Over the years we have seen racism show it’s ugly face across our Nation, this year is no different, but here is Kansas we have a candidate for Congress who has no trouble showing his racism.  Mike Pompeo is a candidate in the Kansas 4th Congressional district running against Raj Goyle.  Honestly this is probably the most exciting race in Kansas, we have an awesome Democratic candidate, who’s been a proven hard worker in Topeka and is truly an awesome candidate, and the Republicans know this.  Raj is a campaign force and in order to combat that Mike Pompeo and his Republican buddies have resorted to racism and bigotry repeated through this race, and again Pompeo has taken it a step further.

A billboard urging people to “Vote American” and support Kansas Republican congressional candidate Mike Pompeo has showed up. Here are the pictures of it.

It was bad enough when Pompeo sent out a link on his campaign twitter account about what he saw as “an interesting read” where one of Pompeo’s supporters called Raj Goyle a “turban topper”, then it went a step further when the Republican party kept darkening photos of Raj on their attack mailers, and now this.

This is ridiculous, it’s shameful and it sure as hell isn’t part of having Kansas values. Kansas we can do better than racism and fear mongering.  We aren’t a racist and bigoted state and we shouldn’t award these actions by Pompeo and the KSGOP tomorrow.

Kansas values are about coming together to help each other, they are about supporting you, your family, neighbors and community. Kansas values are not about tearing down another race and using fear tactics because someone has a different color skin.  Pompeo has lost touch with Kansas values, he has been nothing but a racist fear mongering joke of a candidate during the entire campaign.

I know it’ll be a good year for Republicans tomorrow, but the very least we can do is truly stand up for our Kansas values and stand up against racism, bigotry and hate.

Governor cites McKinney’s long time commitment to fiscal responsibility

Topeka – Governor Mark Parkinson today announced his strong support for Dennis McKinney in his bid for State Treasurer.

“Dennis has demonstrated a remarkable ability to work across party lines and a strong commitment to fiscal responsibility. From serving in the Kansas Legislature, to helping lead the rebuilding of Greensburg, to becoming State Treasurer, I have witnessed Dennis’ leadership first-hand and no one could be better suited for the job,” said Parkinson.

“As governor, I have used my business experience to make difficult choices with our budget by cutting a billion dollars out of state government. Understanding the challenges we face, Dennis set an example by cutting his own salary as his first act as State Treasurer. He then showed the necessary leadership by cutting spending in the Treasurer’s office and returning the money back to Kansas taxpayers, all the while increasing the level of services the office provides to Kansans.

“Meanwhile, Dennis recognizes that a State Treasurer cannot serve in a Democratic or Republican way, but must serve the Kansas way. It has been my focus as governor to find moderate, common-sense solutions that move Kansas forward. Dennis has a record of bringing together people from both parties, and I know he will continue to do so as our State Treasurer.”

McKinney took office as Kansas State Treasurer in January 2009.  Under McKinney’s leadership, the State Treasurer’s Office has reduced expenses while setting records in returning unclaimed property to rightful owners, increasing participation in the state higher education savings plan and reforming its housing loan program to create jobs around the state. Responding to the state’s budget crisis McKinney cut his own salary by 4% while the Treasurers team managed operations to not only absorb budget cuts but return over $65,000 to the State in fiscal year 2010.

“While other states are falling behind, Governor Parkinson showed extraordinary leadership by bringing together Republicans and Democrats to balance the state budget  and further Kansas’ economic recovery,” said McKinney. “I am very honored to receive the support of a leader who has demonstrated that in order to move Kansas forward, we must work together, and I hope to continue to instill the same values as Kansas’ State Treasurer.”

Phil Hermanson-bought and paid for.

Cronyism at its best, Illegal at its worst

During his time as an elected official, Kansas Representative Phil Hermanson has shown constituents that his ethics are questionable at best. In November 2009, Hermanson caused a wreck that sent two Wichita-area women to the hospital.  Witnesses told police he was speeding through a construction zone when he rammed the women’s car. Hermanson refused a blood-alcohol test, was arrested and convicted of driving under the influence.

