Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"A stunning upset" in Texas - Bonilla has conceded

Yep, it's a done deal. The San-Antonio Express-News reports there has been a GOP concession in Texas tonight:
U.S. Rep. Henry Bonilla conceded defeat to former congressman Ciro Rodriguez in a stunning upset that completed the Democratic takeover of Congress.

The Republican incumbent lost Bexar County for the first time in his political career Tuesday night, and trailed Rodriguez, his Democratic challenger, in total votes across the sprawling Congressional District 23.

The Associated Press called the election for Rodriguez shortly before 9 p.m. Bonilla telephoned Rodriguez to concede around that time, according to his spokesman, Phil Ricks.
It bears repeating that Bonilla said this race was the first campaign of 2008 for the GOP according to AP:
"We look at this as the first election of the next cycle," Bonilla said. "To set the tone for what we can do the next time out in 2008."
You're right, Congressman Bonilla. It sets a very nice tone. Thank you very much. Read More......

Democrat Ciro Rodriguez WINS in the TX-23 runoff

UPDATE: AP called this one for Rodriguez according to the San Antonio Express-News. It's a win:
Former U.S. Rep. Ciro Rodriguez defeated seven-term Republican incumbent Henry Bonilla in a runoff on Tuesday, adding another Democrat to Congress and deciding Texas' final congressional seat.
And for the record, Bonilla, on behalf of the GOP, said his race was precursor for 2008:
"We look at this as the first election of the next cycle," Bonilla said. "To set the tone for what we can do the next time out in 2008."
DailyKos is tracking the numbers here.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Kudos to the DCCC for making this a race. That's according to the report in the San-Antonio Express-News:
Bonilla came into the runoff with $1.6 million in the bank and the advantages of incumbency — a familiar name across the sprawling district and list of projects for which he'd secured federal funding.

Rodriguez hobbled out of the special election in debt and with the reputation of a less than savvy campaigner.

But he had a name that registered in Bexar County and into South Texas, and soon he had the interest of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The organization wound up spending more than $900,000 on mail-outs and television ads.

Adam Segal, director of the Hispanic Voter Project at Johns Hopkins University, said he's talked informally with both campaigns in the past month.

“I think a lot of Democrats involved think making the investment was a wise decision that just weeks ago looked pretty risky,” Segal said.

W hn (sic) national Democrats came on the scene, Rodriguez's campaign was transformed from a largely all-volunteer effort to a more professionalized operation.
And, they won. Good news all around.

Winning is so much more fun, isn't it? Read More......

Bush so-called "listening tour" delays decisions on Iraq. He needs more time to learn about the war he started.

If this wasn't so deadly serious, it would be comical. Because really, you cannot make this stuff up. Bush doesn't know enough about Iraq to make any decisions. That the White House can say this with a straight face defies any kind of rational thinking. It's absurd. And Tony Snow is spinning away as evidenced in The New York Times:
The White House spokesman, Tony Snow, acknowledged today that Mr. Bush had wanted to deliver his speech before Christmas. But he said it would be wrong to interpret the delay as a sign of presidential indecision.

“That would be the wrong inference to draw,” Mr. Snow said. “It’s a complex business, and there are a lot of things to take into account.

“You would expect and desire a commander in chief, in looking at a situation, to examine military concerns, security concerns, diplomatic concerns, internal political concerns within Iraq, regional ramifications, how you get people to work in concert with one another,” Mr. Snow said. “It is enormously complex.”

Mr. Snow said the president continues to get the best advice possible. “And so, as he considers the options, he’s not going to get rushed on it,” Mr. Snow said. “He wants to make sure it’s done right.”
Actually, Tony, we would expect and desire our commander in chief to already know the military concerns, security concerns, diplomatic concerns and every other concern. You see, Tony, this war was Bush's idea. He should know the options. He should have known them four years ago.

It is absurd that the President is spinning the media and the public by saying he's on a "listening tour." It is ludicrous that the media accepts it. In the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll, it's clear the American people have given up on Bush's war. They've been spun too many times to believe anything Bush says about Iraq anymore.

By the time Bush makes a "decision" based on his "listening tour," the US death toll in Iraq will far exceed 3,000. God only knows how many more Iraqis will have to die. That's beyond absurd. To use the words of Senator Gordon Smith, that's criminal. Read More......

