7 hours ago
The Resistance, a US-based Christian group, has called for a national boycott of the coffee-selling giant.Read More......
It says the chain's new logo has a naked woman on it with her legs "spread like a prostitute... The company might as well call themselves Slutbucks".
Starbucks says the image - based on a 16th century Norse design of a mermaid with two-tails - is not inappropriate.
You know, there is a big thing we should be getting out of this party tonight, and that is the Democratic National Committee is not somehow controlled by the Clintons. Not by the Clinton campaign any more. We may have started this campaign believing that the Clinton campaign controlled, but this is Barack Obama's party now. He's already been winning the outside game, he now won the inside game. Yes it's true that Harold Ickes can threaten this stuff about the credentials, but Don Fowler really did signal today by being for the Michigan compromise that, "Guys, it's over."Today, the leaders of the Democratic parties from Michigan and Florida came to the DNC's Rules Committee with proposals to end the dispute over their state delegations.
Chuck Todd's quick math is that Obama is now 65 delegates away. Less the 43 Todd predicts for the next three primaries, Barack would need just 22 delegates to hit the magic number. If he gets those before Tuesday, Montana will put him over the top. I'd bet heavily in favor of him getting all the superdelegates he needs to seal the deal on Tuesday evening.After the Rules Committee voted, the always brilliant Rachel Maddow said, "The Clinton campaign is going to try to keep this unresolved." She's right. They can try. But, it's over. Florida and Michigan have been seated to their satisfaction. Hillary no longer speaks for them. Their states have spoken. We're going to have to watch to see if Hillary Clinton can now rise to the occasion -- or whether Clinton keeps up the drama and the gutter politics.
Clinton campaign surrogate Lanny Davis stood outside the circle and interrupted, raising his voice in protest that the Clinton campaign had agreed to anything less than a 100% seating of the delegates at 100% of their strength.I was there and captured some video of Davis in action:
Nelson noted that he was speaking "on behalf of the voters of Florida," not on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
"They're misrepresenting our stance," Davis said repeatedly.
BILL NELSON: Now, I want to give you some examples. Megan Foster, a mother of five from Tampa, frustrated by the incompetence and failures of the Bush administration, organized her own campaign. She rallied friends and family to get out the vote for her candidate. Her energy and enthusiasm was infectious and helped inspire many others to become politically involved and help get out people to vote all over the state; and then Megan was elected a delegate.However, Megan just wrote a post on DailyKos to make clear she doesn't share the view of Senator Nelson. In fact, she did not help get out the vote in Florida. She channeled her energies in other states where she knew the votes would count:
Senator Nelson just used my name to argue a position that I do not support. Anyone who knows me or has read my diaries, knows that as a Florida grassroots organizer, I understood that Florida broke the rules. I played by the rules. I organized Tampa Bay area Obama supporters to help elect Senator Obama as our next president by fundraising, online networking and rapid response as well as phonebanking to and canvassing in other states. In fact the week before the January 29th primary, I was otherwise occupied getting out the vote in South Carolina. I also traveled to North Carolina and phonebanked to Texas, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, etc.Those who played by the rules are the ones who are actually being punished. That's disturbing. Read More......
I ran for pledged Obama delegatge in Florida CD 9 to make sure that IF Florida's delegation is seated, Senator Obama would be represented by a loyal supporter in my district.
makes a very strong statistical case that as many as one million voters in Florida and probably more than a half million voters in Michigan did not vote who otherwise would have if they had not believed that the results would not be counted.I do wish that Florida's Democrats would put as much time and energy into building the party down there as they are putting into this mess. They're doing a lot of complaining about how the Republicans control the state legislature. Here's an idea: work as hard to get more legislators seated in Tallahassee as you're all working to get your delegates seated in Denver.
The Michigan Democratic primary election offered a Soviet-like ballot -- in that Michigan voters were not given a real choice among candidates. There was no competitive Democratic primary in Michigan -- a primary where viable candidates compete to earn the support of voters. Instead, Michigan Democratic Party officials permitted an election to take place even though three of the viable candidates (Barack Obama, John Edwards and Bill Richardson) had properly removed their names from the ballot to fully comply with DNC rules. The election went forward with only one viable candidate on the ballot (Hillary Rodham Clinton) in direct violation of DNC rules and with full knowledge -- and acknowledgement -- that the Michigan delegation would not be seated at the nominating convention in Denver.That would also be the election that Hillary Clinton agreed would "count for nothing." At the time, Hillary's only concern about Michigan was how we would fare against Republicans in the fall - she didn't care one lick about "fairness" or "every vote being counted":
As a result, the percentage of Michigan voter turnout was lower than any other state except Utah -- a state the Republicans won in 2004 with 70 percent of the vote. It is estimated that a competitive primary would have resulted in at least 700,000 more Democratic voters in Michigan. In fact, those who might have voted actually represent a greater number than those that did vote in the rogue Democratic primary.
Given that voters were offered no real choice among candidates and that Michigan's vote would not count, voter participation as a consequence was reduced by 50 percent or more.
The results of this fake primary cannot be used as a proper basis for determining the allocation of delegates to the remaining two Presidential candidates. As there was no real competition, there is no meaningful basis for accurately measuring either candidate's level of support in Michigan.
"It's clear, this election they're having is not going to count for anything," Clinton said Thursday during an interview on New Hampshire Public Radio's call-in program, "The Exchange." "But I just personally did not want to set up a situation where the Republicans are going to be campaigning between now and whenever, and then after the nomination, we have to go in and repair the damage to be ready to win Michigan in 2008."Read More......
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