An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy operates since the 17th century. Elections may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations.
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Related Tags:
- Wow! Mitt Romney actually believes he should pay NO taxes and he is setting up the underlying structure for that to eventually happen. In tonights debate he announced with glee that he had a GREAT ...123 comments 378 Recs
- The most telling moment of the debate. (NY TIMES is calling it Romney's Rose Garden Moment) where one saw clearly what a real dick Rrongney really is was when Benghazi came up. Barack had just ...241 comments 343 Recs
- This comment gave me one of the strongest reactions I've had in years. I nails so much of the struggles of the past 32 years and how frustrated it's been for many of us who are good citizens who do ...93 comments 268 Recs
- During Tuesday night's town hall debate, there were many moments in which President Obama carved away at Governor Romney's falsely-constructed facade. However, a singular moment nakedly revealed ...166 comments 295 Recs
- Well, isn't this rich? Romney's awkward "binder full of women" was a lie. David Bernstein at The Phoenix has the real story, which he says he has written about several times. The Phoenix version of ...61 comments 178 Recs
- Mitt Romney sure knows how to woo the ladies, doesn't he? In Tuesday night's debate—a full six months after his campaign [evaded the simple question comments 143 Recs
- Just like with last week's vice presidential debate, we don't need polls to let us know who won tonight. President Obama won from the very first question tonight. From the get go, Mitt Romney ...246 comments 291 Recs
- I'll be bad, just a short diary, but haven't seen this one yet. First, he talks about encouraging immigration of people with college diplomas, advanced degrees "attach a green card to their diploma".91 comments 172 Recs
- I posted this on FB this morning, and has received some truly heartwarming responses and requests by family and friends to post it elsewhere. Thought I would post it here with the good people of ...108 comments 537 Recs
- RT @ ryanhatesthis : Josh Romney at tonight's debate — BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) October 17, ...120 comments 128 Recs
-,0,7610229.story A newly energetic and aggressive President Obama went directly after his Republican challenger from the ...46 comments 121 Recs
- Cue the conservative wailing. CNN's Carol Costello kicked American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer off the air today after he spewed lies about homosexuality during an interview. After ...121 comments 372 Recs
Recent Diaries
- It's not so much that Obama won, how he doesn't cream Romney is a mystery to me. It took me 2 years to write “Is America Stupid?: Legitimate Rape, an Illegitimate President and the Politics of ...3 comments 0 Recs
- My wife asked me to write a quick diary about what she thinks was the best moment of the debate tonight. I want to say for the record that my wife is a smart, compassionate, beautiful woman who has ...4 comments 3 Recs
- There's lots of debate coverage - but I'll throw in my bit too. The phrase that struck me was "I know how to do that" - with absolutely nothing to back it up. Not on taxes, not on immigration, not ...4 comments 3 Recs
- Mitt Romney had a lot of bad moments in last night's debate. One of the worst moments came when he naively blabbed about what he believes to be the cause of our nation's crime problem. In doing so, ...2 comments 2 Recs
- Longer title: Obama Disregarded the Environment and Climate Change While generally pleased with President Obama’s defense of his policies and decimation of Romney’s inane positions on any ...8 comments 0 Recs
- After reading about the context behind Mitt's binders full of women, the question struck me, has there ever been a campaign more full of shit than Mitt Romney's? What's amazing aren't so much the ...1 comments 2 Recs
- Do you ever wonder about this Republican Meme from recent debates (last night included)? ROMNEY: When the president took office, the price of gasoline here in Nassau County was about a buck eighty-...5 comments 5 Recs
- From the [ Phoenix Sun]: What actually happened was that in 2002 -- prior to the election, not even knowing ...4 comments 4 Recs
- Down, I say! I am down with Obama! Done with Romney. Let's give him something other than a JUST SAY NO Senate and House. Donate Donate Donate My picks: Richard Carmona AZ-Sen https://secure....7 comments 5 Recs
- Oh the fun we can have with this!!!5 comments 8 Recs
- A lot of people are having fun making jokes about Romney's odd "binders full of women" phrase, but I think we may be missing a larger story here that could be devastating for Romney. My sister, who ...23 comments 42 Recs
- I hope the comment below (posted originally in my Botanist on Alp blog) is not seen as overly provocative on this good night - there is no question about it: Obama must win. He is obviously a good, ...6 comments 3 Recs
- We got an interesting question for ourselves in Eastern Washington. Will conservative Spokane Valley voters cast their ballot for the re-election of wife abusing, gun pulling Republican State ...4 comments 4 Recs
- Sooooo. . .you have a strategic plan for America's energy independence, do you Gov. Romney??? well, hello then, why the hell do you want a pipeline for oil from CANADA that has enough tar sand oil ...5 comments 1 Recs
- Apparently, according to Mr. Romney, someone raised by a single mom/dad grows up to play with AK47s- Governor, guess what? The person who kicked your ass in the debate tonight was raised by a ...5 comments 9 Recs
- And it wasn't the balloon. Welcome to earth Mitt, ain't gravity a bitch. Before the debate started tonight I tweeted something to the effect that I thought the wide shot of the town hall format ...6 comments 7 Recs
- On a triumphant evening such as this, in the glow of two debate victories in a row, this seems like a good moment to pause and express the deepest appreciation for the MSNBC journalists and their ...10 comments 6 Recs
- @crowleyCNN said she wasn't going to sit there like a potted plant. True. She sat there like an Obama plant. - @jtLOL Candy Crowley now admits Romney was right on Libya issue: - @...45 comments 30 Recs
- Tonight on Twitter... Mitt Romney still won’t say whether he’d stand up for equal pay, but he did tell us he has “binders full of women.” OFA.BO/LMVWmZ — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) ...9 comments 20 Recs
- I have a friend who does sound bits for Stephanie Miller.. Mike Hardeman, aka. Mike from Raleigh, current knows as "Rocky Mountain Mike. this is his take on the debate, with apologies to the Doors. ...5 comments 6 Recs