Saturday, April 30, 2005

Saturday Night Open Thread

Slow news night because the entire MSM is at the Washington Hilton with the entire Bush Administration at the White House Correspondents Dinner (but no Jimmy Jeff). It's right around the corner....and making a real mess in the neighborhood....

So, anything fun happening? Read More......

Open thread

Orthodox Easter in a few hours... Read More......

Bush STILL Having Prisoners Tortured In Name Of Freedom

I've been angry and sick for months now about the widespread rape, sodomy, torture and killing of prisoners done in our name by US troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay and in undisclosed locations we don't even know about. Except for low-level grunts caught on tape and one top figure (who says not without justification that she's the scapegoat), no one in command is being punished. Many in command have been given the Medal of Freedom, promotions and other awards. Many Americans have shrugged and said it's a war on terror and you have to fight hard. Well, you lose when you debase and abandon the principals that made this country great. You lose when our government can grab American citizens on American soil, throw them in a hole and insist that it never needs to answer to anyone ever about what we've done. These Orwellian tactics SHOULD cause an ongoing outcry.

But Bush, to his eternal shame, has made rape, torture and killing in the name of freedom commonplace, dull and in a quiet way even accepted.

It's very clear we now regularly send prisoners to countries we KNOW will torture and kill them to obtain information of dubious value. This washing of our hands is worthy of Pilate and hopefully Bush will be remembered equally with disdain.

The latest charming ally that we send prisoners to?

Uzbekistan. The New York Times reports:

Now there is growing evidence that the United States has sent terror suspects to Uzbekistan for detention and interrogation, even as Uzbekistan's treatment of its own prisoners continues to earn it admonishments from around the world, including from the State Department.

The so-called rendition program, under which the Central Intelligence Agency transfers terrorism suspects to foreign countries to be held and interrogated, has linked the United States to other countries with poor human rights records. But the turnabout in relations with Uzbekistan is particularly sharp. Before Sept. 11, 2001, there was little high-level contact between Washington and Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, beyond the United States' criticism.

Uzbekistan's role as a surrogate jailer for the United States was confirmed by a half-dozen current and former intelligence officials working in Europe, the Middle East and the United States. The C.I.A. declined to comment on the prisoner transfer program, but an intelligence official estimated that the number of terrorism suspects sent by the United States to Tashkent was in the dozens.

A pre-9-11 report by the State Departmen on Uzbekistan said:

The police repeatedly tortured prisoners, State Department officials wrote, noting that the most common techniques were "beating, often with blunt weapons, and asphyxiation with a gas mask." Separately, international human rights groups had reported that torture in Uzbek jails included boiling of body parts, using electroshock on genitals and plucking off fingernails and toenails with pliers. Two prisoners were boiled to death, the groups reported. The February 2001 State Department report stated bluntly, "Uzbekistan is an authoritarian state with limited civil rights."
How can anyone take the US seriously when it claims its fighting for freedom and democracy? Bush supports a military coup in Venezuela because he finds the democratically elected leader annoying? Our allies in the Middle East are Saudia Arabia (the number one financial backer of terrorism around the world) and Pakistan (the number one spreader of nuclear weapon material and know-how)? And now UZBEKISTAN?

It's hard to stay angry. But Bush and a complacent American people are making it easy for me.

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Why Bolton Is So Dangerous

We've been saying for a while that what's disturbing about Bolton for the UN is not some stupid, "boss from Hell" reputation (though that hardly bodes well for an ambassador). The specific charges of harassment and intimidation are more serious than that. But the real concern is over Bolton's attempt to twist intelligence for political purposes -- the very crime that Bush, Rice, Cheney et al committed over Iraq.

The LA Times makes this connection and nails why Bush wants Bolton so bad:
The soap opera hearings over the president's nomination of John Bolton as U.N. ambassador have had an unintended effect, bolstering what half a dozen investigations of pre-9/11 intelligence failures couldn't prove: an atmosphere in the White House that pushed spies to bend their conclusions to political ends....

