With all the
Clarence Thomas news and
counter-news, there's an unasked question in the air. Did Clarence Thomas perjure himself at his congressional confirmation hearing?
I'm not asking this to be provocative, though provocative it is. And I know the question is not new; it was asked at the time of his confirmation. But in light of new revelations, the question at least has to be acknowledged.
To review:
First, Movement Conservative activist Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas,
calls Anita Hill to ask for Hill to apologize for, and explain, "why you did what you did with [sic] my husband." The request is left on Hill's answering machine.
To clarify, what Anita Hill did was accuse Clarence Thomas, under oath at his 1991 judicial confirmation hearing, of sexual harassment, and then offer specifics. Thomas, also under oath, denied the charges. What Virginia Thomas must then mean is that Anita Hill lied — perjured herself before Congress. No less provocative term fits.
Second, the voicemail makes a splash in the press, presumably for its OMG factor. It's being handled like other "weird news from Conservatives" — like Sarah Palin's
latest doings, Joe Miller's
hired thugs, and Christine O'Donnell's
fresh-faced bigotry.
Third, the world responds, as it often does, in the form of stories about Clarence Thomas from people who knew him "back in the day." In particular, Lillian McEwen, in
several stories in the
Washington Post and
another in the
New York Times, alleges that Hill's story is '
totally consistent with the way he lived' and that '
he was obsessed with porn'.
later said, “The kind of Clarence I knew at the time that these events occurred is the kind of Clarence that did not emerge from the hearings, I’ll say that. It was not him, and he probably would not have been on the court if the real Clarence had actually been revealed.”
It seems only reasonable, therefore, given Mrs. Thomas's implied accusation of perjury against Anita Hill, that the same question be asked of her husband.
Did Clarence Thomas commit perjury to acquire his seat on the Court?
The question is hanging in the air, just waiting for a response, whether anyone "important" is asking it or not.
By the way, while researching a separate article, I came across this from David Brock, in an
interview with CNN:
CARVILLE: Clarence Thomas, you wrote a book about Anita Hill. Did Clarence Thomas tell the truth under oath?
BROCK: No. When I found out two years later that he had done many of the things that Anita alleged...
CARVILLE: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) children. We have a man on the Supreme Court that lied under oath?
BROCK: That's right.
Brock is a former Movement Conservative activist himself, one who had a central role in both the Bill Clinton Troopergate story and the Anita Hill story. He's extremely well-positioned to know what he's talking about. There's more from David Brock
here, just one place of
many. And much more in Brock's 2002 book,
Blinded by the Right, still a great read.
Someone's lied. It was either Hill or Thomas, each under oath at the time. It could be Hill. But if the liar is Thomas, we are truly facing a "
revolutionary force" — one capable of a stunning degree of
UPDATE: It seems that Robert Parry of
Iran-Contra fame has
many of the same questions.
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