In the following article George Monbiot methodically debunks widely reported claims embraced by climate skeptics that actually most glaciers are expanding worldwide, made by none other than the reknowned British scientist David Bellamy. The story is one of junk science being established on the back of citing a scientific quack and gross typographical errors, all supposedly science that shows climate change is not happening. Indeed, climate skeptics have grown desperate as their whole grossly polluting fossil fuel intensive way of life for which they are apologists continues to crumble. It would be sad and even a bit funny if it were not so dangerous for all of our futures. Here is a thoughtful discussion of the long history of climate change scientific observation that illustrates the depth and importance.
May 2005 Archives
Here is an article that makes the connection between an individual's and the Earth's health in a forceful, interesting manner. Seeing the truth in this comparison requires letting go of the individual of a given species as the only scale for biological study. For indeed, the Gaia hypothesis posits and much science has shown that the the Earth is alive, in that it is a self-maintaining system. This means it can die too.
AIDS offers lessons on facing climate problems
Climate change, like AIDS, has a prolonged asymptomatic period as the condition develops. It's followed by brutal, traumatic symptoms that appear only after the body's (planetary or human) natural ability to adapt is so eviscerated that we are left defenceless. In a very real sense, climate change is like AIDS in the ecology of the planet. Climate change, like AIDS, is almost impossible to cure once the symptoms emerge.