Bolton, an assistant secretary of State, was subject to the caution and apparent personal dislike of then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell. Had he been speaking for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, or on behalf of Vice President Dick Cheney, the pressure would probably have been more successful.

The most important piece of the puzzle, though, is the White House's strong defense of Bolton. "[H]e is someone who has a long record of results in getting things done," said a presidential spokesman last week. "And sometimes you get people mad at you when you get things done. But we believe he's a very capable individual and will do an outstanding job at the United Nations."

All three sentences praise Bolton's style and record. That means behavior like Bolton's must be regarded as not just normal but desirable by the White House. Cheney made a similar defense earlier this week.

Behaving like a boor and a bully is not so rare in government. Using threats to twist the conclusions of career intelligence analysts ought to be. But if Bolton is so admired in the house where the buck stops, it is impossible to believe that he's the only practitioner.
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Microsoft is somehow affiliated with the GLAAD media awards in LA tonight, April 30

If they dare attend, I hope someone is ready to give them an earful. And if they're just a sponsor, GLAAD ought to follow the LA Gay and Lesbian Center's lead and drop them. Or at least publicly embarrass them at the awards. Hey, that's an idea - any Hollydood types out there know folks going to the awards and speaking? This is a great chance to speak out, and you know the audience will love it, and if Microsoft is in the audience, all the better. Read More......

GannonGuckert on HBO - links, and reviews has the video.

Review from E&P;
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Open thread

Slow weekend, hopefully. Read More......

When Blogs Attack

A blog of disgruntled employees at Los Alamos is focusing attention on the turmoil and anger created by the current director G. Peter Nanos. The New York Times reports:

Four months of jeers, denunciations and defenses of Dr. Nanos's management recently culminated in dozens of signed and anonymous messages concluding that his days were numbered. The postings to a public Web log conveyed a mood of self-congratulation tempered with sober discussions of what comes next....

Dr. Nanos would not comment. A spokesman for Los Alamos, Kevin Roark, said false rumors of the director's resignation had circulated for months....

Several outside experts said that the director's quick departure was inevitable and that the blog's attacks were playing a significant role.

"Nanos is leaving," said Greg Mello, director of the Los Alamos Study Group, a private organization in Albuquerque that monitors weapons laboratories. "The blog changed the climate, giving people an outlet they didn't have before."

Blogs seem to be everywhere. But this one is unusual, in that the Los Alamos National Laboratory, isolated in the mountains of New Mexico, has a long history of maintaining the highest level of federal secrecy. The lab's very existence was once classified. Today, barbed wire rings many of its buildings, federal agents monitor its communications, and its employees are constantly reminded that loose lips sink ships.

The blog ( went public in January and since then has registered more than 100,000 visits, with more than half a million pages viewed and more than 5,000 comments, some extensive. Discussions run on a variety of topics, from the sanctity of retirement benefits to the likely identity of the next contractor who will run Los Alamos.

One more reason for business and government to take blogs very seriously indeed -- and for people who contribute to blogs with postings and comments to be cognizant of the impact we can have. With great power comes great responsibility, as Peter Parker was once told.

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Vietnam has come a long way in 30 years

In 2002 I spent 5 weeks traveling from north to south in Vietnam and absolutely loved it. Before arriving I wondered whether or not there would be any hostility towards Americans and from the northern villages on the Chinese border right down to the Mekong Delta, the people were openly friendly and loved Americans. Well, Bush wasn't really held in high regard though they loved Clinton who had visited Vietnam not so long ago. Unlike their communist neighbors in SE Asia, Vietnam had a thriving middle class which was great to see.

Not everything was perfect and the government still runs re-education camps and the communist party was commonly referred to as "the mafia" because of their business dealings but overall I loved the Vietnamese and loved the country. Seeing the victims of Agent Orange there and in American VA clinics as well really pissed me off leaving me to wonder about the honesty of Bush's saber rattling at the time about Saddam and chemical weapons.