With Christians like these, who needs demons

It was amusing to read two articles about Nigeria yesterday. (You might recall that Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet, in addition to serving as the home of every spam scam imaginable).

Anyway, that great bastion of morality, Nigeria, is a key country involved with fomenting a split in the US Episcopal church (and worldwide Anglican Communion) over homosexuality. You see, the Nigerians think the gays are bad people. And being such good people, the Nigerians took a stand and have demanded the Anglicans go super anti-gay, or else. More from the Associated Press.

It's therefore ironic, yet not surprising, to read that Nigeria is debating legislation that would be as close to Nazi era laws on gays that I've ever heard of. They want to pass a law making it illegal for gays to associated with each other, and for anyone to read a gay book, etc. (Gay sexual relations are already illegal in Nigeria, with the penalty of jail-time or execution, depending where you live.)

From a second AP story:
Bishop Joseph Ojo, who presides over the congregation at the evangelical Calvary Kingdom Church, contends gay relationships are "foreign to Africans" and should be outlawed..."
And you'll know they are Christians by their love. Read More......

Massive privacy breach at UCLA, information on 800,000 students & alumni exposed

We have a massive privacy problem in this country. There are stories literally every week about some new privacy scandal. This issue is ripe for the new Democratic congress to tackle. It's an issue that affects every American, Republican and Democrat alike - your personal privacy. It is in danger.

From the Los Angeles Times:
In what appears to be one of the largest computer security breaches ever at an American university, one or more hackers have gained access to a UCLA database containing personal information on about 800,000 of the university's current and former students, faculty and staff members, among others.

UCLA officials said the attack on a central campus database exposed records containing the names, Social Security numbers and birth dates — the key elements of identity theft — for at least some of those affected. The attempts to break into the database began in October 2005 and ended Nov. 21, when the suspicious activity was detected and blocked, the officials said.
Read More......

Attempts to sideline Sadr?

There's a surprisingly detailed piece in the Times today about efforts in Iraq and the U.S. to marginalize the political influence of radical Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, the kind of in-depth political analysis that rarely makes it to mainstream reporting. The man who Newsweek recently dubbed "the most dangerous man in Iraq" has a militia of approximately 60,000 and a devoted following in the millions, as well as the single largest Shia bloc in Parliament. On the one hand, he is extremely fundamentalist (Sharia law, allegedly a "twelver", etc.) and vehemently anti-American; on the other, he is committed to a unified Iraqi state, opposes the proposed southern Shia super-province (which would likely hasten a tripartite split and infuriate Sunnis), and, for a Shia cleric, has decent ties to Sunni leaders.

The report indicates that a loose coalition of Shia, Sunni, and Kurd political parties may try to mitigate his influence by forming a coalition, either within or outside the Parliament. Apparently the U.S. is pushing it as well. This would reportedly include SCIRI, the Shia party that controls the other significant Shia militia (the Badr Corps) and is led by Hakim, who recently met with President Bush; both major Kurdish parties; and the most influential Sunni party. The fact that these groups are even talking about such an alliance to counter Sadr gives you an idea of his power, but I would think such a coalition would be fraught with difficulty.

Any anti-Sadr movement hinges upon the strong participation of SCIRI, as they're the only (non-Kurdish) group with a militia. The Badr Corps are trained by Iran, fairly competent, and, though widely believed to be involved in sectarian violence, under a relatively strict command and control system (unlike Sadr's Mahdi Army, much of which may or may not ultimately carry out the orders of Sadr and his lieutenants). But SCIRI still has, I think, more priorities in common with Sadrists than the Kurds and Sunnis -- the Sunnis violently oppose the southern Shia super-province favored by Hakim, for example, and it's hard to imagine the Kurds putting themselves on the line to get in the middle of an intra-Shia battle far away from the relative peace of Kurdistan in the north.

Except . . . except if these parties really do see Sadr as an existential threat to the future of the state, which I suppose is possible. It's interesting that a SCIRI-led alliance would ask Prime Minister Maliki to join, as they reportedly have, since SCIRI was deeply unhappy with his selection over SCIRI's Abd al-Mahdi (in the article "Adel Abdul Mehdi"). It was Sadr's support that won the contest for Maliki over al-Mahdi, but the Sadr-Maliki relationship has recently shown signs of strain.

