Saturday, September 25, 2004

I [Heart] the FreewayBlogger, Take II

From our good friend, the Read More......

I [Heart] the FreewayBlogger :-) had a long caption on this photo, but I kind of liked it as is. Can you imagine Abe Lincoln holding the same job as George Bush? Read More......

Kerry defends dykes like Mary Cheney, so he's unfit to be president

I hope the Cheney family - Dick and Mary and all of them - are proud that one of their top supporters has now launched homophobic TV ads to help re-elect Bush. Will we hear from the Cheneys? I doubt it. When the RNC used gay-baiting mailings to help shore up Bush's vote in West Virginia and Arkansas the Cheneys didn't say boo. And when the president bashed Mary, suggesting her relationship with Heather was somehow a threat to society as we know it, Dick and Mary and Lynne continued to support the prez. So it's unlikely we'll hear squat from the Cheneys now that their most loyal supporters are using gay people like Mary to gay-bait John Kerry.

The biggest irony here is that John Kerry is being called unfit to be president because he's done more to defend Mary Cheney's humanity than Mary or her parents have ever done. Read More......

US destroyers patroling off N. Korea

Because we haven't started enough wars yet. Read More......

Open Thread

I'm at a friend's place, plotting the political demise of our prez (seriously). Chat amongst yourselves in the meantime. Read More......

NYT: George Bush is Un-American

NYT Editorial:
"[A]t a time when the United States is supposed to be preparing the Iraqi people for a democratic election, it's appalling to hear the chief executive say that loyal opposition gives aid and comfort to the enemy abroad."
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Pakistan's Musharraf: Iraq war has made world "MORE DANGEROUS, NOT SAFER"

Somebody get on the bat-phone to the Kerry people RIGHT NOW. THIS is their next TV commercial.
September 24, 2004 Friday

ZAHN: Is the world a safer place because of the war in Iraq?

MUSHARRAF: No. It's more dangerous. It's not safer, certainly not.

ZAHN: How so?

MUSHARRAF: Well, because it has aroused actions of the Muslims more. It's aroused certain sentiments of the Muslim world, and then the responses, the latest phenomena of explosives, more frequent for bombs and suicide bombings. This phenomenon is extremely dangerous.

ZAHN: Was it a mistake to have gone to war with Iraq?

MUSHARRAF: Well, I would say that it has ended up bringing more trouble to the world....

ZAHN: Has that happened in Iraq?

MUSHARRAF: Well, there are difficulties. One can't predict. Maybe the difficulties are surmounted and then it ends up with a victory, with a success. But, at the moment, we are bogged down, yes, yes indeed....

ZAHN: Do you think that the war in Iraq has undermined the overall war on terror?

MUSHARRAF: It has complicated it, certainly. I wouldn't say undermined. It has further complicated it. It has made the job more difficult
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Sun explodes, earth burned to crisp, 6 billion die, CBS won't report on it until Nov. 3

This is evidence of what happens when the right-wingers go ape shit and we do NOTHING. CBS got the crap beaten out of it by the freepers and we didn't respond. So now CBS has announced that it won't do any reporting that is critical of Bush until AFTER the election. Lovely. So Iraq is clearly off the table. The economy too. National Guard Service is a given. Cocaine. The environment. That pretty much sums up everything. This is when someone needs to set up a campaign to blast the crap out of CBS from OUR side. In an effort to be unbiased, they're now going to be biased for Bush. Not to mention, with all due respect to their National Guard story, there wasn't much new "news" to it, so for them to play all "woe is us, we unfairly influenced the election" is a bit much. Guys, it was a fun story, but 99% of the facts were already out there.

Email CBS a piece of your mind.

Web feedback form.

BY PHONE: 212-975-3247,(212) 975-3691, (202) 457-4385
CBS FAX: 212-975-1998

Also feel free to contact:
Mel Karmazin, President, CBS Corporation
VIACOM/CBS Corporation
1515 Broadway
New York, New York 10036

This is my email to CBS:
Subject: why is CBS censoring news about Iraq?

For shame. You guys screwed up with memos, deal with it. But don't punish the rest of us by now declaring that you'll never report any news about Iraq that's critical of the president. Our soldiers are dying over there, and you don't have the balls to report it. Maybe the rightwing is right - you aren't a respectable news source anymore. If I want this kind of crap, I can go watch FAUX News.
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Bush Family in Bed With Hitler?

The Guardian in London has a nice, juicy story about Dubya's grandfather Prescott Bush and how he had business dealings with the Nazis -- including the businessman that literally funded Hitler's rise to power -- and continued with those business dealings even AFTER Pearl Harbor. No wonder Bush doesn't think it's a big deal Cheney did business with Iraq through Halliburton even though it was against US law.

The allegations have been around for a while but now numerous documents recently declassified have buttressed the case. Prescott Bush's actions were so bad that assets of the company he served as a director on were seized by the US government...

" 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act [and] has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy."

That's right. Bush is being sued by survivors of Auschwitz (!)because they say his family profited from the death camps. The Guardian also suggests that one reason Bush backtracked on Clinton's support of the World Court was because his family could be dragged in front of it!

"...the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, [Prescott Bush] worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty."

If we wrote it as fiction, you'd say it was crazy and over-the-top -- Bush's family doing business with the Nazis even AFTER Pearl Harbor? No one is that cynical and cruel.
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GOP Senate candidate sterilized "lots" of under-age women

In the GOP Senate candidate world of things - forced cage sex, Mary Cheney is a selfish hedonist, the radical gay agenda is taking over the world (and running my campaign) - sterilizing lots of underage women is almost downright tame. Read More......

It's late Friday night, and you all know what THAT means...

...time for the Pentagon to release YET ANOTHER BATCH of Bush military records that were supposedly all released MONTHS AGO! The sad part is what a fucking corrupt banana republic our government has become. Read More......