Monday, May 31, 2004

Time to change the dictionaries

Robert Knight, a homophobe with the religious right, is freaking out because the Oxford English Dictionary reportedly has updated their definition of "marriage" to correlate with the current status of legal marriage in the world (marriage for same-gender couples was already legal in Canada, Belgium, and elsewhere even before May 17 in Massachusetts). The religious right bigots are now saying that Oxford English caved to "political correctness." Of course, that's absurd - they simply updated a definition that now has changed.

But the bigots got me thinking. And they raise a good point. The definition of marriage has now changed. It is no longer legally defined as the union of a man and a woman in the US, Canada, Belgium, and at least one more country (I think Holland). If you folks want to do a bit of research, check out various dictionaries, online and off, and see how they define marriage. And if they define it incorrectly, either send the definition to me or post it as a reply to this post - then post some good contact info for the dictionary, and we can start a campaign to get the definition changed.

Thanks Mr. Knight for giving us such a great idea. Had you not said a word, we'd have never thought of this. :-) Read More......

Bush abusing Air Force one for campaigning

Corrup, corrupt, corrupt.
President Bush is using Air Force One for re-election travel more heavily than any predecessor, wringing maximum political mileage from a perk of office paid for by taxpayers.
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Wash Post: Bush's anti-Kerry ads are all lies

The Wash Post reports that Bush's anti-Kerry ads are not just all wrong, but their negativity is unprecedented. But hey, cut him a break. I mean, imagine how pissed you'd be if you lied to the nation to get us into a war, got 800 soldiers killed as a result, and then got caught.Washington Post:

It was a typical week in the life of the Bush reelection machine.

Last Monday in Little Rock, Vice President Cheney said Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry "has questioned whether the war on terror is really a war at all" and said the senator from Massachusetts "promised to repeal most of the Bush tax cuts within his first 100 days in office."

On Tuesday, President Bush's campaign began airing an ad saying Kerry would scrap wiretaps that are needed to hunt terrorists.

The same day, the Bush campaign charged in a memo sent to reporters and through surrogates that Kerry wants to raise the gasoline tax by 50 cents.

On Wednesday and Thursday, as Kerry campaigned in Seattle, he was greeted by another Bush ad alleging that Kerry now opposes education changes that he supported in 2001.

The charges were all tough, serious -- and wrong, or at least highly misleading. Kerry did not question the war on terrorism, has proposed repealing tax cuts only for those earning more than $200,000, supports wiretaps, has not endorsed a 50-cent gasoline tax increase in 10 years, and continues to support the education changes, albeit with modifications.

Scholars and political strategists say the ferocious Bush assault on Kerry this spring has been extraordinary, both for the volume of attacks and for the liberties the president and his campaign have taken with the facts. Though stretching the truth is hardly new in a political campaign, they say the volume of negative charges is unprecedented -- both in speeches and in advertising....
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Catholic Church itching for a fight

If the Catholic Church is going to continue denying Communion to gays and using their institution to speak out on political issues, shouldn't they lose their special tax status? Why should we tolerate them taking on issues such as marriage, when in fact, marriage is a purely legal issue. Religion has nothing to do with marriage in the US and it's time the knuckle-draggers in the Church found a more religious subject to discuss such as peace and love. For you legal folks out there, is a legal challenge possible? I don't see why the Church should be treated differently from any other political institution. Read More......

So the war wasn't personal, huh?

Bush keeps Saddam's pistol at the White House and loves to show it off to visitors. He sounds like a little boy with a new toy.

"Though it was widely reported at the time that the pistol was loaded when they grabbed Saddam, Bush has told visitors that the gun was empty..."
Does anything happen during this administration that is not completely orchestrated? Are any of these stories actually based on the truth or does the truth just get in the way of people like Bush or his apparent mentor, Nixon. Read More......