This it the kind of "grand bargain" or "national unity government" that the U.S. tried to impose last year following Iraq's elections, and despite significant hype, that obviously failed miserably. With the motivation of countering an increasing malignant political and military power, there may now be more motivation to have cross-sectarian agreements. Based on the fact that the U.S. seems to be pushing it, this may be for domestic consumption as much as actual Iraqi effect, but I'm very curious to see if it continues to develop.

None of which addresses the fact, of course, that every several months the U.S. finds a new person to blame for the situation in Iraq. It was Jaafari, then it was Sadr, then Maliki . . . at one point is was -- wait for it -- those dastardly Iranian-trained SCIRI crazies who want to implement total de-Ba'athification and carve out a Shia state in the south. Now they're the good Shia. And round and round it goes. Read More......

Contradicting Bush, Rumsfeld Claims He Was Replaced Because Of The Outcome Of The Election

These people are genetically unable to tell the truth. From ThinkProgress. Read More......

Wal-Mart selling religious-right kid's video game in which kids kill Muslims and Jews

UPDATE: There was a typo in the name and email address of the Wal-Mart spokesman below. Please contact them again with the new information below that's now been corrected. Sorry about that.

This is a violent video game being sold by Wal-Mart, and made by the leaders of the religious right (the game producer's wife is the founder of the extremist religious right group Concerned Women for America).

Wal-Mart's rep says she hasn't heard any complaints:
Tara Raddohl

More from the SF Chronicle:
Liberal and progressive Christian groups say a new computer game in which players must either convert or kill non-Christians is the wrong gift to give this holiday season and that Wal-Mart, a major video game retailer, should yank it off its shelves.

The Campaign to Defend the Constitution and the Christian Alliance for Progress, two online political groups, plan to demand today that Wal-Mart dump Left Behind: Eternal Forces, a PC game inspired by a series of Christian novels that are hugely popular, especially with teens.

The series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins is based on their interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and takes place after the Rapture, when Jesus has taken his people to heaven and left nonbelievers behind to face the Antichrist....

"It's an incredibly violent video game," said Stevens. "Sure, there is no blood. (The dead just fade off the screen.) But you are mowing down your enemy with a gun. It pushes a message of religious intolerance. You can either play for the 'good side' by trying to convert nonbelievers to your side or join the Antichrist."

The Rev. Tim Simpson, a Jacksonville, Fla., Presbyterian minister and president of the Christian Alliance for Progress, added: "So, under the Christmas tree this year for little Johnny is this allegedly Christian video game teaching Johnny to hate and kill?"
Join the anti-Christ? These are people who get upset when rock music lyrics say "Dear God, I don't believe in you," yet they're selling our children games in which they can choose to kill Muslims and Jews, and "join the anti-Christ." Imagine if you or I tried to sell a "join the anti-Christ" game at Wal-Mart?

Not to mention, how is mowing down non-believers in the name of Christ very different from what Timothy McVeigh did in Oklahoma City? Seriously. Would Wal-Mart sell that game too? Murder US government employees for Christ?

Then again, I suspect the Washington Post would say that mowing down Muslims and Jews isn't that malign, so long as we get a bump in the GDP. Read More......

Washington Post editorial: What's a few thousand people murdered for their political beliefs in exchange for some economic growth?

This is a disgusting editorial in today's Washington Post praising Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Per the Post, Chile has seen great economic growth since Pinochet left the scene, so that makes him not so bad. Forget the fact that Pinochet killed thousands of his own people and threw their bodies into the sea simply because of their political beliefs. I mean, who hasn't? From CNN:
According to an official report by the civilian government that succeeded Pinochet in 1990, at least 3,200 people were killed for political reasons and another 1,197 disappeared.
Chile had ten million citizens at the time that Pinochet was busy killing them. The US has 300 million citizens, that's 30 times the population of Chile at the time. To appreciate how many political prisoners Pinochet had put to death, an equivalent number in American terms would be nearly 100,000 Americans put to death for their political beliefs, and another 36,000 Americans mysteriously disappeared by the government. Is that a price you're willing to pay for economic growth?

