Good morning.
It's Tax Day. The teabaggers/GOPers are in a frenzy over it. This like a reverse high holy day for them. And, the traditional media will dutifully cover their protests, no matter how small.
This morning, Obama is focusing on mine safety. He has an meeting with the Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, and the Mine Safety and Health Administrator, Joseph Main. The President is also going to make some remarks on the issue. Yesterday, the Chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee,
George Miller "released a list of 48 mines identified by federal mine safety officials in August 2009 for increased scrutiny, but were not targeted due to unresolved appeals filed by mine operators." The Chairman noted that one of the 48 mines on the list is the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia where 29 men died last week. The mine industry sure knows how to prevent scrutiny. That has to change.
Obama is heading to Florida later today. He's got events at Cape Canaveral on space issues. Then, he's heading to Miami for DNC fundraisers.
Time is running out for the President to send a message to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees that he wants the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell included in the 2011 Defense authorization. That will be the best indicator that he's serious about having DADT repealed this year, as promised in the State of the Union. But, we're getting every indication that it won't happen. And, the
latest statement from the White House doesn't instill much confidence.
The Senate debate on Wall Street reform is really heating up. The Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell, have sided with the big bankers. Just about every word out of
McConnell's mouth comes directly from the talking points against reform written by Frank Luntz. The Republicans will say anything for their friends on Wall Street. And, the Wall Street bankers are spending
lavishly on the GOPers. Be fun to see which GOPers follow McConnell on this one...
Let's get it started...
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