As Vietnam celebrates the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, a few pieces of this story really stood out and just made me laugh. Vietnam has really moved on, as you can see from this tidbit about their celebration parade. I had visited a Western style grocery store in Saigon which was full of Vietnamese dressed in their "Sunday best" but with 2-3 items in the shopping cart but curious to see what the store was all about and to enjoy the airconditioned environment. I had a cart that was semi-filled and took looks of shock and amazement.
Many of the parade floats were sponsored by American companies including VISA and American Express. One float featured women pushing shopping carts loaded with supermarket goods.
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Cool Street art Chalk Drawings

Ok, I don't have any orchids. (Or even a digital camera.) But here's a link to some very nifty street art chalk drawings. Read More......

Friday, April 29, 2005

Use this thread for GannonGuckert's appearance on Bill Maher

I don't have HBO, but Crooks and Liars is going to tape the show and have it up afterwards. In the meantime, you guys can use this thread to fill the rest of us in on what's happening during the show and how GG does. Read More......

Friday Orchid Blogging

Eplc Orange Crush (Lc. Trick or Treat x Epi. cordigerum)

A new one I got at the NY show a few weeks ago. It's even more stunning in person - those are the real colors, but they're even darker when you see them for real. It's also VERY fragrant, kind of an orange citrus scent (very perfume-like, citrus-y, actually). A really stunning flower. Read More......

More fond memories of the Nazis in the GOP south

From a letter sent by a county commissioner in North Carolina opposed domestic partner benefits. Putting aside the fact that his "facts" are pure lies worthy of Goebbels (he quotes studies by that quack Paul Cameron, the same debunked fool that the religious right groups are now quoting again out of desperation), I wonder what kind of sex Commissioner Bill James has, details folks, ask for details.
You really think that a pool of people (homosexuals) where 45% of them eat feces from the rear end of another male is "normal"? If you do, you are frankly nuts.

A lifestyle where one of their past times is buying gerbils and hamsters from the pet store and cramming them up their rears in an activity called feltching? A group of people who like to urinate on their partners and call them "golden showers"? Where one of the honored members of the Gay Alliance is an organization called the "Man-Boy Love Association" that promotes sex with underage boys?
Feltching? Oh, it goes on and then some. I wonder if Commissioner James drinks his wife's saliva or vaginal secretions? After all, that is what he's talking about above, oral contact during sex. So, we can assume he doesn't do any of that, right? Nothing but missionary, right?

Commissioner Bill James Read More......

Don't forget, JimmyJeff is on Maher tonight on HBO

A show not to be missed. Read More......

My commentary in The Stranger

Just came out. Nothing you haven't heard before, but good because it's in Microsoft's hometown, Seattle. Read More......

Jeff/Jim wants to go to the Ball

Okay, this is pathetic. Page Six in the NY Post has Jeff/Jim whining about not being invited to the White House Correspondents Association Dinner tomorrow night:
DISGRACED former White House reporter/male escort Jeff Gannon can't believe no one has invited him to tomorrow's White House Correspondents Dinner. "It seems to me to be odd to exclude the one person who has brought more attention to the White House press corps than anyone else in years," Gannon tells PAGE SIX's Jared Paul Stern. "Probably many who would want to extend such an invitation already assume I will be in attendance." Gannon, whose real name is James Guckert, quit his job with the conservative Talon News earlier this year after his fake name, lack of journalistic qualifications and male escort connections came to light.
Yeah, that's what it is. Has nothing to do with your past. Maybe people thought you'd be charging the hourly rate. Read More......

Open Thread

Have at it. Read More......

