

Where did I put it? The moment you turn around it may be gone.

But I need it, so do you. Just which kind is missing on this particular day? How many are there? My thinking of that will ensure at least one is missing. There is physical sustenance of all kinds but broadly, food, water, shelter, clothing. Well, if I haven’t any of those I should soon know about it.

Mental? Too encompassing. Emotional, we usually recognize that one is missing at an appropriate time it is called for and found absent. Or we don’t want it. That’s not missing, that’s us. Choose to cry or not at a suitable time; to join in a mass release of tears, that’s pretty much up to us. We choose to or not, however, when standing there and all around seem weepy and we wonder why, that’s pretty much a Seinfeld moment. It’s missing, but we’re perfectly happy with it.

Spiritual. Sustenance? Who needs it? Ever since childhood, when I was taught the rest of you were misguided if not outright wrong about your beliefs; the place I’m at now feels no one really knows anything about this subject, including me. That we are, some, content, helps me not in remembering where I have put mine. It is somewhere around here I would hope, or carelessly cast out with autumn’s leaves, a day in November near it’s end. I think more likely, in winter’s depth, not all at once, but ebb tide.

I felt a great hope last which sustained and nourished, I thought. If I ever had it, if it had not gone sooner, quite possibly it was then.


I need a new and permanent icon, avatar…, that little thing you see which denotes ones personality, or nothing at all, which accompanies a person’s comment along with their probably fictitious, name. Or mine. Because who would name a child, paulinyork? Most of yours are questionable too.

What I need is a personality picture, rather than a standard thingy of someone elses choosing,  a blank stare or a frog, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Something cool, yet frivolous.

So, in recognition that no one comes here anymore – I like to think it’s because I’m not posting much – but really? Late at night, or in the twilight of consciousness? I think maybe it’s my writing; both equal in brevity and content.

As I was saying, in recognition of sparsity and possible dearth of interest, unless, in some drunken stupor, someone shows up, shows up with a good idea even, the contest will stay open say, until a sincere and serious suggestion lies down at the cave entrance – any of them, or New Year’s Day, 2010.

Don’t be hurt, don’t take rejection personal. This is in earnst and it has to be recognizable too. Many are called, one is chosen. Many are also hard to decipher. Those are your fault.

The Bear wakes.

I have not seen it but have sensed it’s stirrings from stupor, have heard low rumblings, different from it’s incessant snoring, vibrating through the cave passages. I believe, just as with all other springs, this will be no different. It will fully awake soon, hungry, irritated with the thought I still am here, in my home. Disputing this, it thinks it holds title to, by might, or just because it’s a cave, this place, and my fellow humans keep writing books validating it’s point of view, a natural place, for a bear.

It will stalk me, as always, before going out to search the woods for easier prey under rotting timber. How it eats those things which dwell in such places, I do not know. What, you might ask, do hermits eat?You might. Better to ask why the bear stalks me.

The few times it has found me, I’ve come to realize there is nothing it can do, just try to be irritating with it’s roar and bad breath, it’s slovenly ways and as with too many rainy days, I wish for it to be gone. There is no true peace, no absolute stillness, no calm within when it saunters through these halls.

It won’t leave my aviary alone. It’s like a cat, totally lost in staring, thinking heaven knows what as it climbs trees for a better look at resident birds. There is no roof, no sealed enclosure, little in nature deserves to be caged, save some of us and maybe the bear.

UPDATE: Comments aren’t expected, I just felt like writing it. It could mean something. But it doesn’t.


Any Irish out there? The above is for you.

Rather curious lately to be visiting many blogs, reading the latest posts, beginning to leave a comment of a sentence or ten and stopping to read what I’ve written and almost always being completely unsatisfied (dissatisfied?) with it and never posting to completion.

Strange to read what I have just thought and written, and a minute later believe it was written by another; a disconnect with myself, and I might add, prepared by another absolutely not very good at commenting. I want to disassociate myself from whoever just wrote that and so you get nothing.

It is possible, likely, that you have just benefited from this since your blog is still pristine. I’ve done something nice for you, and you never knew it until now. So, if you don’t see a comment from me on your blog, you’re welcome.


Your Spiritual Number is Six

You bring communication and empathy into people’s lives.
You are very open and understanding. You can accept difficult people.

Right now, your life is about being understood. You have trouble with your own vulnerability.
You end up playing the role of therapist in relationships, and it’s hard to get people to ask about you.

You will take time out for those you love, even if you don’t have much time. You can’t help but be nurturing.
You are very responsible and ethical. You deliver on your promises.


Merely Me


Merely Me’s Writing to Survive

has honored me with this award

It is enough to be her friend

Thank you

Now what?

My Christmas trees are down, including that little tree in the sidebar on this blog. Why? No, not because Christmas and New Years holidays are over. Because everyone else is pushing their posts down and disappearing them, that’s why. Who am I to argue with humanity?

I don’t know if Santa came or not, I was lying on the floor looking at the tree lights, then looking out the window at the Universe, meaning the stars, back and forth till I fell fast asleep. There were gifts under the tree when I awoke but I’m waiting till the Visa statement comes in to see if they were really gifts, or not.

Now what? Quiet walks in woods grown silent, finding those animals remaining working hard to survive on what Nature has left on it’s table. Throwing snowballs at passerbys walking, okay running, far below, from the observation tower.  Which of course, reminds me of the movie, Elf. I need to get a machine as rapid and as accurate as his arm. Hermits would rule wintertime.

I, not one to link many things, feel that if you’ve ever wondered about the act of, primarily young people, cutting themselves to relieve pain, you can do no better than follow the link to this article by the Merely Me person,, HERE.


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