Thursday, September 08, 2005

Plame/Rove Investigation Finishing Up?

That's what Reuters says:
Several lawyers involved in the case say Fitzgerald was likely to wrap up his inquiry this fall, if not sooner, though they say they have not heard from his office in weeks.

The outcome could have political implications for Bush, whose approval ratings are already the lowest of his presidency.

After initially promising to fire anyone found to have leaked information in the case, Bush in July offered a more qualified pledge: "If someone committed a crime they will no longer work in my administration."

Prominent Democrats have called on Bush to fire Rove, the architect of his two presidential election victories and now his deputy chief of staff, or block his access to classified information.

Rove's attorneys said Rove did nothing wrong and has been repeatedly assured he is not a target of Fitzgerald's investigation.
Hmmm....sure Rove did nothing wrong. Sure. This could really get interesting. Think Rove will end up being someone's bitch?

Note to media: Remember, both Rove and McClellan have lied to you about this case... Read More......

Former conservative GOP congressman Scarborough BLASTS Bush, Barbour

Coming from Scarborough, this is very interesting. He's been great on the hurricane disaster all week, but still, he's usually so damn conservative.
We begin with Harry Truman who famously declared that the buck always stops at the president's desk. For those who now define the term conservative as unwavering support for George W. Bush, even this suggestion is maddening.

But the bottom line is that despite the fact the president was strapped with two governors who bungled this crisis badly, in the end it is the president who sends in the National Guard and FEMA relief.

The president's suggestion that the size of this storm caught all by surprise just doesn't get it. His administration was 48 hours late sending in the National Guard and poor Americans got raped and killed because of those mistakes.

A painful assessment from a supporter of the president, but also true.
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FEMA Head Is Being Blasted By EVERYONE -- Not Just Dems

USA Today has an item in today's paper -- I can't find it online, though. The short piece under Hurricane Roundup on page 5A is titled "FEMA chief rebuffs critics," and is written by Mimi Hall. It says:
Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown rebuffed calls from Democrats for his resignation, saying he serves "totally at the will of the president."
That's funny, because a day earlier Hall contributed to a story about this same controversy that stated accurately:
[FEMA head Michael Brown] doesn't mention the decade he spent as chief rules enforcer for the Arabian Horse Association.

The horse job, which he left in 2000, is now fodder for critics who say Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has botched the Katrina relief operation. Those critics include Republicans, Democrats and newspapers.
Indeed, that article quotes William Kristol of The Weekly Standard -- as conservative as it gets -- blasting Brown and you could also include the New York Post and many others. But in one day the widespread call for the firing of an incompetent hack who cost innocent Americans their lives has morphed into what is implied as a partisan attack by Democrats. Keeping the MSM on its toes is a 24/7 job. Read More......

Open Thread what? Read More......

Water Pumps Working To Empty New Orleans Slowed...By Body Parts

In a gruesome detail that reminds us of the terrible human tragedy we're dealing with, USA Today reports -- in an item on page A5 which I can't find online -- that water pumps are being slowed because the pumping stations themselves have to be pumped out. Furthermore:
Officials are also being slowed in some locations because of fear that human remains could be mixed in with the debris, clogging pumps.
Horrifying and sad. And some of them didn't have to die. Read More......

And remember media, Karl Rove had NOTHING to do with the Valerie Plame affair, and if he did, he'll be fired

Oh that's right, Scott McClellan lied to you. But hey, I'm sure the White House is telling the truth about the president's talk with Pelosi in which he had no clue what "didn't go right" last week. Read More......

USA Today: Bush Responsible For FEMA's Disastrous Failure

We've seen it time and time again: Bush cronies fail miserably and get rewarded. Now we're seeing it right here in America.

Bush and his cronies say we can't start the "blame game" because America faces huge challenges in New Orleans. Uh, if the people in charge are incompetent, unqualified and have failed spectacularly, surely we should replace them with qualified professionals so those massive challenges can be faced. USA Today has had enough and blasts the cronyism at FEMA in an editorial. And this outrage happened on Bush's watch:
But a deeper review of the agency's history, the records of its top managers and internal memoranda reveal far deeper problems than a momentary burst of poor decisions. Over the past four years, the Bush administration has replaced competent leaders with people long on political connections but short on disaster management expertise. At the same time, the war on terrorism has drained the agency's resources and reduced its effectiveness.

