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  1. @KagroX "horny-handed"? What in God's name does that mean?
  2. RT @AMERICAblogGay: Hero of the Month: Dame Elizabeth Taylor
  3. @themattharris that wkd, thank you. neat feature.
  4. @themattharris "If the user is a follower of the via user the Share Box will instead show the first two related accounts"
  5. @themattharris how do we add this mysterious 2nd rec'd acct?
  6. @themattharris ... then first rec'd acct is shown, then 2nd rec'd acct. But your faq only shows how to add "via" acct and 1st rec'd acct.
  7. @themattharris I think there's a typo in your faq re having tweet button suggest related accts. FAQ says "via" acct will be rec'd first...
  8. RT @AMERICAblog: Krugman: The Paul Ryan $2.9 trillion tax cut will increase the deficit and transfer income upward
  9. @lovelyladypa sorry not into debating racists
  10. .@Pnthrgrlgail I get that from the outside you buy obama's line that he's cool and collected. He's actually MIA. That doesn't wk here.
  11. .@Pnthrgrlgail ...not being from here. But ad Obama proves, if you don't know how to okay the game, you get played. PR is key in politics.
  12. .@Pnthrgrlgail Have you ever actually worked in Washington. I know people who aren't from here like to pretend that it's an asset...
  13. @sesmithesq @brianbeutler @speechboy71 Politics respects strength.
  14. @sesmithesq @brianbeutler @speechboy71 hardly. GOP claims/projects strength and bulldozes dems every time, regardless of public opinion.
  15. @marcambinder lol I honestly double checked that you weren't a spoof feed ;-)
  16. .@samsteinhp keeping tourist site open is more important than keeping Econ recovery on track. As always, he seriously thinks he won.
  17. @samsteinhp the goal for him, victory for him, is "saving the hostages" at ANY cost.