4 hours ago
Top Senate leaders declared an unsuccessful end Monday to their compromise talks over President Bush's stalled judicial nominees, despite fresh talk of a deal to clear five appeals court appointees while scuttling three others.Of course there was no compromise, despite Reid's offers. Bill Frist can't compromise. The right wing nuts won't let him....and they control the GOP caucus, not Bill Frist. From AP:
"I've tried to compromise and they want all or nothing, and I can't do that," Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada told reporters after a private meeting with Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.
"We both agreed that after several months of discussions, we have been unable to come to a negotiated position where the president's nominees get an up-or-down vote," Frist said.
Frist has said all along he will not accept any plan unless it gives each of Bush's nominees a yes-or-no vote.The translation of that is really that the little puppet Doctor wants to be President and the Right wing theocrats who are pulling the strings say: "no compromise."
The Stewardship of our Citizenship is crucial to this hour. The Sacred Trust of Freedom has been purchased with a purpose. From America’s beginning, the Mayflower Compact openly declares that our forefathers were birthing this nation for “the advancement of the Christian faith.” All 50 of our state constitutions acknowledge and give honor to the Lord. The declaration of Independence declares that we are "endowed by our Creator, with certain inalienable rights." With only 5% of the world's population, God has blessed the United States with nearly 40% of the world's wealth. Now more than ever, we are convinced that God has blessed this nation with resources to share the light of God's Word with a world lost in darkness. America has had a mission to share a living Savior with a dying world.They cover a lot of ground there covering education, gays, choice, judges. They don't miss much. These people are scary....but only in the name of God. And who knew that Ohio was god's chosen land?:
During the past 50 years, that mission has come under heavy spiritual warfare. Recently, the birth pains have increased in frequency and intensity. The forces of hell understand Biblical prophecy better than most people sitting in the pews on Sunday morning. The intensity of the warfare for the heart and soul of America is escalating:Teaching creation in our public schools has become a federal lawsuit.
Biblical definitions of marriage are being tragically altered by some judges who think they are smarter than God and begin to legislate secular dogma from the bench.
American universities have become the arteries of spiritual toxic waste.
“Homosexual marriages” are being paraded in 50 states
In some cities, abortions nearly outnumber births
HIV and sexually transmitted diseases will kill more Americans than every war this country has ever fought.
Secularists have hijacked our culture--one year at a time.
Denominational bigotry, division within the Body of Christ, and apostasy have weakened the voice of Biblical reason.
Around the globe, ministers of the Gospel are being threatened with “hate crimes” legislation.
By God's design, for such a time as this, Ohio is truly at the “heart of it all!”Read More......
But after the White House criticized Newsweek's response to the story, Whitaker released a statement later Monday through a spokesman saying the magazine was actually retracting the story.If you want to get a great perspective on the White House criticism of Newsweek, check out the post "Pot, Meet Kettle" on DailyKos. Cracked me up. It's why we love Kos. Read More......
"Based on what we know now, we are retracting our original story that an internal military investigation had uncovered Quran abuse at Guantanamo Bay," Whitaker said.
As defined by ACF [the Administration on Children and Families at the Dept of Health and Human Services], the project has an exclusive focus on heterosexual marriages.with this:
The executive director [of NCFR] shall not allow practices, activities, decisions, or organizational circumstances which violate the Board's value that NCFR provide a context supportive of diversity by race, ethnicity, culture, age, gender, religion, physical ability, country of origin, and sexual orientation.NCFR is based in Minnesota. One of their partners in this anti-gay website -- their neighbor, The University of Minnesota. Of course, like their other partner Syracuse, the University of Minnesota has rules too:
The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance, veteran status or sexual orientation.U of M has a GLBT Program office that might want to be let into the loop.
“The complaint against Rep. Ney is based on his conduct with regard to the Tigua Indians of El Paso, Texas, a tribe represented by lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who is known to be close to Ney,” Sloan said today. “The complaint is based on e-mails made public by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, sworn testimony before the Indian Affairs Committee, tax records, and Mr. Ney’s campaign committee and political action committee Federal Election Commission filings.”The release documents the charges laid out in the ethics complaint...there are many.
A review of the evidence suggests that Mr. Ney may have broken criminal statutes as well as House rules.
On the day after more than 30,000 people -- including the vice president, the first lady, and a former first lady -- were evacuated from their offices or homes in Washington, D.C., but the president, who was biking in Maryland was not notified until the threat passed, reporters grilled Press Secretary Scott McClellan at his daily briefing.You really need to read the entire story and transcript, but here's a bit more:
For those who might have missed it on TV -- that is, nearly everyone -- here are some choice excerpts, as McClellan continually refers to "protocols" and reporters essentially ask, "Wouldn't most men like to know when their home is evacuated and their wife is hustled to a secure bunker?" They also wonder about the small matter of the president being commander in chief and the capital, theoretically, coming under attack.
Q: I have one more question. When we walked out of this door yesterday, when those of us who heard that there was a situation, when we walked out of the door, we heard aircraft, jets overhead. There is a concern that that plane came closer to the White House than the White House said, more -- it came within the three-mile radius, it was closer than you --Please read the rest of this story, it's THAT good. Oh my God, and I just read THIS part of the transcript (via E&P;):
MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, I said that it came within three miles.
Q: OK, but you said three miles. How close --
MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, it came within three miles.
Q: How close was it? Because someone has taken a picture of a plane being escorted on K street. How close was the plane?
MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, I mean, if the Department of Homeland Security or FAA has any additional information, I'm sure --
Q: Scott, how close was it?
McCLELLAN: April, it was within --
Q: You know how close it was. Please tell us.
McCLELLAN: Yes, within three miles. I don't know beyond that. Go ahead.
Q: Right, but there seems to be so many disconnects here. You've got a plane that was assessed as not being a threat, you've got 35,000 people evacuated, you've got a person who you claim is a hands-on commander in chief who is left to go ride his bicycle through the rural wildlands of Maryland while his wife is in some secure location somewhere, it's just not adding up.It adds up once you realize that with George Bush, there's no there there. Read More......
The spark was apparently lit at a press conference held on Friday, May 6, by Imran Khan, a Pakistani cricket legend and strident critic of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf. Brandishing a copy of that week's NEWSWEEK (dated May 9), Khan read a report that U.S. interrogators at Guantánamo prison had placed the Qur'an on toilet seats and even flushed one. "This is what the U.S. is doing," exclaimed Khan, "desecrating the Qur'an." His remarks, as well as the outraged comments of Muslim clerics and Pakistani government officials, were picked up on local radio and played throughout neighboring Afghanistan. Radical Islamic foes of the U.S.-friendly regime of Hamid Karzai quickly exploited local discontent with a poor economy and the continued presence of U.S. forces, and riots began breaking out last week.Then there's this little tidbit from an AP photo about the story:
Pakistani lawmaker and the chief of a coalition of radical Islamic groups, Qazi Hussain Ahmed gestures during a press conference in Islamabad, Pakistan, Sunday, May 15, 2005Gee, I guess the press got their White House talking points already. "Radical Islamic foes"? Wonder if Newsweek and the AP would refer to the religious right as "radical" if they protested over the Bible being flushed the down the toilet?
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