Remember when I noted last week that one of the Republican attack team sent to the Dem Convention, Senator George Allen of Virginia, called John Edwards a "dandy"? Well, Bush now
said again yesterday this about VP Cheney: "I appreciate my running mate - he's not the prettiest man in the race, but he's got sound judgment."
Bush has repeatedly talked about how Cheney isn't the prettiest man in the race. First off, he uses the word "pretty" - not a word you use for a man. You'd use that word FOR A FAG. Second, he's clearly comparing his VP to Kerry's VP, who is, apparently, PRETTY LIKE A GIRL, OR PRETTY LIKE A FAG, in the Bush campaign's eyes. (Put these "fag" attacks also in the context of all the photos the Republicans ran of Kerry and Edwards hugging, etc. Also, Pat Buchanan leveled the same charge, about Edwards being too good-looking, on the McLaughlin Group.)
It is now CLEAR that part of the campaign's talking points is to paint John Edwards as LESS THAN A MAN, and the way they paint him so is to suggest that he's gay, because we all know that gay men aren't "real" men. These people are disgusting.
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