Katrina would have been devastating regardless, but those actions turned FEMA into something akin to New Orleans' famous levees — a structure sure to fail when a big disaster struck.
It's very simple. Bush shoved out the professionals doing their job and put in hacks who aren't even remotely qualified. It's cost innocent Americans their lives and Bush doesn't care. If he did, he'd fire the people responsible and hire people who would at least have a chance of doing the job right. Read More......

When will the press accept that the White House lies

Following up on Michael's post below, CNN's White House reporter, Elaine Quijano, said earlier today that a "senior administration official" disputed Nancy Pelosi's account of the meeting with Bush yesterday. That's the meeting where she told him to fire Brown at FEMA and he wanted to know "what didn't go right?"

I hate it when the press lets the White House hide behind blind quotes and anonymous sources to trash elected officials. Nancy Pelosi went on the record, right after the meeting. And, she's not backing down. Plus, who has the motive to lie? Not her.

But here's the real question: Hasn't the press figured out that those "senior administration officials" lie to them? Christ, even when he's on the record, McClellan lies. Or are the Iraq War and the Rove/Plame affair too long ago for the media to remember? Who has a history of lying? Rove's White House, not Pelosi.

Remember, this is the White House that is censoring the media in America. This is the White House that lies to the media. Stop doing their dirty work for them. Make the "senior administration official" stand in front of the cameras just like Pelosi did. And, don't keep regurgitating their lies. Read More......

Go Pelosi! Who Needs Bush Officials When CNN Will Attack Critics For Him?

President Bush gave a typically unimpressive little speech this afternoon where he dutifully listed some obvious steps being taken for the Americans who had their lives destroyed by Katrina while he stayed on vacation. Bush managed to look serious and then refused to take questions. (Not that I heard reporters shout any at him, such as "When are you going to apologize to America for you and your top officials all staying on vacation during this terrible disaster?")

That was followed by Nancy Pelosi speaking to CNN's Kyra Phillips, who berated Pelosi so severely for speaking out that you would have thought Pelosi was debating a Bush spokesperson instead of speaking to an independent reporter. Pelosi, of course, was terrific.

First talking point: Phillips implied that since things are going better now that it's wrong to keep criticizing Bush for his administration's incompetent response during that first crucial five days.

Phillips: "Are you changing your mind, at all, about how you feel the Bush administration is handling this crisis up to this very minute?"

Pelosi: "It's not a question of how I feel. It's what I know.... If the FEMA head had reacted appropriately a week ago, there would have been less cost in lives and livelihood and people's homes in the region and a lot less cost in money to the taxpayer.... I call once again on the President to replace the head of FEMA. FEMA was a failure last week. Many, many hardworking FEMA workers were out there in the field. But they didn't get the leadership and the accountability they needed.... As we go forward, we can do better if we have professional, capable leadership in position at FEMA to do the job."

They're interrupted by breaking news that 14 bodies have been recovered at a New Orleans hospital. Phillips seems overwhelmed emotionally and can't look up at the camera for a good thirty seconds but keeps talking.

Phillips went on to repeat the White House claim that Pelosi lied about what the President said to her, even though Pelosi repeated it immediately to the media after speaking with the President, has remained consistent on it ever since and the White House at first would only smear her off the record and no one actually at the meeting has stepped forward on the record to say she's lying. Pelosi, of course, is telling the truth. Then Phillips rambles on about being "historical" and who didn't fund the massive levee project and says this:

Phillips: "I think it's unfair that FEMA is singled out. There are so many people responsible for what has happened in the state of Louisiana."

Pelosi: "That is true and I'm sorry you think that it's unfair. But I don't. I think it's unfair to the people who lost their family members, their lives, their livelihood, their homes, their opportunity. And FEMA did a poor job."

Phillips butts in to say: "What about the Army Corps of Engineers with all those warnings --"

They talk over each other, until Pelosi finally says, "Kyra, if you want to make a case for the White House, you should go on their payroll."

Ouch. Great job, Pelosi. And that argument is pathetic: ignore the incompetence of the head of FEMA -- a man who is absolutely unqualified for his job and failed spectacularly at it on national TV and cost Americans their lives -- because people in the past didn't fund a levee rebuilding project? Absurd. That's a recipe for no accountability ever. Read More......

Ukraine has something we don't - a leader

As leader when your Government fails, you have a few options:

1) Resign yourself
2) Clean house and start over
3) Play Queen and just keep looking at the Potemkin villages and smirk.

Maybe Bush should take a hint from Ukraine. If it's broke, clean house or end up like your predecessor... From the Telegraph (UK):
Viktor Yushchenko, the Ukrainian president, has dismissed his Cabinet for failing to show "team spirit".

Yulia Tymoshenko's government has been dissolved

Concern is growing about the stability of the regime which took control in the peaceful Orange Revolution last November in the face of opposition from Moscow.

The same allegations of corruption which plagued Leonid Kuchma's government are now being levelled at his successor Mr Yushchenko's regime.
Some day I hope MY country has a Government that sees the error of its ways and tries to correct it, instead of diminishing the public's faith to a point where incompetence is tolerated and accepted. Read More......

Bush's new polls are a... disaster. He's now losing conservative supporters

Two new polls show Americans give President George W. Bush poor marks for his handling of the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, with one survey showing that Bush is now losing support even among his Republican base.

Funny, Americans just don't like people who kill people and then stay on vacation.
Both polls contain additional bad news for Bush. A poll by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press gives him an overall job approval rating of 40 percent -- down 10 percent since January -- and a disapproval rating of 52 percent, among the highest of his presidency....

``Uncharacteristically, the president's ratings have slipped most among his core constituents -- Republicans and conservatives,'' Pew director Andy Kohut wrote in an e-mail.

In the Pew survey, 67 percent of 1,000 adults interviewed by telephone Sept. 6-7 said Bush could have done more to speed up relief efforts; 28 percent said he did everything possible....

The Pew survey shows Bush's support among Republicans is strong but slipping, and since his support among Democrats and self-described independents remains consistent, Bush's declining approval is linked directly to that slippage within his own party.

The new poll shows Bush with a job approval rating of 79 percent among Republicans, down 9 percentage points since Pew's July survey. Among Democrats, his approval was 19 percent compared with 18 percent in July, and among independents it was 33 percent versus 32 percent, changes that in both cases are within the poll's margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Support Down Within Party

Among those who identify themselves as ``conservative Republicans,'' Bush's job approval declined seven percentage points from the July survey and by 11 percentage points among those who describe themselves as ``moderate Republicans.''

Bush's overall job approval rating in July was 44 percent.
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Open Thread -- and a new definition for SNAFU by the NY Post

SNAFU: Situation Normal, All FEMA'd Up. Read More......

Does anyone know Maria Shriver?

The latest news is that Arnold has NOT yet vetoed the gay marriage legislation, so there is still some hope, slim though it is, that we could still win him over. Yes it's slim, but hey, you don't win by pooping out when things are tough.

Anyway, his phone lines are already jammed. I think that much more important at this time is a little spousal lobbying. If any one knows Maria Shriver, or know someone who knows her well, now is the time to weigh in with her and ask her what legacy she wants to be a part of - the Kennedy legacy of civil rights, or the legacy of Lou Sheldon and America's bigots?

I'm quite serious. If you know Maria, weigh in now. I've seen it work before on the Hill, numerous time. Spouses are amazing things. Read More......


That's the only word I can think of to describe what I've experienced today. The moment you step in it's as if you've entered another reality. Helicopters dart overhead and pound a rhythm into the horrific scene. The stench of death and suffering overwhelm the senses. It's a smell that doesn't make sense until you've seen the filth the victims had to cope with. Try to think about all the worst possible scents combined; I guarantee it's worse. Chairs, clothing, and drinks remain in the same position as if those people just vanished into the air you're breathing in. Your mind goes numb during that brief inhale and you can only try to imagine what these abandoned citizens went through. Being in New Orleans is like soaking yourself in unthinkable despair. Read More......

