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  1. One of the known-good ones (I'm v.close to writing off Klobushar). @digby56 : @DarcyBurner is back.
  2. Excellent thinking. @digby56: Would Grover take one for the team, to hoist the Dems on the kill-SS petard?
  3. @bmaz Interesting, thanks. Will watch this.
  4. rt @americablog: Oakland Police let driver leave after allegedly running over two protesters, crowd irate…
  5. Video shows Milwaukee cops lied: Knew they were arresting reporter covering Occupy Milwaukee… via @AMERICAblog
  6. Tea Party heckler calls Elizabeth Warren "socialist whore," Obama "foreign born"… via @AMERICAblog
  7. @watertigernyc What happened?
  8. @AmandaMarcotte Can't disagree, seriously. Like Carmen Electra, she knows exactly where she fits in, and how to exploit it.
  9. @chrislhayes @kenolshansky V.clever though. Rap for the gospel crowd (plus Out-of-Work TP whites as the "you"). #TheyBuyGoodWork
  10. @davidweidner @cate_long Technical term for that—counterparty incest. No one knows who's daddy.
  11. @JonWalkerDC Interesting read. However, this polls the public, which is divided. MovCons & NeoLibs in Congress broadly agree
  12. @Dahlialithwick @kurthartwig If you mean the TX beating, yes. Like a snuff film w/o the snuff. Same energy.
  13. @Dahlialithwick Texas judge. "Holly Adams said her former husband was addicted to violence." What a world (and I mean TX)
  14. MT @Dahlialithwick: If you're angry about this, support ban on corporal punishment (esp in schools)
  15. @LOLGOP @downwithtyranny That whole "w/o provoking a revolution" part has been the plan since 1978 or so. #LateStages