ChevronTexaco suffering badly, only manage 20% growth

What an embarassment to the industry. With Shell raking in 28%, BP 29% and Exxon Mobil leading the pack with 44% Q1 profits the ChevronTexaco people should really ask the government to step in and offer relief in the form of massive tax breaks and state owned property such as former military bases. Clearly with the massive economic growth that the economy is experiencing a mere 20% growth just isn't going to cut it. Please, reach out and call your politicians in Washington and help these suffering people before it's too late. Read More......

Microsoft demands neutral position on ethnic cleansing

Oh man, read it. Pleae read it. It's hysterical. Read More......

Define "Gouging," Mr. President

Love this little tidbit tucked in the AP story about the Bush press conference last night:
"There will be no price gouging at gas pumps in America," Bush said.

He spoke on the same day the world's largest publicly traded oil company, Exxon Mobil Corp., announced that its profit for the first three months of the year had risen 44 percent to $7.86 billion from the corresponding quarter a year ago.
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Friday Morning Open Thread

It's almost the away Read More......

For those who want to privatize trains and subways

Just look at this. What was once among the best, if the best rail and subway system in the world has now fallen on hard times and high costs. Late trains and high costs do not exactly encourage travelers to use the system and while some cities are trying to reduce traffic in their cities (and reduce pollution) by encouraging public transportation, trashing good systems will force even more people into cars. I detest using trains and the underground in London because it's always so late and unreliable when I need to be somewhere on time. What a pitty it is to see such a mess. Read More......

Headline article for the Washington Post

Bush Social Security Plan Would Cut Future Benefits. At least nobody is trying to sugar coat the garbage that is being churned out this time. Read More......

Bush's New Budget: Huge Deficits, Slow Spending On The Sick and $100 Billion in NEW Tax Cuts

In what was mostly a party line vote, the House and Senate approved a new budget that slowed spending on Medicaid (without tackling that problem in any real way), accepted massive deficits as par for the course, approved $106 billion in new tax cuts for the wealthy and, of course, gave the thumbs up to drilling in Alaska because if we drill in Alaska, there's no reason to push our faltering falling-behind car companies -- which are about two minutes away from begging for handouts like the airlines -- into improving gas mileage, god forbid. Read More......

Thursday, April 28, 2005

We [heart] Barney. Barney [heart] Microsoft.

From the Advocate and Sirius OutQ:
Openly gay U.S. representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts weighed in on the growing Microsoft controversy Tuesday with a letter to heads of the technology giant, saying he doesn't buy the company's explanation for withdrawing its support from a piece of gay rights legislation in Washington State. Frank expressed his disbelief that the company, which has a track record of gay-friendly policies, could not muster enough resources to write a statement of support for the nondiscrimination bill, which failed in the state senate by one vote last week.

In the letter Frank said, "It is generally my experience that when highly intelligent people such as yourself say things which are quite implausible, some other reason must be involved." State representative Ed Murray, the bill's prime sponsor, contended that the company caved in to pressure from Ken Hutcherson, a local conservative Christian pastor. Microsoft denies that claim even after it came to light this week that it is paying former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed $20,000 a month for international trade and competition consulting services.

Even Hutcherson said the company is lying and that his threat of a national boycott forced Microsoft to change its position. Frank's letter reminded Microsoft of his previous support of many of the company's "legitimate" public policy goals. And he informed the company's lawyer, Bradford L. Smith, that because of the demands on his time, dealing with Microsoft officials and representatives will now be of a "much lower priority." "Like everyone else in public life, I have many demands on my time, and I can satisfy only some of them," Frank said.
Isn't it nice that Barney Frank, the congressman from Massachusetts, is doing more for the citizens of Washington state on this issue than their own two Democratic senators who sold them out? Read More......

So what happened during the press conference?

I see a massive amount of comments below, figured it's time for another thread anyway. In a nutshell, did anything new come out? Read More......

Feel free to comment on the prez's press conference

I watched for 15 minutes, it's all I could take. Read More......

