Social Studies 10 plans a walk out b/c of Peretz
Posted 10/04/10 by Katie Zavadski
A friend in Social Studies 10 forwarded this email to me. I’m working during that time, but I think it’s really cool and you should go support them if you have the chance.
Please forward this to your friends, and especially to your tutorial.
If you’re reading this email, you’ve decided to enroll in Social Studies 10. Which means spending hours and hours every week reading, writing, and discussing social theory and morality turns you on. Or you’re a masochist.
Either way, you care about this intersection of morality and society. Hobbes says morality comes from the state, Rousseau from the body politic, but I, and I hope you, think that YOU can sometimes judge between right and wrong.
Harvard was wrong to accept money to honor Marty Peretz, a man with such a hateful, racist legacy. Your tutors, much of the faculty, and even Professor Tuck stand with me against the actions of the Committee.
Harvard’s legacy, the legacy of Social Studies, OUR legacy must be more than compromising our conceptions of right and wrong, of morality, for money. And as students of this department, we have a responsibility to demonstrate to the committee that we stand against their actions.