Will these freshmen Democrats vote for changing the course in Iraq, or for giving George Bush a blank check to continue inflaming indefinitely this disaster of a civil war?
We already know that some of these freshmen, like Chris Carney and Heath Shuler and Joe Donnelly and Brad Ellsworth, are spineless gay-bashers who are willing to sell out the people who put them into office simply because the religious right, who never even voted them, filled their offices with phone calls. But tomorrow we'll find out if Chris Carney, Heath Shuler, Joe Donnelly, Brad Ellsworth and the rest of the freshmen (and conservative) Dems are Bush-lovers who agree with Mr. 28% that the war in Iraq is going great and that our soldiers should stay indefinitely, paying with their lives while the Iraqi parliament goes on vacation.
Call these freshmen Democrats and tell them to do their jobs, do not give Bush a blank check on Thursday with the Iraq war supplemental. You can find their office numbers here (use the links at the top of the House site), call now and fill their phone lines (and use this link to find the Blue Dog (aka conservative) Democrats and give them a piece of your mind as well):
Yvette Clark
Bruce Braley
Dave Loebsack
Carol Shea-Porter
Paul Hodes
Jerry McNerney
John Yarmuth
Gabby Giffords
John Hall
Keith Ellison
Mazie Hirono
Steve Cohen
John Sarbanes
Phil Hare
Peter Welch
Nancy Boyda
Joe Courtney
Betty Sutton
Chris Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Albio Sires
Ron Klein
Kathy Castor
Tim Mahoney
Tim Walz
Kirsten Gillibrand
Hank Johnson
Jason Altmire
Steve Kagen
Brad Ellsworth
Baron Hill
Joe Donnelly
Heath Shuler
Joe Sestak
Ed Perlmutter
Zack Space
Harry Mitchell
Nick Lampson
Mike Arcuri
Charlie Wilson
Chris Carney
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Jim Kennedy: Give Bipartisanship A Chance
24 minutes ago