Wash State Senators Cantwell and Murray, both Dems, sell out gays, side with Microsoft


More worthless, spineless Democrats in name only. These are your own God damn constituents he sold out, not to mention he's giving fuel to the religious right nationwide, and you couldn't give a damn, could you, Senators? Then again, Gates is rich, and when it comes down to it, what really is the difference between Tom DeLay and you two - money talks, doesn't it.
Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., said she was disappointed at the way the controversy has emerged — especially given Microsoft's lengthy record in support of gay rights — but was satisfied with the Gates' answers.

"They have a huge portfolio" of issues that are important to the company and cannot be expected to push all of them at the same time, she said.

Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said she was reassured by Gates' promise that Microsoft was looking at ways to "revisit" its decision to take a neutral stance on the gay-rights bill it had once championed.
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Microsoft's letter STRONGLY supporting the gay rights bill in 2004

Oh what a difference a year makes.

Excerpts from a February 2004 letter from Microsoft's manager of government affairs in the state, DeLee Shoemaker, to Rep. Ed Murray:

"Our employees know that they will be treated fairly, without being subject to prejudice or discrimination. An essential element of those policies includes the company's anti-discrimination policy that expressly states that it will not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.

"Unfortunately, not all Americans experience this basic protection in their employment. It remains legal in 38 states to fire someone because of their sexual orientation. This is not only bad for business, it is bad for America. House Bill 1809 would simply and fairly extend to Washingtonians the fundamental right to be judged on one's own merits. And it does so without any undue burden on our business environment.

"Microsoft strongly supports passage of HB 1809 and the additional protections it provides in our state's law against discrimination. The principles it fosters are consistent with our corporate principles in treating all employees with fairness and respect."
Then there's this from Microsoft this year:

"Never mind."
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This just in from Atrios...

What price, fame? He's not gonna know what hit him. Read More......

[Insert caption here]

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Open Thread

What's the latest? Read More......

Bill Gates lies to National Public Radio

I hate to say "lie" because I wanted to trust Gates on all of this. He really has been great on gay issues, and his foundation has been tremendous on AIDS funding. And he personally supports the state gay rights bill. And all of that is great.

So WTF was Gates talking about with NPR today?
NPR: "Was it a mistake to make the steps on the gay rights bill that you did, changing your support."

Gates: "We didn't change... we chose not to get involved in that."
Ok, that was an outright lie and an attempt to mislead NPR and the American public. Microsoft has for years supported this legislation and this year they changed their mind and are no longer supporting it. How in God's name is that not "changing" your position?

I'd like to think Gates has just been misinformed by his staff, but he's a smart man and appears to know what he's talking about here. He seems to have intentionally lied to NPR, and that hardly bodes well for Microsoft's goodwill in handling this entire affair. Read More......

Bush Speaks!

In a rare foray into reality, Bush will hold a press conference Thursday night at 8:30 p.m....and then take questions from (mostly) real reporters. No reason why Jim Guckert shouldn't be there, right? Bush is so used to fake town meetings and making sure everyone he comes in contact is prescreened for "loyalty" that it should be a shock for him to face genuine questions.

According to the New York Times, he'll weigh in for ten minutes or so on Social Security, his failing plan to gut it and high gas prices. White House official Scott McClellan insists Bush will "talk in more specific ways" about his plan for Social Security. You mean, after a year of insisting its in dire straits he might actually commit to naming a specific idea or two?

Shame on the reporters if their first question doesn't focus on wondering why Bush insists on privitization when he says that solvency is the big problem and he's already admitted that privitization won't help increase solvency by a single penny. (Not to mention create trillions of dollars in debt over the next decade.)

What questions would you ask Bush if you had the chance? Read More......

Exxon Mobil profits even higher than massive profits at BP

So the president is chummy with our friends in Saudi Arabia who just can't do us enough favors and now his other friends are raking in massive profits on the backs of average Americans. In case the idiots in the White House missed it, the economy is hitting a soft patch. It's so nice to see that we have an administration that cares about average Americans. Read More......

