Good morning.
There's one thing on the schedule today that I care about: The Senate vote to end the GOP filibuster of the Defense Authorization bill. The vote will take place sometime after 2:15 PM Eastern. As of now, the 60 votes aren't there to end the filibuster.
The compromise DADT language is included in the Defense bill. Even if it passes, DADT isn't repealed. Thanks to a compromise concocted by CAP's Winnie Stachelberg (for which she
took full credit back in May), a process is set up by which DADT could end at a date in the future if several key conditions are met. I've heard it called future conditional repeal. No one involved in the process could tell us when the DADT discharges would actually end. But, that's the best our fierce advocate in the White House could give us.
And, we're not getting much more. Last night, I learned from a very credible source that the White House isn't lobbying on the Defense Authorization bill. They're not trying to get to 60 votes. The President and Vice President aren't making calls. The White House legislative team isn't working the halls of the Senate. Nothing. People on the Hill are well aware of this. It sends a signal. Has anyone, not just Senators, anyone, heard a word about the Defense bill from Obama?
Think about it: The GOP Senators are filibustering a defense bill, which includes support for the troops, while we're engaged in two wars. Yet, we haven't heard a peep from Obama about that. If the situation were reversed, I don't think a Republican President would sit idly by and miss an opportunity to bash the other side for not supporting the troops. Bush did it every time.
So, the key vote that could set us on a path to ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell will happen today. We've waited a long time for this. A lot of promises were made to the LGBT community, included an end to DADT.
I have to give a lot of credit to Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) and Servicemembers United for getting us this far. They have had to fight every step of the way.
In June of 2009, SLDN held a protest in front of the White House, asking Obama to keep his promise on DADT repeal. That didn't endear them to crack political team in the West Wing. Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina stooped so low that he excluded
SLDN from a key meeting where DADT was discussed. But, SLDN was undaunted, the group just kept pushing and lobbying. Same for Servicemembers United. This isn't a political game for them. It's about their lives.
So, today, we'll see whether the DADT language moves forward. Keep calling your Senators til the last minute. The Senate switchboard is
202-224-3121. It's not over til it's over. Senators are fickle creatures and, who knows, maybe one of the GOPers will act like a human today.
Clearly, we did not get the support from the White House that we should have expected -- based on the promises made by the President. But, we'll need to remember this next year when Jim Messina is the campaign manager for the Obama reelection and comes asking for our time, our money and our votes.
It's going to be a historic day -- one way or the other.
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