For those who don’t know, Brian De Palma’s new film
“Redacted” is scheduled for release in a few weeks.
From what
I have read it will depict the
true story of a group of US troops who gang rape an Iraqi teenage girl then murder her and her family in cold blood.
It caught the attention of
Bill O’Reilly who is accusing De Palma personally of recruiting more angry Muslim men who want to kill Americans by creating a movie that tells the story. He said if any movie chain in America agrees to show De Palma's movie that every veteran of a foreign war should protest the theaters. Standby for a tidal wave of right-wing attacks dismissing it as
liberal propaganda due to their inability to detach themselves from the world of denial they live in.
I agree that the film is not helpful and I probably will never have the stomach to watch it. Nothing against De Palma or the film, but I'm upset enough over the whole incident and watching a reenactment of this horrendous crime would be hard for me.
However, this film will not incite nearly as many angry Muslim men to attack us as our continued presence in Iraq.
Bush’s vendetta against Saddam was inflicted upon an entire nation of Iraqi people who did nothing to deserve a conquering of their land or an attempt to change their whole way of life by military force. That is what recruits terrorists and incites angry Muslim men to attack us. Or it could just be a violent reaction from Iraqis who are resistant to being occupied by a foreign army.
This very same reaction was obviously never taken into consideration by the neoconservative intellectuals who planned this war with a total lack of regard for Islamic culture and human life in general.
I find it absolutely galling that supporters of the war now have the audacity to place the blame of the bloody aftermath on those who staunchly oppose it.
Going back to what O'Reilly said about veterans of foreign wars protesting theaters over a movie he and fellow war supporters disagree with. As a veteran myself, I would much rather protest the misuse of our military for a failed neocon experiment in Iraq that completely backfired in our faces creating more enemies than we can count.
I’m sorry, but it’s hard for me to talk about this
one act of madness without referencing the entire illegal war.
As a former soldier who was there it pains me to even write about it.
In closing I would like to say that this post is not an attack on our military. Those who oppose my views may try and twist it as such. I wholeheartedly support our men and women in uniform. If there is ever a legitimate threat to this nation they are the people who will have the courage to defend us.
So I want to be totally clear that this is an attack on those individuals who carried out this atrocity, the Bush Administration for creating the environment for it to take place, and war supporters who wish to use diversionary tactics (like criticizing a movie) to hide the real truth.
John Bruhns
Iraq Veteran
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