Democratic Talk Radio
Democratic Talk Radio
Democratic Talk Radio

DEMOCRATIC TALK RADIO was launched to spread the message that the nation's traditions demand true democratic government and to promote Democracy everywhere. It was founded in Fayetteville, Tennessee on that night in December 2000 when the U.S. Supreme Court halted the Florida 2000 Presidential Election Recount and imposed the rule of George W. Bush on the American nation. Free elections and honest vote counts are a must in a real, functioning Democracy!

Our show advocates for American workers and consumers. Democratic Talk Radio defends your constitutional rights and real American traditions. It protects the little guy from the many abuses of huge international corporations. Democratic Talk Radio believes in the Bill of Rights and real economic opportunity. It cares about the poor and middle class Americans.

Visit our Radio Program Archives page to listen to some of the militantly democratic commentary of Democratic Talk Radio. The program is hosted by Stephen Crockett, John Morgan and Dana Garrett. Democratic Talk Radio is broadcast from WGPA SUNNY 1100 AM radio (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) on Thursdays from 8:05am to 9am Eastern. Feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions. The off-air phone number is (443) 907-2367. You can send us mail or e-mail (see our contact page)

Political Talk Radio We invite you to post your democratic commentary on our new blog. Please tune in and visit this site often so that you can get the latest information on our struggles on behalf of responsible and responsive government. We need letter writers, activists and grassroots organizers to keep America free. Read our message board and latest political news feeds to keep informed of the most recent political developments.

Democrats can help the cause by lobbying local radio stations to carry our program. Stephen Crockett writes an opinion column called Democratic Voices which can be read on the Articles and Columns page of this site. Drop us an e-mail with your comments. Advertising and sponsorship information is available by calling Stephen Crockett
at 443-907-2367.

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Mail: P.O. Box 283, Earleville, Maryland 21919. Phone: 443-907-2367
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