thursday.

..."This was a pretty stocky black guy, and there was nothing but other black guys around in the park," Allen, who is white, told police in a taped statement after his arrest. Allen said he feared he "was about to be a statistic" and would have said anything just to get away. Allen, who couldn't be reached for comment Thursday, has repeatedly declared his innocence, his intention to fight the charges and his desire to stay in office.
OK. Let's look at what the police report says about the encounter and you decide whether Allen was acting like a man desperate to escape the terrifying big black buck by saying (or in this case, doing) anything.

The officer: "I was standing against the far wall of the stall. Allen closed the door behind him and stood against it. I said "what's up" and Allen said "Hi." Allen then said "this is kind of a public place isn't it." I said "do you have somewhere else where we can go?" Allen said "How about across the bridge it's quite [sic] over there." Allen engaged me in a conversation in which he agreed to pay me $20.00 in order to perform a "blow job" on me."

The above exchange took place after Allen entered the restroom twice cruising, peeped over the stall wall at the officer and then pushed open the door to join the officer to proposition him. That's some incredible acting on Allen's part.

By the way, when Allen was being put in the paddy wagon, the officer said Allen asked whether "it would help" matters if he was a state legislator. The officer said, "No." I'm sure that it wouldn't surprise you to learn that Allen voted with the Christian Coalition over 90% of the time between 2003 and 2006.

More entertainment on Allen's record can be found at Joe.My.God, including the fact that he is the author of Florida House Bill #1475, the "Lewd Or Lascivious Exhibition Act."

Allen may seem insane for coming up with something this ridiculous to avoid being labeled as gay, but he wouldn't be alone.
American University anthropology Professor William Leap has spent more than a decade researching male sex in public places. In 1999, he edited an academic compilation called Public Sex/Gay Space. His conclusion is that up to half of the men who seek this kind of sex are not gay.
Another lawyer interviewed for the piece said that most of the men he represents on public restroom sex charges aren't gay. ''The percentage of people I represent on the charges, the vast number of them turn out to be very straight and very married. They're looking for moments of instant gratification.''

* GOP cornucopia of carnal scandal
* NY Magazine: married men on the down low Read More......

Open thread

In light of the Minnesota bridge collapse, you might want to know which bridges near you have been designated structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. You can use this interactive map from the U.S. Department of Transportation to locate them.

As of 2005, 26% of bridges fall into those two categories. Structurally deficient means the bridge is closed or restricted to light vehicles because of its condition. Functionally obsolete bridges have older design features and while not unsafe, they cannot handle current traffic volumes and vehicle sizes and weights.

Laughably, the wingers at WorldNetDaily blame Dems for the Minnesota collapse in one of its insane polls with 45% stating "Spendthrift Democrats have blown the money that should have gone to highways in order to fund the welfare state." Read More......

Republicans also debated how to get Bin Laden (who George Bush has allowed to reconstitute Al Qaeda, P.S.)

The pro-Iraq war GOP candidates, who vowed to stay George Bush's course in Iraq, also debated attacking terrorists earlier today:
Republican presidential contenders waded into a Democratic foreign policy row on Sunday, and argued over how far the United States should go in striking terrorist targets abroad.

Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said last week he would be willing to launch strikes against al Qaeda targets in Pakistan if Islamabad took no action.
This discussion has captivated the foreign policy experts. But the rest of us need to keep in mind one thing: The only reason there is even a discussion about capturing or killing Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan is that our current president, George Bush, never captured or killed Osama Bin Laden. In the 2008 election, the candidates are still discussing how far they would go to get the mastermind of the plot that killed three thousand Americans -- on American soil -- almost six years ago. Every single time someone says the terms "Bin Laden" or "Al Qaeda," it highlights Bush's failed policies. Those terms should be history by now.

The GOP candidates support Bush's Iraq war strategy -- the very strategy that let Bin Laden not only stay free, but it's the strategy that's reinvigorated Al Qaeda. At the debate, in a Bush-like moment, Mitt Romney linked 9/11 to the Iraq war. There is now a connection. Except, the terrorists who masterminded 9/11 have become the beneficiaries of Bush's Iraq war. Read More......

SCLC To Honor Michael Vick At Atlanta Convention

This is ludicrous. Even worse, the Democratic presidential candidates are attending. If this guy were gay, our community wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, let alone overtly embrace him. Why are others so quick to embrace this man? Read More......

Republican Presidential candidates support Bush's stay the course Iraq strategy

All you need to know about the Republican Presidential candidates is summed up by the AP headline, "GOP Hopefuls Generally Agree on Iraq." At their debate on ABC today, all the Republicans (except Ron Paul) reiterated their commitment to keep the U.S. in Iraq. The GOP hopefuls agree with Bush:
Arizona Sen. John McCain, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Romney, the most prominent contenders, agreed the United States must remain in Iraq. So, too, Brownback, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson and Reps. Tom Tancredo of Colorado and Duncan Hunter of California.
There's no clearer distinction between the Republicans and Democratic candidates then on the issue of Iraq. GOP policy is stay the course. Democratic policy is change the course and get us out.

Romney basically morphed himself into Bush through an exchange with Ron Paul:
"Just come home," dissented Texas Rep. Ron Paul, the lone advocate of a quick troop withdrawal on a presidential campaign debate stage. He said there had never been a good reason to go to war in the first place.

"Has he forgotten about 9/11?" interjected former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
How many times has Bush uttered a line like that? The 2008 Republican candidates are using Karl Rove's 2004 play book. In 2008, like 2004, the GOP message is that we invaded Iraq because of 9/11. It's a lie, but that doesn't matter.

And after watching the Democrats capitulate on the FISA bill, the GOPers must think their strategy of lying about terrorism will work again. Fortunately, the American people get it - even if the pols and pundits don't. Read More......

Hilarious O'Reilly video

Mike Stark of Calling All Wingnuts gives Billo hell for his bluster over YKos. Nothing feels better than seeing "O'Reilly is a pervert" signs on the bully's lawn...

Left wing mafia...smear web sites...assassins...radical left...

O'Reilly hurling these terms about a progressive bloggercon is absurd. He's jumped the shark big time.

[Some of you said in the comments that the video didn't work. I've repasted it (and the link). Let me know if it's still giving you trouble. It's working over at my pad.] Read More......

Sunday Talk Shows Lineup -- includes a GOP debate

Ugh. It's way, way too early on a weekend to watch a Republican debate. But "This Week" is doing one anyway.

The other options are limited, too. Condi Rice is dominating the shows. Here's who is on:
ABC's ``This Week'' - Republican presidential candidates Sam Brownback, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, John McCain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Tom Tancredo and Tommy Thompson debate.


CBS' ``Face the Nation'' - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill.


NBC's ``Meet the Press'' - Defense Secretary Robert Gates.


CNN's ``Late Edition'' - Gates; Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich.; Afghan President Hamid Karzai; former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.


``Fox News Sunday'' - Rice.
With the GOP debate, there should be plenty of fodder. If anyone has the stomach to watch. Read More......

open thread

it's a thread-tastic Sunday. Read More......