Today, Charles Krauthammer had a really counterintuitive
column about what he called the "Moral Values Myth." John and I were mulling this over today. Seems like there might be trouble brewing in conservative paradise. Krauthammer is one of the right wing loudest (and crankiest) voices. He has a huge megaphone with his Washington Post column.
Basically, he seems to be trying to distance the Republican Party from the right-wing religious zealots. He is certainly not giving the kudos to the Falwell, Robertson, Dobson wing of the party. Krauthammer somehow tries to blame Democrats and the media for giving the zealots all the credit for the elections, but it rings hollow. True, Democratic pundits and consultants are giving the religious fanatics too much credit for what happened on November 2nd. But, the Right wing fanatics are taking credit for themselves...and asserting their role as leaders of the GOP. They don't need anyone else's help.
Krauthammer deconstructs the exit polls and proves the gay marriage amendments weren't the deciding factors in the 11 states where they passed. He does more to aid the gay cause than anyone else has yet.
George Bush increased his vote in 2004 over 2000 by an average of 3.1 percent nationwide. In Ohio the increase was 1 percent -- less than a third of the national average. In the 11 states in which the gay marriage referendums were held, Bush increased his vote by less than he did in the 39 states that did not have the referendum. The great anti-gay surge was pure fiction.
So the question we have is what is Krauthammer so worried about? Clearly, warning bells are going off in GOP circles about the new perceived power of the right wing religious zealots. This could be fun to watch.
Krauthammer's conclusion has it backwards:
This does not deter the myth of the Bigoted Christian Redneck from dominating the thinking of liberals and infecting the blue-state media. They need heir moral superiority like oxygen, and they cannot have it cut off by mere facts. Once again they angrily claim the moral high ground, while standing in the ruins
of yet another humiliating electoral defeat.
After reading his column, seems to us it's not the liberals and the blue-state media who fear the "Bigoted Christian Redneck". It's the Krauthammers, the conservatives and the White House.
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