Yep, their spokesmen are now out there this evening lying about the entire thing. But it's okay, because I've already caught them in their lie. I have a big post dissecting the entire thing. But I'll save it for Tuesday, since by then Ford will probably lie a bit more, then we can really nail them with all their contradictory statements.
I've actually got a number of other fun things planned for Ford tomorrow, so do stay tuned. We have lots more Ford executives for you to call and email, contacts for all their local dealers in every single state across the country, and every day this month we'll be excerpting passages from the literary masterpiece "The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem," by Henry Ford. My copy arrives tomorrow from
You see, this was only day one. It's gonna keep getting better all week, and all month, unless Ford comes clean, admits what it did, and promises to never do it again.
Sleep well, we have a busy day tomorrow :-)
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Swedish Meatballs
1 day ago