Monday, March 21, 2005

The baby that Bush killed

Now, I don't know what I think of this story, and I'm not sure I'm opposed to what the hospital did - though it kind of creeps me out that it was against the mother's wishes - but what the story doesn't tell you - God bless the mainstream media - is that the "Texas law" in question that required the plug to be pulled on this baby was signed by our illustrious President, then Governor, Bush in 1999.

Pulling the plug AGAINST THE PARENTS' WISHES. NO ONE in the family was advocating that the plug be pulled, but Bush's law permitted them to pull it anyway. That's pretty radical. But now with Terri Schiavo, the vacationing Mr. Sanctimonious is suddenly singing Hakuna Matata, the Culture of Life.

So the moral of this story is that Republicans are only for killing people when the people in question don't want to die. Read More......

Good political cartoon on Schiavo

Here Read More......

Let's talk briefly about Terri Schiavo's "smile"

Nice photo of her "smiling" that they've got on the wires. But if you watched ABC News tonight, every single photo of her is pretty much the same - that same mouth agape in a quasi-smile.

A smile is a smile when it's done once or occasionally at fun moments. When it's a permament fixture on your face and the doctors say - and I'm NOT making this up - that your cerebral cortex has turned to liquid, it's a sign that there's nothing there. Yes, occasionally, and I say occasionally, her face is not as clear a smile, but her mouth is still wide open, her head is back, and it gives the appearance that she's craining her neck to see the person talking to her. Only problem is, as previously noted, SHE'S ALWAYS LIKE THAT IN THAT POSITION REGARDLESS OF WHO'S THERE, IF ANYONE.

As for her mouth being open, almost ready to speak, this is apparently the natural resting position of her face. Look at a picture of her when she was well, this woman's basic at-ease look was mouth wide open, like she was ready to say something:

That means, it's not surprising that there are pictures of her mouth open, almost ready to speak to us. But as I said, EVERY picture is that way, this is apparently how she is permanently. It's really quite sad. She's an automaton, permanently head back, mouth agape, but there's nothing there - HERE CEREBRAL CORTEX HAS TURUNED TO LIQUID. These people make me sick.

Read More......

Details of CNN's poll on Schiavogate

Read More......

In other news, there's a hunger strike at my Alma Mater

Little ole Georgetown. Read More......

Open Thread

The Mainstream Media really seems dumbfounded that the public vehemently disagrees with Bush and DeLay on the Schiavo case....Imagine that... Read More......

Open thread

Filming tonight, I'm the host. Argh. Should be up tomorrow, I think. Read More......

I'll be hosting Mike Signorile's radio show Wed, Thu & Fri of this week

Just FYI. Mike is going on vacation and I'll be hosting those 3 days, 2pm to 6pm Eastern. I'm still looking for topics to discuss, so beyong the obvious (Schiavo), suggest away. And you'll be able to listen, live, online at Read More......

Full GOP talking points on Terri Schiavo

The ones where they crow that her suffering is great politics.

Check out the last line about her and Ted Bundy, if you really wanted messed up. Read More......

Americans STRONGLY oppose what Congress did in Schiavo Case

ABC NEWS released a new poll today on the Schiavo issue. It speaks for itself:
Americans broadly and strongly disapprove of federal intervention in the Terri Schiavo case, with sizable majorities saying Congress is overstepping its bounds for political gain.

The public, by 63 percent-28 percent, supports the removal of Schiavo's feeding tube, and by a 25-point margin opposes a law mandating federal review of her case. Congress passed such legislation and President Bush signed it early today.

That legislative action is distinctly unpopular: Not only do 60 percent oppose it, more — 70 percent — call it inappropriate for Congress to get involved in this way. And by a lopsided 67 percent-19 percent, most think the elected officials trying to keep Schiavo alive are doing so more for political advantage than out of concern for her or for the principles involved.
You know, there seems to be a feeding frenzy mindset on the Hill. The GOP is in power, absolute power they seem to feel. And that means they can and will do whatever they want. But, they are increasingly out of touch with the real world. And, even the public knows that this is pure politics.

I found this part of the ABC poll very interesting, because it means people are really discussing the Schiavo case and how it could affect them:

This ABC News poll also finds that the Schiavo case has prompted an enormous level of personal discussion: Half of Americans say that as a direct result of hearing about this case, they've spoken with friends or family members about what they'd want done if they were in a similar condition. Nearly eight in 10 would not want to be kept alive.
The poll also found strong intensity in the level of opposition to what Congress did.