Apparently, 136,000 people killed for their political beliefs is a price the Washington Post finds acceptable for a couple percentage point bump in the GDP. The Post's closing paragraph:
The contrast between Cuba and Chile more than 30 years after Mr. Pinochet's coup is a reminder of a famous essay written by Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, the provocative and energetic scholar and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who died Thursday. In "Dictatorships and Double Standards," a work that caught the eye of President Ronald Reagan, Ms. Kirkpatrick argued that right-wing dictators such as Mr. Pinochet were ultimately less malign than communist rulers, in part because their regimes were more likely to pave the way for liberal democracies. She, too, was vilified by the left. Yet by now it should be obvious: She was right.
Less malign. Killing the equivalent of nearly 140,000 Americans for political reasons is "less malign" so long as there's an economic trade-off.

That's disgusting.

And it's yet again a clear sign as to why the Washington Post has been so supportive of George Bush's abuses over the past several years. Donald Graham is not his mother's son. I'm beginning to wonder if he's even an American.

Hat tip, Editor & Publisher. Read More......

Top conservative news site says soy products make you gay

This isn't just some goofy fringe news site. It's WorldNetDaily (which we affectionately refer to as WingNutDaily), a site that all the right-wing pundits use as a source for their daily vitriol. Here's an excerpt:
There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our children and threatening to tear apart our culture....

The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean products are feminizing, and they're all over the place....

Unfortunately, when you eat or drink a lot of soy stuff, you're also getting substantial quantities of estrogens.

Estrogens are female hormones. If you're a woman, you're flooding your system with a substance it can't handle in surplus. If you're a man, you're suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your "female side," physically and mentally....

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products.
Okay, someone needs to Google the goof who wrote this. I suspect it could be fun.
James Rutz is chairman of Megashift Ministries and founder-chairman of Open Church Ministries. He is the author of "MEGASHIFT: Igniting Spiritual Power," and, most recently, "The Meaning of Life."
Read More......

Dems to remove earmarks from left-over spending bills

In other words, all the Republican pork is going bye-bye. Read More......

Public opposition to Bush's war is growing

The latest Washington Post-ABC News poll shows enormous opposition to the Bush Iraq policy:
Negative assessments of the war in Iraq -- the central issue in last month's midterm election -- continue to hold down President Bush's job approval ratings and could cast an pall on the final two years of his presidency.

In a new Post-ABC News poll, seven in 10 Americans disapprove of the way the President is handling the situation in Iraq -- the highest percentage since the March 2003 invasion. Six in 10 say the war was not worth fighting.
This, of course, explains why the White House is doing the public relations blitz to make it look like the President is engaged. The "listening tour" is part of the plan to be followed by the big nationally televised next week. But the listening tour scam is making Bush look inept. AMERICAblog commenter Charles 2 had a good point "shouldn't he have done a listening tour before invading?" Bush should have at least been asking some questions along the way.

We've been down this path of campaign-like photo ops and spin with the White House many times. Through it all, Iraq has only gotten worse. The American people are way, way ahead of their President when it comes to his war of choice. They want a solution, not a public relations campaign. Read More......

Tuesday Morning Open Thread

Wondering if our President learned anything from his "listening tour." The White House really thinks the American people are a bunch of dopes. The Bush teams thinks he's looking Presidential by trying to learn about Iraq. He looks like the buffoon that he is. Bush is the President and he never thought to get advice on Iraq before now. But, guess what? He's going to make a BIG speech next week. That will solve everything.

On a lighter note, if you have a minute, watch this. Obama has a sense of humor. Read More......

Enron's Skilling to get a free pass, for time being

I suppose guilt in a record setting financial ruin isn't such a big deal after all.
A U.S. appeals court will allow ex-Enron Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling to stay out of prison while it considers granting him bail, according to a report published on the Wall Street JournalÂ?s Web site Monday.
This ought to be a fast process. Too bad everyone who lost out due to this guy won't have such cushy possibilities. Read More......

57 dead, 150+ wounded in Baghdad

Two bombs exploded this morning among a group of day laborers looking for work. Read More......