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Jul 16, 2006
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Channel Comments (5)
frednoname1 (1 year ago)
I didn't respond because I was working, my fascist view? I guess I am racist as well. LOL
xxxRightThePowerxxx (1 year ago)
Sarah Palin has been succesfully vilified by the dishonest, biased media like no other politician has in decades. Considering this, you have to ask yourself why? The answer is that she represents the one real hope of the Republican party, and the far left knows this and fears what she is capable of achieving. Washington is broken, on both sides of the isle. The entire political process is corrupt, as evidenced by the Obama campaign. Self preservation and greed are the order of the day and youre fooling yourself if you think otherwise. As the first woman president in the history of our nation in 2012, Sarah Palin will not accept the status quo. She will bring honesty, integrity and common sense back to the table, and for the first time since 1980, well have a person running this country that honestly cares about the Americam people and the values that made this country great once. Palin for President! 2012
ChaoticSouls (1 year ago)
Your right about gop sucking but they are starting to change for the better by adopting more libertarian ideas.
renijohn012270 (1 year ago)
Some really kick ass comments bro! Keep doing what you do! LMFAO!!
wildpeachatl737 (1 year ago)
I saw your comments on the Obama birth certifcate thread and all I can say is that you are the "Best Person In The World" for today - or at least in my world! If you lived in Atlanta, I'd buy you a drink - you deserve it, sir, well done!
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