I've written before about the problem of Movement Conservative embeds in the Executive branch — and not just political types, but
career types as well, loyal to Bush goals and Movement Conservative dreams.
In a classic nipping at the pantlegs that out-of-power Movement Conservatism is famous for — and really good at — one of the lawyers Bradley Schlozman hired to muck up (er, fix) the Justice department's Civil Rights Division has emerged bearing tales of . . . well, you guess. HINT: It's a right-wing mash-up of very tall blacks (oh-oh), 60s radicals (oh no!), and voter fraud (of course). From
Media Matters:
[Fox News host] Megyn Kelly and GOP activist J. Christian Adams deceptively cited Justice Department official Thomas Perez's testimony to accuse the DOJ of racially motivated corruption in its handling of a voter-intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party.
Media Matters goes on to identify the obvious deceptions (
click through for the sordid detail). If you watch the embedded vid, note that at about the 3:50 mark, Kelly asks Adams if he thinks the case raises questions about the upcoming midterm and
presidential elections. Adams: "There's no question about it. I saw first hand the laws we enforce, the laws we should enforce, and the laws we won't enforce." Breaking news, they called it.
This is really pantleg stuff — death by a thousand hangnails — and it works when relentlessly applied. Classic Movement Conservative playbook material.
So who is J. Christian Adams? (Man, what a great name —
John Quincy Adams with a apocalyptic modernist twist.) Media Matters again (their emphasis for a change):
Adams is a longtime conservative activist reportedly hired by Bush appointee who politicized the Justice Department. A December 2, 2009, article on the legal news website Main Justice reported that Adams "was hired in 2005 by then-Civil Rights Division political appointee Bradley Schlozman, according to a person familiar with the situation" and that "Schlozman was found in this joint investigation [PDF] of the Justice Department's Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility to have violated civil service rules by improperly taking political and ideological affiliations into account when making career attorney hires." The article also reported that Adams volunteered with a Republican group that "trains lawyers to fight on the front lines of often racially tinged battles over voting rights."
In the bunker days of the Bush administration, 2006–2008, Schlozman news was everywhere.
Here's a sample. Adams is Schlozman's man. What was Schlozman's specialty at the Bush DOJ Civil Rights voting section? Pervert civil rights enforcement so that only whites can be victims, of black injustice. Like I said, Movement operatives, and good ones.
My point? It's not about this hangnail. Adams, having done a fine small job, will be rewarded and fade. It's about what happens when you leave Republican insurgents to operate in a "Democratic" administration. Adams worked at the DOJ until the
middle of this year. Think about that — 18 months in
Obama's voting rights enforcement division.
Digby wonders
how many more like him there are. I wonder why Obama didn't clean house the day he walked in the door. There are people like Adams (and McChrystal) all through his administration.
I mean that seriously — why didn't he clean house? We shouldn't be stopping at the question. We need to be finding the answer.
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