The non-blog

If you're looking for Dark Bilious Vapors, I hope you're not terribly disappointed to learn that particular exercise in futility is no more. From January 27, 2003 to December 31, 2004, this site had been my personal Weblog, Musings of a Philosophical Scrivener. On January 1, 2004 fellow Memphian Brock Sides joined me, and since the old title didn't really fit a group blog, I eagerly accepted Brock's suggestion of the name Dark Bilious Vapors (a reference to Decartes's First Meditation) as being more appropriate. On January 24, 2004 we were joined by Karen McLauchlan, a denizen of what she laughingly refers to as "Dennis Hastert Corner" (since the Dishonorable J. Dennis Hastert misrepresents her Congressional district), and a fellow alumnus of Northwestern University Law School (though she's not as ashamed to admit that in public as I am).

On January 16, 2006, Karen decided it was time to strike out on her own, and she left us to blog at her own site, Peripetia. On February 10, 2006, I decided to shut the blog down completely, because:

Sometimes the most intelligent thing you can do is shut the hell up.
-- Rachel Hurley
If you feel cheated by this change, or if you'd like to leave a belated comment on the last post of the blog, you can visit the old blog index page.

Prior to January 27, 2003, this site served as a static website, and that's what it's going back to. And because I'm not really enamoured of fancy-ass web formatting, Flash™ animations, animated GIFs or other Web design overkill, this is going to be an extremely simple web page. At least 'til I decide to dress it up a bit. And that might not be for quite a while. Live with it, or die with it on your mind, as A Great And Good Friend of mine is fond of saying.

In the meantime, here's a brief guide to

  1. Archives:
    The reason that there are three separate archives for Dark Bilious Vapors is that Karen, by ingeniously committing a set of HTML tagging errors while I had set posts permanently to appear at the top of the blog page, managed to completely break our blog management software (Greymatter) beyond any hope of rebuilding the site in its former glory. Twice!

    What can I say? She's very talented.

  2. Some links to some of my own favorite Dark Bilious Vapors posts:

  3. My extended "blogroll" (i.e., the list of sites I try to read more-or-less regularly (some sites more--much more--regularly than others).)

  4. Coming Attractions: