Good morning.
This morning, the President is in Northern Virginia to make one last big push for his health insurance reform legislation. It's looking like the House will vote on Sunday afternoon (just when the immigration reform rally is getting underway on the National Mall.) The vote will be close, but it's looking more likely that the Democrats will scrounge up the necessary 216 votes. The Senate should vote next week on the reconciliation package. But, the House won't need another vote. The Senate bill will be deemed passed in the House vote on Sunday.
It's almost amusing to watch Republicans complain about the process after Mitch McConnell did everything he could to thwart the usual process in the Senate. And, his caucus went along with him -- including the faux moderates Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe. But, both of them have been on federally tax-payer funded health care for most of their lives.
Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo should be released from jail today. They were arrested yesterday after handcuffing themselves to the fence in front of the White House to protest Obama's inaction on repealing DADT. The President plays a key role in that legislation, but despite a vow to do it in the State of the Union, the White House isn't moving. It was the first time I've seen civil disobedience up close. And, it was intense. To think it's come to this with the Obama administration. But, it has. This week,
Barney Frank made it abundantly clear that the White House really needed to speak out on its desire to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell this year. That was Monday. No word from the White House, which says everything. There is no plan, despite the promises. It seems that everyone in DC knows that, but not everyone will admit it.
There was also civil disobedience in Speaker Pelosi's offices in DC and SF yesterday to demand movement on ENDA.
Pam Spaulding has photos from those protests. Looks like we're not playing nice anymore.
Let's get started...
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