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TERRA 541: Ceiba: Nature and the Maya Creation
Based at archaeological sites across Belize, CEIBA tells the story of wildlife in the Maya creation myth, at the center of which is the Ceiba tree - the bridge between the heavens, earth and the underworld. -
TERRA 540: Feeding the Problem
Feeding the problem explores the historical and ecological impacts of the century-old artificial feeding program for elk in Western Wyoming. ;What began in 1912 as a gracious effort to save the Jackson Hole elk herd from harsh winters, shrinking habitat, and dwindling forage, has morphed into the largest wildlife feeding program in the United States. -
TERRA 539: Energy's Future
Energy's Future tells the story of Joules, a high school junior faced with the pressing decision about what to do after graduation. Joule's daily routine of work, classes, and friends leaves her little time to figure out what she ultimately wants for her life after high school. -
TERRA 538: Flathead Wild
Proposed mountaintop removal mining in southeastern British Columbia, Canada is threatening one of America’s most endangered rivers and North America’s wildest remaining valley — The Flathead. Flathead Wild follows the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) as they descend on the Flathead River Valley, along with local conservation groups, to take breathtaking and iconic images of the threatened ecosystem. -
TERRA 537: A Winning Scenario
A WINNING SCENARIO is a short film about the agricultural implications of climate change in Kenya. Despite the adverse effects of global warming in Kenya, local communities are adapting farming practices for improved crop production.
alaire Based at archaeological sites across Belize, CEIBA tells the story of wildlife in the Maya creation myth, at the center of which is the Ceiba tree - the bridge between the heavens, earth and the underworld. Read More
Nov 5, 2010