Tom (clickboo) wrote,

We are equal, at least in DC

Hey LJ, happy 2010! Long time no talk. Glad you're still here. I've been meaning to talk to you for a while, I still have things I want to say, and I don't want it scrolling off of some Facebook status wall somewhere.

So I guess I'll stick around and continue my babbling on for a bit longer. Maybe I'll take the journal and move it to a "real" blog, or maybe I'll just stay here.

A friend of mine caused me to remember to fix my photo links from previous entries. LiveJournal doesn't make it easy but I've fixed the last few years and I'll go back and fix the rest soon. I can't let all of my snarky photos go to waste... I might even post some on Facebook (or the "Face Box" as I and others like to call it).

Today is the first day that same sex couples can obtain marriage licenses in my home city of Washington, DC. They will have to wait 3 days to get officially married. I finally live in a jurisdiction that believes that I have the same rights as any straight couple. Those of you that have read my entries before know that I feel strongly about this.

And is it ironic that you can get married in the Nation's Capital but not have recognition of the United States?

I'm not married yet, but I hope to someday.

Congrats to those couples getting married next week and taking advantage of that right!

  • Greetings from 2021

    HEY! Thought I'd come over here and practice some sentence writing. It's been so long! I'll need a few more posts to remember proper…

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    Greetings from Oregon!

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    PCH near Cambria

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