And the editorial cartoons begin

About Microsoft and Ralph Reed, from Danziger! Read More......

Blair Lied To UK During Leadup To Invasion Of Iraq

Hey, here's one more thing Bush and Blair have in common: it's become increasingly clear to the British people that Tony Blair lied about the legal advice he was given before the invasion of Iraq. Per UK's The Independent:

The publication of Lord Goldsmith's report last night could prove to be the "smoking gun" that shows Tony Blair misled Parliament and the country over the war.

Last night, Mr Blair - unaware that the report was about to be leaked - was caught out still claiming on Sky News that the advice from the Attorney General "didn't change".

Professor Peter Hennessy, an expert on constitutional affairs, said: "The whole thing reeks." Dominic Grieve, the Tory legal affairs spokesman said: "There has been a gross deception."

Families of some of the British soldiers killed in Iraq said they were preparing a legal case against the Prime Minister, based on the leaked document.

No wonder those two get along so well.

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Ahnold's Tanking

AP reports Governor Arnold's popularity is falling fast in California:
In the latest poll, Schwarzenegger had a approval rating of 45 percent. His disapproval number was 47 percent. Eight percent were undecided.

Sixty percent of the likely voters polled in January approved of the governor's job performance and 33 percent disapproved.
So, he's not invincible. Read More......

Thursday Morning Open Thread

I've had some coffee....what's going on? Read More......

Hey Today Show - Bill Kristol is a right winger, not an objective journalist

I hate getting so pissed off first thing in the morning.

The Today show did one of its first interviews this morning on the subject of John Bolton's flailing nomination. They told about the full scale campaign by the White House to get the nomination passed. Then to get the story, Matt Lauer did an interview with William Kristol from the Weekly Standard. Yes, they did a one-on-one interview with one of the leading commentators from the right wing who is part of the White House campaign to confirm Bolton.

Um, that's not really news. It's a campaign ad.

Right off the bat, Kristol said he had talked to people at the White House who told him the nomination was making progress. He also admitted that Bolton was his friend.

Basically, the Today Show gave Kristol a prime spot to deliver the White House's spin. They treat Kristol as an objective journalist. He's not.

If the Today Show wants the White House spin, put someone on from the White House. Don't pretend you are talking to a reporter who can give you the story. If you want to talk to a reporter, use someone who doesn't advertise their right wing credentials. And, here's an idea: if you are going to put on someone with an agenda, include someone from the other side. That's called a debate. And I bet, you could have found someone who disagreed with Kristol...if you had looked.


I had to email the Today Show:

Now, I need some coffee. Read More......

What's wrong with this group?

The US is criticizing the re-election of Zimbabwe to the UN Commission on Human Rights and with good reason. Whether or not the US is living in a glass house as Zimbabwe is claiming is well grounded considering Gitmo and the recent Pentagon report on the torture scandal at Abu Ghraib that somehow just happened with amazing similarity to events at Gitmo and in Afghanistan. Looking at the list of countries who are part of the UN commission really just makes me shake my head in disbelief. Serious change is needed at the UN if it wants to join this new century.
The 15 members elected Wednesday to three-year terms, replacing replace nations whose terms had expired, were: Botswana, Cameroon, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Australia, Austria, Germany and the United States.
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Odessa, TX adds Bible Class

Who needs the seperation of church and state anyway? That's only for lefties up north. Read More......

Benedict and the thin end of the wedge?

Fun times ahead as Pope Benedict is already talking about Europe and the "unrenounceable Christian roots of its culture and civilization". The reactionaries who love the guy feel that way because he focuses on many of the core issues of the supporters of European Catholocism. (I have my suspicions about just how focused he will be on the developing world and the particular issues that impact those areas, but the jury is still out.) OK, he holds on to the core supporters that make up a small minority of Europe but focusing on the Christian roots of Europe doesn't really sound like reaching out to me.

