Paul Hogarth

About Me

Paul Hogarth is a lawyer at the Tenderloin Housing Clinic in San Francisco, having worked there since 2000. He has a Bachelors in Political Science from UC Berkeley, and a J.D. from Golden Gate University. Paul made his first run for public office at the age of 22, when he was elected to the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board. After one term, he moved to San Francisco where he is actively involved in local politics. In 2006, Paul was hired as the Managing Editor of Beyond Chron (, a blog published by the Tenderloin Housing Clinic that was voted "Best Local Website" in 2008 by the SF Bay Guardian. He is active in the netroots (cross-posting at Daily Kos, Open Left, Huffington Post, Calitics and is now writing at AmericaBlog.) Paul was voted "Best State and Local Blogger" at the Netroots Nation conference in 2010.

When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?


My Blogs

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Progressive At Cal Progressive Mano Negra
AMERICAblog Gay Brad Luna mirth Gabriel Arana Joe Sudbay (DC) Jason Rosenbaum Naomi Seligman (LA) Mark Chris in Paris John Aravosis (DC) Timothy Beauchamp Prof. David B. Cruz Liz Newcomb (LA) Nick Seaver
AMERICAblog News Joe Sudbay (DC) mirth BC ChrisDC Gaius Publius Jacki Schechner Chris in Paris Richard Socarides Jason Rosenbaum John Aravosis (DC) InsideOutsider Timothy Beauchamp Gabriel Arana Mark Fonseca Rendeiro ablogphotos Prof. David B. Cruz Marx Marvelous David Steve Kyle (NY) 1  more