Now, here's a
queer little article from today's NYT. It seems that those "isolated incidents" at Abu Ghraib have now stifled the entire US international war on terror since now NO ONE knows what is and isn't an acceptable interrogation technique. How can that be, you ask, since I thought Abu Ghraib was only the act of a few soldiers, and CLEARLY didn't reflect US policy? So, then, why is the Abu Ghraib scandal now forcing all American interrogators into mass confusion if they were already following the rules THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HAPPENED AT ABU GHRAIB?
Confusion about the legal limits of interrogation has begun to slow government efforts to obtain information from suspected terrorists, American intelligence officials said Sunday.
Doubts about whether interrogators can employ coercive methods, the officials said, could create problems at the start of a critical summer period when counterterrorism officials fear that Al Qaeda might attack the United States.
Interrogators are uncertain what rules are in effect and are worried that the legal safeguards that they had believed were in place to protect them from internal sanctions or criminal liability may no longer exist, the officials said.
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