He can evangelise in Europe all he likes but starting from this point, I don't see many people jumping on board. Modern Europe is much too diverse both ethnically and religiously to buy this tired old story. Read More......

Bush on high oil prices - isn't he a little late?

So has anybody actually called him on the silly statements that he's making on the high cost of oil?
"Technology is the ticket," said Bush, calling today's tight energy markets "a problem that has been years in the making" and will take time to resolve.
First off, this is a president who came from the oil business so if this is the reason (and that is an "if") why the hell is he only raising it now that middle class families as well as US businesses are feeling the pain? Shouldn't he have made this an issue back in 2000 if this was such a burning issue? Second, if the industry is such a mess, why are the petroleum companies showing record profits right now if it's all such a mess? They don't really seem to be suffering much now, do they?

I know that Bush doesn't read polls because he's such an independent guy and heavens no, he just does his own thing but why's he being such a wimp on this and blaming someone else (in this instance, it's sort of just "them") for a problem that he's been sitting on for years as well? Sorry, but if you are only now raising the issue, it must not have been much of an issue in the past. Read More......

Ok, THIS is Nazi Germany in America

I dare ANYONE to tell me that we are NOW off-base comparing this kind of Nazi crap to what happened in Germany. This is outrageous and terrifying.
Republican Alabama lawmaker Gerald Allen says homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle. As CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann reports, under his bill, public school libraries could no longer buy new copies of plays or books by gay authors, or about gay characters.

"I don't look at it as censorship," says State Representative Gerald Allen. "I look at it as protecting the hearts and souls and minds of our children."
I'm sorry, but the south really needs to clean up its act, along with the Republican party. This man should be thrown out of the party and out of the Alabama state house. This is reprehensible.

Gay groups, PLEASE pick this up and make it an issue. This is your chance, grab it, use it, run with it, and force the GOP, the religious right, and the south to grow the hell up once and for all and take some responsibility for themselves.

And may I just say to anyone from Microsoft who is reading this that THIS is why we are so upset with you, this is why we are so freaked out, this is why we are so scared that your capitulation to the religious right could start an entire wave of businesses throwing us under the bus, a bus we're already sitting on the back of. Can you understand our fear about what is happening to our country? Can you now understand why it is so important for you to take a stand for what you've always defended until now? Read More......

Late night open thread

Go Read More......

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

New AP story on Microsoft

They just keep on coming. Read More......

Microsoft, please keep letting your general counsel speak

Microft's General Counsel, Brad Smith, seems to have a career death wish. The man just can't shut up, and he can't stop digging a deeper and deeper hole for his bosses.

Now, remember, Smith is the guy who pretty much created this entire debacle for Microsoft. He's the guy who met with the employee gay group. And let me remind you of what happened at that little meeting:
At the April 4 meeting, Smith told members of GLEAM, the gay and lesbian employees group at Microsoft, that the company had switched its official stance to "neutral" on the bill, and took personal responsibility for the decision. He characterized the shift as part of a broader general review of company policy designed to more precisely formulate criteria for determining when Microsoft should involve itself in "social issues," but also disclosed the pressure that had been brought to bear on him by Hutcherson.
Yes, Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith is personally responsible for axing the gay rights bill.

He's also the guy who met with the religious right preacher and, according to the preacher in a new article in Seattle's "The Stranger" (the alternative weekly that broke this story last week), Smith told the preacher that the company was still supporting the civil rights bill when they met earlier this year. This totally contradicts what Microsoft is now claiming - namely, that they didn't JUST drop their support, i.e., because the preacher pressured them.
Hutcherson said that he asked for a meeting with Microsoft after becoming upset that two company employees had testified in favor of the bill on February 1. He first met with Smith and three other lower-ranking executives on February 23.