Please donate old laptop computers to the hurricane relief effort (seriously)

UPDATE: I'm bumping this thread since CNN just mentioned for folks to go here to find out how to donate computers to the relief effort.

Bob Brigham of Swing State Project and Macon Phillips of Blue State Digital are down in the hurricane region now, helping with relief efforts, and documenting the tragedy for the Web.

I just spoke to Bob, who is an old friend, and he and Macon, along with the local NAACP, have come up with a brilliant idea. They're using old donated laptops to set up centers around the area where people can check in to add their names to lists if they're looking for lost relatives, or were themselves lost, etc. Brilliant idea. But they need more laptops, at least 40 (but Bob said they can scale up to a couple hundred if they receive them).

So, if you have an old laptop computer that is Internet ready (meaning, it's a laptop that can accept a phone cord, has an ethernet card or a PC card for Internet purposes), please consider donating it asap. The donation IS tax-deductible, and if you include your name, address, and the value of the laptop, they can mail you a receipt for tax purposes.

Also note, they can also use desktop computers, and Macs are fine too - but please FEDEX the shipment so they can get moving fast.

Again, I know Bob, this is for real, he's running it - no scam here folks, I personally vouch that this is for real.

You can FedEx your old laptop to:

Louisiana NAACP
1755 Nicholson Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

And again, include your name and address and the value of the laptop if you'd like a receipt for tax purposes. Feel free to spread the message, this is very cool. Read More......

Maine Hate Group Blames Gays for Katrina

Bastards. This is what the Maine Christian Civic League had on their web page yesterday:
"By an odd coincidence - and it was perhaps no more than a coincidence - an enormous gay rights celebration was scheduled for New Orleans just as the worst natural disaster ever to strike our nation was venting its full fury on that helpless city."
Man, how low can these haters go? These are the same people pushing the referendum in November to overturn a state law that grants basic civil rights in Maine. (Thanks to Wonkee for the tip.) Read More......

Audio update from Kyle, live from the heart of New Orleans

I just talked to Kyle, our on-the-scene correspondent, and they've already been covering a lot of New Orleans, including neighborhoods where apparently only they and the military have gotten access to - they've got a very large SUV.

Click here to listen to my 3 minute interview with Kyle on the latest, recorded moments ago. He reports that more photos and written reports are coming.

(Question for you geeks out there - the file is a WMA file. It's already like 800k, even though it's only about 3 minutes long. That seems a bit large to me - any suggestions on how to reduce sound files further, available freeware I can use. Thanks.)

UPDATE: Some additional photos Kyle just sent in, from New Orleans:

Search and Rescue is apparently going house to house, door to door, and then spray painting an orange X to indicate, I suppose, that they've already been there.

Transcript of my converation with Kyle (courtesy of Daryl):
K: I’m talking to Kyle Shank, who’s our Americablog correspondent down in New Orleans, I guess right now. Kyle, where are you guys?
K:Right now, we’re sitting on the freeway atop the famous graveyards right near the French Quarter.
K:And, basically, water is, it’s like a scene out of Waterworld, we’ve been driving all afternoon through 3 or 4 feet of floodwater.
J:You’ve been driving through 3 or 4 feet of floodwater?
K:I think so, because we were pretty deep in there. Maybe not 3 or 4 feet, maybe just 3 feet, but we’re driving through floodwater, it’s kind of like Mad Max in the sense that people are driving all over the place on the freeways, you’re going in the right direction but someone else is coming at you in the wrong direction, kinda like anything goes. And it almost feels like a ghost town, almost as if the people have been vaporized and are gone.
J:Are you seeing police or military?
K: Oh yeah, all over, all over, there’s military convoys going back and forth. At any point in the day there’s probably about four or five helicopters out and about, you can hear it pounding away at your ears, coming overhead, coming extremely low, and they’re either dropping things, or looking for people. There’s boats in the water, the flat-bottom type of boats that can go around, and they’re knocking on houses still, still trying to find out if people are still alive. They’re not really even looking for bodies in the water, they’re going house by house and marking them with orange spraypaint on which ones they’re already determined that nobody’s in. Apparently there are still people holding out.
J:Wow. Had you guys had any interaction yet, with the police or the authorities or anything like that?
K:All of our interactions have been good, we’ve bartered cigarettes to gain their approval and help them watch our vehicle-
J: (laughs) To whom? You bartered with who? No names, but…what kind of a person did you barter cigarettes with to watch your vehicle?
K: Oh, the National Guard, but it’s an understated type of thing…he knew that was our vehicle, and we hooked him up with a pack of cigarettes. That kind of thing is going on, but to be honest, all the troops and all the police have been very nice, and even when we’re, basically, because we have this huge tank of a car, we’re riding through floodwater where a lot of other people can’t get, to be honest-
K:People were asking us what we were seeing, because we’re getting so far in.
J:Great, great.
K:And we were at some points, on in places, in the residential areas, where the troops were and no one else was. There are some other cars running around, some smaller SUV’s and larger ones too. But still, it seemed like we were the only ones who had some guts to actually go as deep as we were.
J:Or crazy, whichever, but yeah…
K:Crazy, yeah.
J:Wow, that’s great, and you said you’ll have some more photos and reporting in a bit?
K:Exactly. Yeah, it’s all about trying to get photos and trying to use the connection to get them up as fast as possible. More will be coming in once we settle down a bit and when we drive back, more writing as well.
J:Great, thanks Kyle, make sure you check in later.
K: Alright.
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Questions For Dick

John posted below a link to Dick Cheney getting cursed out by survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Yes, it's striking. But do you know what I saw? Reporters had the vice president on camera and they failed to ask him even the most basic questions. In fact, they laughed with Cheney over the red-hot anger his callous indifference has caused. If any REAL reporters get Cheney on camera or in front of a microphone or notepad, here are some questions to ask:


1. How was your vacation? Did you go fly fishing? What else did you do, day-by-day last week?
2. Why did you stay on vacation during the worst natural disaster in our country's history?
3. Why did you stay on vacation over the weekend when everyone was warning us that Hurricane Katrina was going to be an unprecedented natural disaster?
4. Why did you stay on vacation on Monday when Katrina devastated three states and the levees in New Orleans were breached?
5. Why did you stay on vacation on Tuesday when the flood waters were rising and thousands were dying and hundreds of thousands were made homeless?
6. Why did you stay on vacation on Wednesday when New Orleans sank into anarchy?
7. Why did you stay on vacation on Thursday when even conservatives were calling Bush's response to this disaster a national disgrace?
8. Why did you stay on vacation on Friday and only bother to show up in DC on Saturday morning for a photo op?
9. While you were on vacation, did you check out that lavish mansion in the exclusive, wealthy environs of St. Michael's on Chesapeake Bay?
10. When did you close on that mansion? Reports say it cost $2.5 million to $3 million. How much did it cost? Don't you think it shows a cruel disregard during this national tragedy to be purchasing a lavish estate when hundreds of thousands of people have just watched their homes be destroyed...while you were on vacation.
11. How many bedrooms does this lavish mansion have? Most of the time you'll be living in DC, right? So how many American citizens who had their lives destroyed will you take in and give shelter in this lavish mansion? Or will you just leave it empty? Read More......

Why Isn't The Media In Court Today Demanding Access To New Orleans?

The people have a right to know and there is certainly no justification for keeping the press out. Why the heck isn't the MSM kicking and screaming and DEMANDING access and going to court to get it? Read More......

The pictures George Bush doesn't want you to see

More at (the photo below is from that Web site, it's not one of Kyle's)

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A few more photos of New Orleans Kyle just sent in

Kyle reports that they're heading to the French Quarter now, after having visited the Convention Center

This is the area outside the convention center.

And this is a humvee on the street nearby.

Their Internet connnection - they're using one of those Internet mobile card thingies that beams from your laptop - is REALLY slow. And the phone connection is intermittent, so I'm trying to get more details as I can. Read More......

Cheney told to "go fuck himself" on CNN

From Raw Story

Crooks and Liars has the video. Read More......

