Paph. Norito Hasegawa
I'm actually quite proud of this one. We're now getting into the realm of orchids that are a bit harder to grow, and flower, than your usual run of the mill phal (the moth orchids, which I often tend to kill), though this guy has a reputation of being pretty easy (well, that's orchid easy). This guy has been growing for a few years and just recently bloomed. The flower has been open for a good couple of weeks so far. The supposedly sometimes smell like pine. Mine doesn't. But it's still pretty cool, and a good size too - about 3 3/4 inches at its widest.
It's pretty cool, I have a number of plants either flowering or getting ready to flower. I got some hideous compact fluorescent lights last winter or so, and while the set up looks like a home-grown pot garden (most of the home orchid folks get their advice on home garden lighting from the pot people, who are apparently experts at it), and I have to wear an eye mask so they don't wake me up at 6am when the lights go on, it's done wonders for the plants. Heck, that one plant I mentioned a few weeks ago, the spike (the flower stem) is getting close to 6 feet long, with about 30 flowers on it. It hasn't fully bloomed, but when it does I'll take a picture. The reason they're doing so well is that they're finally getting the light they need - a simple sunlight window isn't enough for some species of orchids. So yeah, my apartment is bright, but hey, how many people have flowering plants indoors in February, and an added bonus, at least I won't be getting that cabin fever depression they get in Alaska!
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