At that meeting, Smith made it clear to the pastor that the company supported the bill, Hutcherson said. Smith told him, he said, that the company had recently been asked by GLEAM, the gay and lesbian employees group at Microsoft, to come out in favor of same-sex marriage, but the company had said no. Smith went on to say that Microsoft did support the anti-discrimination legislation, and he described it as a “civil rights issue”—a red flag for Hutcherson, who is African American—Hutcherson said. The pastor recalled asking Smith a question: “You won’t stand up for two men or two women getting married, but you will put your power behind a guy who wants to dress up in a dress and come to work?”

Smith replied, according to Hutcherson’s recollection, “That’s our policy. We thought this is a good bill to stand behind.”
Funny, that's not what Smith says now. Smith says they decided LAST FALL OR WINTER to be neutral. There's more:
[The religious right preacher Ken Hutcherson] said that eventually Smith agreed to meet with him again sometime in mid-March.

At that meeting, “[Smith] said, ‘We are going to be neutral. This is the conclusion we’ve come to,’” Hutcherson said.
Again, this is consistent with what the gay employees allege as well, that Smith told them in early April that the company had "switched" its view to neutral - not that the change had occured 5 months prior to that.

It's funny how both sides, the gays and the evil pastor, seem to agree on one thing - Microsoft General Counsil Brad Smith is the bad guy in this whole affair. He's the one who supposedly told both that he had just recently changed Microsoft's position on the bill to "neutral" partly as a result of pressure from the preacher. Amazing how numerous witnesses at separate meetings with Smith supposedly got the story wrong but SMITH got it right in both cases.

Oh but there's more. Remember the openly-gay state representative who was the chief proponent of the gay rights bill? Look what he had to say about Brad Smith in the first Stranger story:
State Rep. Ed Murray, a gay Democrat representing Capitol Hill and the prime sponsor of the bill, confirmed that Smith also told him about the pressure from Hutcherson during an awkward and at times heated March 29 conference call in which they discussed the company's decision to end its active support for the bill.
Now, isn't that amazing. A THIRD person and a THIRD conversation with Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith in which Smith allegedly linked the religious right pastor's pressure to the company having ONLY RECENTLY dropped support for the bill. But all three sources, from three different meetings, are wrong about what happened at those meetings, and Brad Smith is right about each one. Amazing coincidence, isn't it?

And of course, he wouldn't be doing his job if Microsoft's wonderful general counsel didn't give yet another quote to tick off the gay community, effectively blaming us for this entire scandal. In the new Stranger article Smith says:
“I regret the company is being depicted by some as a company not committed to those principles [of diversity].”
Yes, well, Brad, I'd say we regret that Microsoft is foolish enough to keep you on the payroll, but I'd actually have to take that back. We're pleased as punch that you're not yet paying the price for your handling of this entire situation.

I mean, it appears that you're the one who messed up relations with the gays, who messed up relations with the preacher, who messed up relations with the openly-gay member of the state legislature who is not only one of the most powerful politicians in the state but who also oversees the committee you need for your company's expansion, and you are publicly blaming America's civil rights community for the entire situation Microft finds itself in.

And then you turn around and mouth off to the press blaming the victim. All that does is fuel the flames of this controversy, fan the media, and tick off gays and their allies even more.

So, Mr. Gates, if you're reading this blog, please give Brad a big fat raise. He's making our job easy.

Then again, you could always fire Smith, blame the entire mess on him, go back to your original pro-gay positions on everything and we could all move on. Read More......

Spanish Cardinal says gay marriage will lead to Auschwitz death camps

Would somebody tell these idiots to just shut and go away already. How dare a Catholic cardinal speak in such a manner? Yes, Spain permitting gays to wed will lead to death camps. Though perhaps he's right. If the Catholic church and America's Taliban have their way, this may very well be the direction we're heading. And let's face, Pope Hitler Youth knows a thing or two about Nazism. Read More......

This just in...

US House votes overwhelmingly to rescind corrupt GOP ethics committee rules that basically castrated the entire committee. Na na na na na. Read More......