The "time" focused on in that post was the year 2030 when "the perfect storm" would converge such that the whole danger would be greater than the sum of its parts.
In this current post lets update ourselves using The Living Planet Report from the WWF.
Here are some interesting findings contained in the report:
1.5 years are needed to generate the renewable resources used in 2007 (use was more than the Earth produced, i.e. decline)(Living Planet Report, PDF, 24 megabites). For the rest of this post lets focus on the statement "2 earth's will be needed by the year 2030" (to accommodate the needs of civilization).
71 countries are experiencing blue water resource stress
2 earth's will be needed by the year 2030
5 major threats to civilization (habitat loss, exploitation, pollution, climate change, invasive species)
This statement is in agreement with The Tenets of Ecocosmology, although for different reasons.
Tenet One is based on the demise of the Sun which requires us to find a new home world, but the Living Planet Report is based on the demise of the Earth caused by violations of Tenet 3(a).
The shadow of time is approaching fast upon current world civilization, and there is no time at all to waste, seeing as how it may already be too late.
An official of the IPCC made a statement that is interesting, in light of the climate change deniers who demand scientific exactness before they will become believers:
"After all, most people spend their lives making decisions under uncertainty, and that's what dealing effectively with climate change demands - the same kind of decisions you make when you decide to buckle your seatbelt, or buy insurance for your house or invest in the financial markets."
BBC News
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