UPDATE: Some of you had mentioned Dick Durbin (D-IL) as a possible Senate Democratic Leader. He would be acceptable as well. We simply need someone who is actually a Democrat rather than a crypto-Republican, and someone who has the balls to stand up to the Republicans. Harry Reid is not that man.
FURTHER UPDATE: Please also contact Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND). Dorgan is head of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, and highly influential on the issue of who the next Senate Democratic Leader will be. Please call (202-224-2551) and
email Senator Dorgan and tell him that Senator Harry Reid is the WRONG choice for Senate Democratic Leader. You can also call and leave messages for the following Democratic Policy Committee staff - be polite but firm that Harry Reid is a big mistake:
- Brian Hickey (202) 224-3232
- Todd Webster (202) 224-9890
- Barry Piatt (202) 224-2551
You guys wanted to know what we do next? Here it is.
But the only way it's going to happen is if you act NOW.
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) is the frontrunner to replace Tom Daschle as Senate Democratic Leader (as you know, Daschle lost his re-election yesterday). Harry Reid would be a disaster. Reid makes Daschle looks bold in comparison. Reid is basically a nice quiet mild-mannered conservative Democrat who doesn't make waves and really likes Republicans, and making Republicans happy.
The talk of those supporting Reid is that the Democrats lost this election because - get this - we were TOO mean and too combative with those nice Republicans! Yeah, I wish. Did you know that we needed to practically break Reid's arm to get him to sign on to ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (proposed legislation to make anti-gay job discrimination illegal)? This guy is no friend to gays, and he's no friend of mainstream Democrats.
The man we need is Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut. Chris Dodd is smart, telegenic, speaks well, knows how to fight hard and smart, and he is the only man even being considered who will campaign for our values as Democrats, and who will kick the Republicans in the ass when they need it (which is more often now than ever). We need a Democrat who ISN'T AFRAID to be a Democrat, and who isn't afraid to kick the Republicans where it counts. The last thing we need is more of the same wimpy wussy milquetoast pseudo-Democratic crap that we had to put up with Tom Daschle and the rest of the Democratic establishment in this town.
Please call Senator Chris Dodd's office NOW and urge them to tell their boss WE WANT HIM TO RUN FOR SENATE DEMOCRATIC LEADER. We need a strong courageous Democratic running our party in the US Senate. Dodd is reportedly considering whether or not to run for leader. He will supposedly announce tomorrow his decision. PLEASE call his office immediately, and ask your friends to do the same. Simply politely tell the staffer answering the phone that we need Chris Dodd to run for Senate Democratic leader.
Again, you folks wanted to know what to do today? This is an important first step. Let's finally get the leaders we deserve.
NOTE: I understand the voice mail box is full this evening (Wednesday) - call again on Thursday after 9AM eastern when a real person is there to answer, but in the meantime, use this
Web form to send an email.
Chris Dodd's office phone number in DC:
(202) 224-2823
I would prefer folks don't use email or Web forms to contact the office. They need to hear from us now, and it's not clear when they'll check their email. Having said that, it's now after hours - so it can't hurt to use the Web form to contact them tonight while also trying the phone - they may have the answering machine on, leave messages.. Please call and simply tell the person at the front desk that you urge Senator Dodd to run for Senate Democratic leader.
I understand the voice mail box is full - call again on Thursday after 9AM eastern when a real person is there to answer, but in the meantime, use this
Web form to send an email.
Thanks everyone, JOHN
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