Spain is in trouble.
Bush said so today in his latest major address about how the world is all going to fall apart unless we boost his poll ratings, and fast. You see, the terrorist want Spain, and they want it bad. And that's why, apparently, we have to declare war soon on Syria and Iran and North Korea. And according to Ken Mehlman, this also appears to be the reason we must confirm Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court - it's all for Spain.
That got me thinking of all the great things Spain has given the world, all we really owe it.
There's Christopher Columbus (well, ok, if you're American Indian maybe he wasn't so great), sangria, high school Spanish classes, Speedy Gonzales (oh right, that was Mexico), bull fighting, the Spanish Inquisition, Joselito and Pulgarcito, Salvador Dali, and of course the Venga Boys (ok, I'm not sure if they're Spanish, but they do sing about Ibiza):
Hello Party People!
This Is Captain Kim Speaking
Welcome Aboard Venga Airways
After Take Off Will Pump Up The Soundsystem
Cause We're Going To Ibiza!
Yes, the United States is going to foment war across the globe on behalf of the Venga Boys. I feel safer already.
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