Michael Moore, of course. Moore is easily visible because EVERYWHERE he travels at the convention he is surrounded by like 50 people oogling and ogling and trying to get photos and interviews. The man is hotter than, well, Ben Affleck. I couldn't hear a thing he was saying, but I do have a fun Michael Moore story a friend told me yesterday. Apparently my friend was in the bathroom at the convention center and Michael Moore was peeing next to him. Moore finished up, turned around, and the entire bathroom full of men gasped audibly once they realized who it was who was just peeing with them. Reportedly it was a rather odd moment, especially since no one could really shake his hand, considering the circumstances. I know, weird story - not to mention the fact that people didn't think Michael Moore peed (how many e's does that word have anyway?) - but hey, you wanted the flavor of the day. :-)
I came out of the gay caucus meeting and looked at the table next to me, and who was there, but Bobby Kennedy, Jr. I'm telling you, this place is crawling with famous Democrats. It's just so cool. RFK, Jr. was apparently signing copies of his book.
And around 4:30 today I finally got to meet Duncan Black (?), the blogger known as Atrios. Atrios was doing an interview on Mike Signorile's radio show. We got to chat for a few minutes afterwards. He's a good guy, not surprisingly, and interesting as well. I met a friend of his and fellow blogger who was quite interesting as well, Matt Stoller of BOPNews.com.
And I think, hope, that that's it for today. JOHN Read More......