But that’s not all. Phil Hermanson received a personal financial bailout from one of his biggest political supporters, and hid it from the voters.

Without the personal financial bailout from the Real Estate industry, of which Hermanson works and receives the bulk of his campaign contributions, the Kansas Representative would have lost his personal home after he failed to make mortgage payments. Hermanson voted against open records regulations that would have exposed the names of his contributors and used his elected position to have the State of Kansas honor and commend the business that purchased his house—a blatant abuse of power.

Representative Phil Hermanson—bought and paid for by big business.

The facts:

September 14, 2009: During Phil Hermanson’s first year in office, he received a notice of foreclosure from Wells Fargo on his house/campaign office. See foreclosure document.

Two months later, the State of Kansas filed a tax lien against Hermanson for failing to pay his taxes. See warrant document.

March 12, 2010: Hermanson transferred ownership of his house to Sedco Investments, owned by Dwayne West, for one dollar and “other valuable consideration”. Dwayne West also owns Keller Williams Realtors—Hermanson’s employer. Despite no longer owning the home, Hermanson still lives and runs his campaign office from the house, something that would not have happened if his house was auctioned. See transfer of deed, document on Sedco Investments ownership, Wichita Biz Journal article on Dwayne West owning Keller Williams.

During the past two years, Hermanson received $2,000 from the Kansas and the Wichita Realtors Political Action Committees.

2008 Primary Election Finance Report-State of Kansas
2008 General Election Finance Report-State of Kansas
2009/2010 General Election Finance Report-Followthemoney.org

Phil Hermanson voted against an ethics bill requiring outside interest groups to disclose their campaign contributions.

February 19, 2009 House Journal, page 196, highlighted section

May 2010: Hermanson thanked Dwayne West and Keller Williams Real Estate by issuing an official certificate of congratulations and honor from the Kansas House of Representatives—a certificate given to display in the Keller Williams’ office to win prospective clients. See copy of certificate.

This is cronyism at its best and illegal at its worst. Phil Hermanson has been bought and paid for by the Realty Industry. That is the real reason that the Kansas Realtors PAC is “proud to support Representative Phil Hermanson”.

The real reason the Realtors PAC supports Hermanson

Kansas Republican Congressional candidate, and overall spineless politician, Kevin Yoder runs from the press when confronted by KMBC TV 9 reporter Micheal Mahoney over Yoder’s involvement in a speeding/field sobriety investigation.

Further developments came to light last night in the case of Kevin Yoder’s guilty plea to refusing a breathalyzer test. At 2:31am on February 8th, 2009, Yoder was driving his Lexus on K-10 outside Lawrence and was pulled over for speeding. During the stop, he refused to take a breathalyzer test after being asked by a State Trooper to do so.
Kevin Yoder has run a campaign claiming that he takes issues head on but over the years in Topeka we have seen Yoder play political hop scotch doing whatever it takes to further his political career, and now when confronted directly about an issue we see him run from the real media and into the arms of push over conservative talk show  hostess, Darla Jaye, who threw him a bunch of soft balls and gave him a nice little pat on the back.

Kevin Yoder isn’t real leadership, he’s a spineless politician who will do anything to advance his career, even if it means obstructing justice.

Kevin Yoder refused to talk about the issues with KMBC9 News, while also refusing to appear on camera to explain what happened to KSHB41 News. Yoder, however, did appear on conservative talk radio, speaking on the Darla Jaye Show.  Kevin Yoder said, “I want to be as forthright and open on this issue as we can. . . People have a right to ask questions. . . Folks have a right to know.”

Campaign Manager, Matt Sinovic said, “We agree with Kevin Yoder that people have a right to know. We have gotten four different stories from the Yoder campaign on what happened that night and Kevin Yoder himself refuses to talk with press about the incident. If Kevin Yoder has nothing to hide, he needs to come clean to the voters of the 3rd District. According to the Douglas County District Attorney, Kevin Yoder obstructed an investigation last year. Today, he is obstructing the facts about what happened during the 2009 breathalyzer incident.”

Sinovic added, “Career politician Kevin Yoder has a history of making false and misleading statements. He arrogantly believes he does not have to answer questions on this incident, and steadfastly refuses to apologize to the voters for his irresponsible actions.”