Zogby: Bush's approval rating at all-time low, 41% -- Public would vote for Jimmy Carter before voting for Bush again

And note that Bush's rating on Katrina is 36% positive, 61% negative. Those are the REAL polls, folks. The only people supporting him are the FOX News/Pat Robertson borg. Screw them, we don't need more than 61% to win, and we need to stop focusing on the fact that 36% of Americans like Bush - they'd like him even if he ate their children.

From Zogby:

This second image, below, are the results of Zogby asking "who would you vote for, Bush or person x". Interestingly, people still hate Kerry. The lesson there: Don't stand for anything and you won't win.

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We're in New Orleans

Just passed USS Iwo Jima. We're at the convention center. The filth, the stench. I have no words.

NOTE FROM JOHN: Kudos to Kyle, Bob and Macon for getting into the Convention Center. Yesterday, you may recall, NBC anchor Brian Williams wasn't allowed in by the US military. But our Kyle did it! As an aside, do read this link to DailyKos, especially the second half of the post. The military is censoring and threatening journalists. As Williams noted, this isn't America. Read More......

About to enter New Orleans

Hi everyone. This is Kyle Shank, AMERICAblog correspondent on the scene in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area. I arrived last night, hung out in a mega-church set up as a shelter, then met up with Bob Brigham and Macon Phillips for the ride into New Orleans today.

We are in a V-10 Ford Excursion limited edition, aka the Tank, and in the West Bank. Police have machine bednests along highway and the line outside of Wal-mart was far beyond the length of the supercenter.

More to come... Read More......

Is GOP media partly responsible for New Orleans disaster?

Remember 2 days ago when Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, General Myers, blamed "all those headlines" claiming that New Orleans had "dodged a bullet" as the reason he and the military and the entire US government didn't respond in a timely manner to the Katrina catastrophe?

Astute reader Jean just pointed me to this article:
Hurricane slams ashore,
N'Orleans dodges bullet
Storm downgraded to Category 2, flooding traps residents on roofs
Posted: August 29, 2005
12:10 p.m. Eastern
The source? WorldNetDaily, the far-rightwing online news source used by a lot of GOP Kool-aid drinkers.

Wouldn't it be ironic if our top general is getting his news from second-rate GOP propaganda organs, and worse yet, wouldn't it be ironic if those same propaganda organs were therefore indirectly responsible for triggering at least part of the government ineptitude?

I'm not saying WorldNetDaily is the media the general is referring to, but it would be ironic if it did. Read More......

Dr. Dean speaks

And he nails it:
The Democratic National Committee chairman, Howard Dean, said this could be a transitional moment for his party. "This is deeply disturbing to a lot of Americans, because it's more than thousands of people who get killed; it's about the destruction of the American community," he said. "The idea that somehow government didn't care until it had to for political reasons. It's appalling."
(With new link, thanks to Alice M.) Read More......

What makes a man more interested in a bike ride than in the safety of his wife?

My new Radar article about Dear Leader is now up:
What makes a man more interested in a bike ride than in the safety of his wife? The same thing that makes him more interested in continuing his vacation than in the loss of a major American city, or that compels him to continue reading a children’s book when his nation suddenly finds itself at war. George Bush is unable to countenance contradiction. He wants nothing to do with anyone or anything that steers him from his chosen path—be that a bicycle path or the path to war. Bush had already set aside last week as vacation time and no stupid hurricane was going to ruin his plans.
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Scotty Gets Hammered, Day Two

Via E&P;, we see again that all Scott McClellan can say is "blame game." Although, today he did add "finger pointing" and "personal attacks" to his repertoire. As you read the briefing, keep in mind the words of that great thinker, Jon Stewart, who said last night "When people don't want to play the blame game, they're to blame":
Q And then Senator Harry Reid is questioning whether the President's Texas vacation impeded any kind of relief efforts.

MR. McCLELLAN: The Senator -- the Senator must not be aware of all the updates that we were providing you all, because I cannot imagine that he would engage in such personal attacks if he did. You all, or your colleagues were covering us during that time. We were providing you regular updates on the President's participation in our efforts to prepare for what was then a tropical storm off the coast of Florida, and then we continued to keep you all updated over the course of the next several days about the President's participation in the preparations for what was coming.

And the President, if you'll recall, on Sunday morning, was in touch with Governor Blanco. He was in touch with Governor Barbour. He was in touch with Governor Riley and Governor Bush, as well, even later in the morning. I know he spoke to that Sunday morning -- he spoke to Governor Blanco around 9:00 a.m., had a good conversation with her about some of the things that needed to be done ahead of the hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast. So you all were well aware of what the President was doing and his involvement during that time.

Q Scott, can I follow up on what Terry was saying? One of the things that Harry Reid did say today was, why didn't President Bush immediately return to Washington from his vacation, and why didn't he recall key officials and staff members back from their vacations? And then he asks, would the President -- would the presence of key officials in Washington have improved the response?

MR. McCLELLAN: First of all, we are focused on getting things done and solving problems on the ground. And again, I go back to what I was just talking about, the President on Saturday, Saturday night issued -- this was Saturday night before the hurricane hit, which I believe was early Monday morning -- the President issued an emergency disaster declaration for the state of Louisiana. Then the next morning, he issued declarations for Mississippi and Alabama. So we were focused on the preparations that were being made prior to Hurricane Katrina hitting the Gulf Coast region.

Q So your answer to the Senator would be that the presence of officials in Washington would not have improved the response?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think that my answer is that you all are very well aware of what we were doing in terms of preparations for Hurricane Katrina. And I'd just assume that he is not informed of everything we were doing and all the updates that were being provided at that point.

Q Scott, does the President retain confidence in his FEMA Director and Secretary of Homeland Security?

MR. McCLELLAN: And again, David, see, this is where some people want to look at the blame game issue, and finger-point. We're focused on solving problems, and we're doing everything we can --

Q What about the question?

MR. McCLELLAN: We're doing everything we can in support --

Q We know all that.

MR. McCLELLAN: -- of the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA.

Q Does he retain complete confidence --

MR. McCLELLAN: We're going to continue. We appreciate the great effort that all of those at FEMA, including the head of FEMA, are doing to help the people in the region. And I'm just not going to engage in the blame game or finger-pointing that you're trying to get me to engage.
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Open Thread

I hate waking up to Haley Barbour on my tv....he just really bugs me.

Speak please. Read More......

MSNBC dishing out the Rove-inspired lies

What little respect I previously had for MSNBC is gone. When questioned about the "facts" that were being reported, the standard Rove attack-and-switch-the-blame-to-the-locals, MSNBC showed no interest in revising their story. Read the story on TPM Cafe and send your comments to MSNBC at and let them know what you think of their shoddy and misleading reporting. Read More......

30+ dead discovered in nursing home

CNN has the story and you can follow this link for the video of the report, which appears to be following the new White House orders to not show the full scope of death in the region. CNN has been quite good up until this point and I am hoping that there is a good reason why CNN is going along with this WH demand. This new policy of scrubbing the truth reminds me of tactics used by communist dictatorships who like to put a smiley face on every situation, no matter how bad.

Let's hope that someone in the MSM has enough backbone to show America the real story. Read More......


On Monday, one week after the worst natural disaster in our nation's history, the Washington Post published a light, fluff piece on Vice President Dick Cheney getting ready to purchase a $2.5 million mansion on Chesapeake Bay. This is the same Vice President who stayed on vacation on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and finally deigned to appear in DC on Saturday for a photo op (we still haven't heard a public comment from him) while thousands died and hundreds of thousands had their homes and lvies swept away. There's a very real possibility Cheney was actually house-shopping for an estate while this disaster was devastating our country.

Now we want proof. We know Cheney was on vacation. His own spokesperson confirmed that to the WaPo. We know he spent time in Jackson, Wyoming. And you've all seen that photo of Bush goofing around on a guitar while the waters were rising in New Orleans. We want images of Cheney from the past ten days. If you live in Jackson, Wyoming or near St. Michael's off Chesapeake Bay or know someone that does, contact them. Anyone get their photo taken with Dick in the last ten days? Anyone got time-stamped video of Dick from the last ten days? Anyone see him shopping or dining out or checking out expensive mansions during the last ten days? Anyone go fly fishing with Dick from the last ten days? Give us proof and -- if we can confirm it's legit -- you'll see it posted here. Read More......