Now the administration is saying that the school warning came about because last July they found a computer disk in Iraq that had the floor plans to US schools. I simply do not believe it.
For all we know, no one found anything in Iraq. Or. some CIA, DOD, or other pro-Bush individual simply downloaded a few Web sites to a computer disk and left it somewhere for others to find. Why is that so hard to believe? Bad cops sometimes plant evidence at the scene of a crime. Are we to believe that no pro-Bush partisan is, well, partisan enough to plant fake evidence to help the president win the election? Hell, these guys are willing to lie about WMD being in Iraq, so why wouldn't they lie about a simple computer diskette, if it served their purpose?
I hate so say this, because for all I know perhaps someone is casing our schools, but I simply don't believe a single God damn thing this administration says about anything anymore, period. They lied repeatedly about finding WMD in Iraq. remember that little Sarin shell they found months ago? Haven't heard a lot about that since then, have we? These guys base their lives on lies. It's all for the greater good, they think. And if they're willing to lie about why it's "good" to invade Iraq, then they're just as willing to lie about why it's "good" that Bush win the election.
Again, I hate to say it, because I'm not usually a conspriracy theorist, and God forbid an attack actually happen, but these son of a bitches have lied to me for the last time. They can go to hell before I'm going to believe them ever again.
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Swedish Meatballs
1 day ago