Kansans should stand up about Yoder and his bad politics and support his Democratic opponent Stephene Moore.

It’s no secret that Republican Congressional candidate Mike Pompeo is fine with trying to induce a ridiculous and unwarranted fear into voters about Democratic Congressional candidate Raj Goyle because of his race (read more about that here.)

Pompeo didn’t learn his lesson form the first time when this blew up in his face and the KSGOP have been lock step with him in supporting the bigoted attacks.

Here is a picture of Raj. Not the greatest picture in the world, which I get, everyone uses bad pictures of their opponents in hit pieces. That is totally fine.

But look what the KSGOP has been sending out.

That one isn’t too bad, though it doesn’t make sense why they would send out a black and white pic of Raj while Pompeo and the rest of the mailer were in color. Let’s look at another one.

Ok this one is out of hand. On a full color mailer why would you make the picture so dark that you can barely see the man? To make him seem evil? Or to portray that “Raj isn’t one of you” and perpetuate the bigoted attacks and mindset that we have seen from Pompeo and the KSGOP?

You can decide, I know I’d be interested to hear the justification of this from Pompeo or the KSGOP. If either of them are up for it I’m ready to listen.

Vote EarlyWith all the political columnists and TV personalities talking about our country turning red this November, a light of hope is beginning to shine through for Democratic voters. Michael McDonald, associate professor at George Mason University, wrote about two counties in Ohio in an October 15 article on the Huffington Post.

But something special is going on in two Ohio Democratic strongholds: Cuyahoga and Franklin counties … over 112,000 votes have already been caadvst in these two Ohio counties. As a comparison, this represents over ten percent of all ballots cast in the 2006 election in these counties, with still some time to go.

He goes on to discuss Iowa:

Someone forgot to tell Democratic voters about the enthusiasm gap. 42% of the 119,430 early voters in Iowa are registered Democrats compared with 29% registered as Republican. A county-by-county analysis shows registered Democrats in Iowa returning their mail ballots at a higher rate than Republicans.

I believe this trend will hold true for not just Ohio and Iowa, but also Kansas. All the candidates I’ve spoke with this election cycle seem to understand the importance of the Advance Ballot. Kansas House Candidate Brandon Whipple has been encouraging his supporters to sign up to vote early. “Being able to cast your vote early by mail increases voter turnout,” said Whipple. “It takes only a couple minutes and, unlike the polls, you don’t have to worry about long lines or bad weather.”

Kansans can sign up to receive an advance ballot through the Kansas Secretary of State’s website from now until Friday, October 29. All Ballots must be received by the election office no later than 7:00 p.m. on November 2. Candidate Brandon Whipple suggests that voters mail their ballot no later than Friday, October 29, so that their votes will be counted.

And don’t forget to follow the instructions and sign the back of your sealed envelope when mailing back your ballot.


All Ballots must be received by the election office by 7:00 p.m. on November 2.  Whipple urges votes to mail their ballot no later than Friday, October 29 so that your vote will be counted.

Today the Young Democrats of America launched the “pledge to vote” campaign.  The email blast is pasted below.  I encourage everyone to take part in moving our Country and State forward this election cycle and stand up against the failed politics of the Republican party.

Two weeks from today, America will make a choice.  We can either return to the failed Republican policies that left us on the brink of economic collapse, or we can support Democrats who are working to take America forward.

Today YDA is launching a nationwide “pledge to vote” campaign to remind millions of young Americans to vote for Democrats on November 2.

Visit our online vote pledge form and add your name today.  (http://www.yda.org/votepledge)

If you are a state or local chapter leader, you can also download and customize vote pledge cards with your own logo and website address.  These cards can be used during door-to-door canvassing, high school or college campus outreach, or any place where young people spend time.

Democrats in Congress are working to improve the lives of young Americans.  In less than two years, they have delivered one of the largest investments in student aid, expanded health care options specifically for those under 26 years old, guaranteed equal pay for equal work for women, and ended unfair practices by credit card companies.

Once again, the future of our country rests in our hands.   In 2008 young people made the difference in hundreds of closely contested races.  In 2010 we will prove that we’re not going away.