It's almost like Americans are getting the "ick factor" from Tom DeLay and company. The GOP is really becoming creepier by the day. Read More......

GM to hack white collar workforce

After the disastor last week I assumed cuts were coming, but they are saying it could be up to 28% of the 38,000 person, non-union workforce. Staggering. Read More......

The GOP just guaranteed every American universal health coverage - Hillary would be proud

Robert, a reader over at DailyKos, recently wrote a comment over there regarding Schiavo that is actually quite brilliant (I can't find the link to his post, but will summarize it below).

If the Republicans believe their "culture of life" requires the federal government to intervene and assure adequate medical care any time an American is at risk of bodily harm, then we can assume this "culture of life" applies to other Americans when they too need critical medical care yet something stands in their way.

For example:

- poor people, the homeless, the underemployed, illegal immigrants who can't afford to pay for their medical help
- the elderly who don't have enough money to pay for the kind of expensive medical attention they may need later in life
- parents of newborns facing catastrophic illness
- regular Americans who can't afford health insurance, have no health insurance for any other reason, or who have health insurance that doesn't cover their current major or catastrophic illness.
- any American who ends up facing any kind of major illness or threat to their health and who can't afford to pay for adequate treatment. STRIKE THAT, money is irrelevant, this is the Culture of Life we're talking about. That should read "any American facing any kind of major illness or health threat, period - regardless of ability to pay" - in Schiavo's case, money isn't the issue, yet they're still guaranteeing federal help. And after all, isn't the Culture of Life more important than dollars anyway?

In other words, the GOP just guaranteed every American universal health coverage. And if that's not what they're guaranteeing, ask them why not? Is the Terri Schiavo case about the "culture of life" - or is it simply about Tom DeLay and the radical right grandstanding when they don't really give a damn about anybody's life?

Some enterprising Democrat should write up the Culture of Life Act (Terri's bill) immediately and introduce it, guaranteeing universal health coverage to ensure that every American is guaranteed their "culture of life." Read More......

Open Thread

'mornin Read More......

Monday Morning Open Thread

The start of a new week. What's up? Read More......

Monday Morning Open Thread

A new week.... Read More......

Bush Rushes Back To DC! Ends Vacation!

Yes, as you already know, Bush ended his vacation early -- a virtually unprecendented act for a President who spends a LOT of time on vacation -- and rushed back to DC so he could score political points on the painful private decision surrounding Terri Schiavo. Obviously, this took hours and hours of time when the papers he went to sign could have been flown to him in Texas without much difference. But this issue was too important and he wanted to spend hours flying there to emphasize to the far right how he had come through for them.

Now let's think about the many other times when Bush couldn't be bothered to spend an hour or two on an issue and decide if any of them were more important.

1. The tsunami victims -- More than 100,000 people died in the worst natural disaster of our lifetime. Millions were left homeless. It happened just after Christmas and hit hard our staunch ally, Thailand. (Many, many Muslims were devastated by this disaster.) Bush couldn't be bothered to step outside for FIVE minutes and offer his heartfelt sympathy to an event that had the rest of the world riveted and shocked. It took Bush DAYS to do anything, even after his aides had bungled our first offer of aid.

2. Investigating 9/11 with Congress -- Bush spent months hemming and hawing and avoiding having to meet with the bipartisan panel trying to look into the worst attack on US soil in history. He finally, grudgingly, spent a few hours but insisted he appear with Cheney by his side, cause they were busy and needed to get this over with.

3. Heck, 9/11 itself -- On the day of the worst attack on US soil in our history, Bush spent hours and hours flying around the country when he could have just spent a few minutes to get in front of a camera and reassure the nation that he was in charge and we'd get through this.

4. Military funerals -- Bush is the first President in US history during wartime (and presumably peacetime as well) who has refused to attend a SINGLE military funeral to honor one of our fallen soldiers. It's not just the couple of hours he can't be bothered to spend; Bush thinks it would be bad politics to remind people that young men and women die in war, so why bother honoring them? They can take a hit on the battlefield, but Bush won't risk taking a hit in the polls. And if things are going so swimmingly in Iraq, why does he STILL refuse to honor our military?

Got any examples of your own? Read More......

Another open thread

Just a thought, but wouldn't it be neat if Republicans in Washington cared about the rest of us Americans as much as they do fetuses, the rich and Terri Schiavo? They could start with blacks, gays, women, Latinos, people with disabilities, the elderly - I'm not picky, just pick one. But why do you have to be unborn, brain dead or filthy rich for a Republican to want to lift a finger to help you? Otherwise, you're not even human to them. Read More......