Pledge to vote on November 2.


Rod Snyder
Young Democrats of America

The following is a letter to the editor submitted to us.

Dear Editor,

I have been a life long member of the 66th House district, and for the past 8 years I have been lucky to have a strong, caring and community based State Representative standing up for me and the entire community.  Sydney Carlin cares about this community, she isn’t just someone out trying to make a name for themselves in hopes of using the office as a stepping stone to higher political aspirations.  Sydney is the type of strong and dedicated leadership we need standing up for not only the concerns of this community but the concerns of Kansans Statewide.

Yesterday I saw a commercial of hers where she talks about what really matters. Jobs, K State and Ft. Riley.  Sydney knows how important it is to invest in our communities future and how important job creation is, especially in this economy.  Her opponent would like you to believe that differently, but there is one candidate in this race who actually has experience and actually cares about our community and isn’t only using the office as a stepping stone into their political career, and that candidate is Sydney Carlin.

I hope you will share my words and I hope everyone will stand with me the Manhattan and K State community and Sydney Carlin on Nov 2nd.  Kansas needs real, strong, proven leaders and not just empty shirts trying to make names for themselves.

- A Concerned Kansan.

Commercial mentioned in the letter is below:

Republican State Treasurer candidate and current Sedgwick County Treasurer, Ron Estes, wants to bring his lackluster and negligent style of leadership to the State level.  Recently KSN news did a story about Vehicle tag applications found littering the streets surrounding the Sedgwick County tag office.

The Kansas Vehicle Registration applications were complete with license plate and VIN numbers, insurance cards, signatures, driver’s license numbers, names and addresses and even copies of checks.

One of the almost 100 applications KSN found on the ground belonged to David and Theresa Morris.

“I don’t even know what to say,” said Theresa Morris. “So, anybody can have my information; know all about where I live, my vehicles?”

That’s right, hundreds of applications containing Kansans’ personal information were carelessly kept, stored and obviously lost under Ron Estes’ watch.  Ron Estes’ office called this abuse of trust and negligent governing style no big deal.

The chief deputy treasurer says the contractor hired to clean the office put the documents into the recycle bin, but didn’t lock it like they were supposed to. In fact, the applications have been thrown into recycling bins for years.

But, the Treasurer’s Office maintains no personal information was compromised.

“These are an open record if you make the proper request,” said Linda Kizzire, chief deputy with the Sedgwick County Treasurer’s Office.

Wait a minute Linda, you are telling me that this info is all open record?  So those copies of checks are open record? As in anyone can go in and get a copy of someone’s check?  WRONG! This personal information is not open record and to say such a thing is a blatant lie, Linda & Ron should know better.

When Ron Estes was elected to be Sedgwick Country Treasurer he took on the expectation to work for Kansans and protect their personal information that his office is responsible for.  This is not only a complete and total failure of that trust and responsibility that Kansans bestowed upon him when he took that office, it is complete and absolute negligence on the part of him and his office.

Ron Estes can’t even protect the privacy of those Kansans’ he already service, and now he wants to underserve everyone in the state. I for one know I never want Ron Estes in charge of any of my personal information and you shouldn’t either.

Kansas needs strong, proven, common sense leaders and Ron has only managed to prove that he is none of those things.

Yesterday, after Raj Goyle unveiled Mike Pompeo’s history of serial outsourcing, Mike Pompeo’s campaign released a press release that did not address the central fact: he has created jobs in China.

Once again, Pompeo tried and failed to change the conversation. He continues to attempt to hide his outsourcing. Pompeo refuses to answer exactly how many workers are employed in Mexico and China. These jobs should be in Kansas. The facts are that Mike Pompeo fundamentally believes that it is not his job to create jobs in this district. He has repeatedly stated this fact, and his business practices clearly show a pattern of outsourcing. Representative Goyle never accused Mike Pompeo of taking Hesston jobs overseas.

“The fact is, Mike Pompeo’s business record is Chinese-checkered – no matter how Pompeo tries to spin it,” said Goyle campaign manager Kiel Brunner.

New ad below: